Chances are good that if I frequent your blog and you've made something with the words "spicy" or "chipotle" in the name, I've proclaimed my love for whatever you made. I lurve me some fiery foods.
(too bad everything except the two beans in the middle is out of focus)
(eh, they're the most important component anyway)
(eh, they're the most important component anyway)
I love them so much, in fact, that when I make a spicy dish to share with others, I have to remind myself to hold back on the chile powder, cayenne, chipotle peppers, what-have-you. Most people don't have the tastebud/esophageal/intestinal fortitude with which I was blessed.
That being said, this soup was made for me and me alone, so I spiced it up to my heart's content. It was perfect for a chilly fall day.

I got tagged by the ladies of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and asked to list five things I'd like to have on a deserted island, ignoring all issues with food storage. Here's my list:
Milk. It does a body good.
Cinnamon. I simply can't live without it. It might even make sand taste delicious.
Chickens. Roosters and hens. That way, I've got a steady supply of eggs and chicken meat, my proteins of choice.
Beans. They're good for the heart, and bonus--upon digestion, they produce a formidable weapon...
Coffee. It's my other addiction, plus coffee breath is another weapon for my arsenal. You always have to be ready to battle The Others.
(Evil Chef Mom Krysta interpreted the tag in an entirely different way, and I must say that her top two selections render my entire list pointless...)

Finally, if you've heard of Michael Ian Black and appreciate his dry, sarcastic sense of humor, you'll probably enjoy his blog. Even if you don't like him, I think you'd get a kick of out his fruit smackdown. The final battle is rather lewd, but the rest is pretty funny.
I'd love the recipe! Ben's from Louisiana and eats jalepenos for breakfast. We're into the spice down here...
We love our spices too :-)
I definitely have the chili/spice love thing going on too! But I'm surprised you put cinnamon at number 2, I felt for sure it would be #1 ;)
Michael Ian Black is hilarious! I saw him at The Linda a few years ago, and oh, he had my sides splitting. There's still a Taco Castle bit I remember perfectly. And the hand gestures to go with it. hee hee, I'm laughing now!
I find the older I get the spicier I get! (Love the squirrel picture BTW)
The spicier the better for me, now if I could only get the others in my household to the same level!!
Great list and I love spicy things! I will have to check out that blog. Thanks!
I never thought about defending myself with beans and coffee...great idea!!!! Now when in the kitchen I'll be able to protect my favorite skillet.
That squirrel is too freakin' cute!
LOL, the coffee comment... hilarious!! And I've already confessed to my love of cinnamon with you :)
I'm off to check out his blog... new to me! Thanks :)
Another