A Southern Grace: goodbye, ruby tuesday

May 1, 2009

goodbye, ruby tuesday


Would you willingly pay $9 for this?

Seriously. The picture does it too much justice.

I wouldn't.

I understand that there are some complexities involved in preparing and serving food that's meant to be eaten in a sit-down restaurant to-go (or TueGo, as the case may be), but come on. My lettuce was wilted, my bun was squashed, and my fries were nasty.

If this burger hadn't been a free birthday burger, I would've been really, really angry. I guess I was only kind of angry, and I took it all out on the burger, eating it in record time.

Yeah, it turned out to be pretty tasty. I guess I won't quit on ol' Ruby after all.

In other take-out news, I recently had what can only be described as the best chicken gyro to ever pass between my lips.

Seriously. The picture doesn't come close to doing it justice.

What makes this epiphany even more exciting is the fact that it came from a restaurant about half the size of my apartment. Yep, the place is a legitimate hole-in-the-wall eatery but boy, the lady in the kitchen makes a mean gyro. So if you're ever passing through the teensy-tiny town of Willis, VA, take a pit stop at Dino's!

NEWSFLASH: It's Friday. Happy Friday. Happy May.

Bring on the May flowers.


Robin said...

That chicken gyro looks way better than the smash burger. Was that your birthday burger? Is it your birthday? Happy birthday, happy Friday, Happy May Day!

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella said...

Oooh you got a free burger on your birthday? That's pretty good but yes when they're free you can't really get that angry :lol:

Albany Jane said...

Yay for free, but how have they not engineered a way to make the lettuce not wilt? Slimy lettuce is just wrong.

Happy b-day. I do love free stuff on birthdays, tho!

llcwine said...

happy birthday...care to share where you got the lovely gyro from?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the only good thing about Ruby Tuesday is the song? LOL ;)

kat said...

Its hard to find someplace that knows how to package a togo meal so that its still good when you get home

Jeff said...

Happy birthday. I have never really been a huge fan of most large scale chain restaurants. I find the food to just be bland. However, I am not one to turn down a free meal.

Now that chicken gyro I would be parked in front of that place all day long. Heck the mere mention of a gyro caused me to change my plans over to the local gyro shack. Sounds similar to yours but man the food is amazing.

Abby said...

Was it supposed to be smashed? If so they did a great job of it. Ha.

Sometimes we go to Ruby's for the salad bar, but they've taken the fruit off it around here so it's not as enjoyable anymore.

I'm with you - I like the privately owned restaurants the best!

lisaiscooking said...

Sad burger! But, awesome looking gyro. I'm pretty excited about a new burger joint that just opened near my neighborhood. Quick, easy, fresh stuff, and great shakes.

eatme_delicious said...

Happy birthday!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy birthday! I'm totally craving chicken gyros now...

OhioMom said...

Happy Friday Grace .. :)

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Your chicken gyro looks waaaaaaaay better.

Happy Friday, May, & Spring!

Veronica said...

Happy Birthday!! Good thing that burger was free...I might have paid $9 for the gyro-that looks good!

Karen Brown Letarte said...

I fully, fully believe in voting with my feet and widely publicizing bad experiences with restaurants, retailers, and other types of service business. Geesh, half the time they act like THEY are doing you a favor. I have no qualms about being obnoxious. I work for a non-profit, and if I gave the same kind of customer service (be it rudeness or nasty fries) I too often receive, I would be FIRED instantly. I have been known to walk out of restaurants that deliver bad service, loudly proclaiming, "Well, I guess you don't need my business, and you certainly will never get it again." This is one point on which I am rabid. I'm sorry your birthday burger was nasty. I admire your restraint. (I personally would have pitched a major hissy.) :)K

Paula said...

Are birthday wishes in order?? Glad the burger tasted better than it looked. The chicken gyro sounds amazing. Sometimes it's the timy mom & pop type places that make the best food ever! YUM!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Happy Birthday!

That chicken gyro looks delicious.

Laura said...

On my list of chain bar and grills, Ruby Tuesday is dead last. I almost refuse to eat there. Their menu is too small and bleh. Your burger only confirms my feelings--but I am glad it wasn't too bad.

noble pig said...

Oh I'll take two gyros..man, yum...better than smahed up burg.

Claudia said...

Happy, happy birthday and on May Day - that must mean good fortune. If we are voting, yeah - I'd go with the chicken. Looked mighty good.

giz said...

I guess it means you should never look a gift burger until you put it in your mouth. The gyro - I would pay for that.

pam said...

Yeah, you can't argue too much about a free burger. But that gyro does look good.

Emily said...

What a disappointment! I would be upset. That's not the burger you deserve on your birthday! Hopefully you'll get a better burger next time.

Anonymous said...

yea that burger doesn't look so good... did you order it to go? if you didn't you should've just sent it back to the kitchen and had them make you another one! it was your birthday!

Donna-FFW said...

Happy Happy Birthday..gyro doesnt look too bad:)

Chef Fresco said...

Cuplianos aqui! I concur on the Ruby Floosdays fiasco! I'm fed up with these overpriced franchises serving up poorly prepared food for too much dinero! I made a pact about three years ago to stop dining at these type eateries. Enjoy your special day!!!:)

vanillasugarblog said...

I remember when ruby tuesday used to have a killer salad bar. No more. The best burgers are the burgers from my kitchen; even my neighbors love them or rather smell them and come over. LOL
As you may or may not know some scrapers have been stealing my stuff at my food blog. I heard that adding a "read on" link is a good idea? I see you do this, can you share how you do it? Thanks sweetie!

Juliana said...

Not bad for free...we don't have Ruby near where we live but remember going to one in Colorado...Happy Birthday...and many more...

Marilyn said...

That hamburger has me drooling...seriously.. I would so love it..gonna have to go out now and buy one. Have a lovely day..I love your blog. Marilyn

Gloria Baker said...

Happy Birthday dear Grace!!!xxGloria

Shelly said...

Dang I'd have been ticked to have gotten a mushed burger and gross fries. Good grief how do you mess up fries? At least they you didn't have to pay for them! I'll go for the gyro as well :)

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!!! That gyro looks delicious :D

Tabitha Blue said...

Well at least that Gyro looks amazing!!



Shari said...

Was the Gyro good enough to make up for the Burger? Or was the taste of the Burger good enough to make up for the lack of aesthetic appeal?? Anyway, I hope the birthday was a happy one!:)

Chef E said...

I just had myself a Gyro the other day, and it was the best Zatziki sauce I ever had too...love the bio pic of the squirrel and bango, love it! I would still have eaten the burger, since I have been craving one of late!

Christo Gonzales said...

looks like I showed up on a good day.....

Pam said...

I've only eaten there once and wasn't impressed. The burger looks terrible but at least the gyro looks good.

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

Happy Birthday! I've never eaten there and I guess I don't need to. Nasty fries would ruin it for me.

Sandie said...

Ever noticed in food commercials on TV, that the food NEVER looks that appetizing in real life? There ought to be a movement for truth in restaurant advertising. Your first photo is a perfect example, whether it tasted good or not...it should look good too.

Now that I've got that off my chest...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Julie said...

Glad it was free! Nine bucks is way too much for any burger and fries.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
and thanks. :)

Amanda @ Mrs.W's Kitchen said...

I'm reaching the point in my life where restaurant food is either wonderful or a let-down, and any eatery could have a hit-or-miss day. That burger would have sent me running for the hills!

The gyro looks fantastic, though.

kellypea said...

We are semi-officially reformed of any take out fast food about now when it comes in the shape of burgers. And I like me a nice smooshed burger once in a while, so this is sad. Take out news around here is mostly Mexican. Okay, so pizza. Chinese? Yah, like that. ; ) No smooshing. Wait. Is it your birthday?

Lori said...

That is one sad sandwich. I am glad that it tasted good though. I too would so rather have your gyro. Its funny when you make your own food and get somewhat good about it you become so much more pickier at restaurants.

Jaime said...

eww i don't even think i would have eaten that burger, free or not. hope you had a wonderful birthday though :)

Maria said...

Happy Birthday to you!! I am a picky eater, esp. when I go out. I hate chains!! I guess it is good I like to cook because we eat in almost all of the time!! Enjoy your special day!

Leslie said...

If its free, its for me!!!

Elyse said...

So, no points for Ruby Tuesday's presentation, BUT at least, it tasted okay. And that gyro looks amazing. I love gyros!! They're one of my favorites!

Maris said...

I'm not a big fan of Ruby Tuesday's but glad you liked your meal after all. When it's free it's hard to complain. But I bet you could make a much better one at home :)

Deborah said...

I actually just went to Ruby Tuesday's for the first time this past weekend!

Louise at Livin Local said...

I've never actually been to a Ruby Tuesday, and now can just go ahead and cross that off my list. But that gyro rocks!

La Bella Cooks said...

Free or not, I could never eat that burger. One look and I would no longer be hungry!

Jude said...

That gyro is looking pretty fine from here. The sandwich? Not so much. At least it tasted alright.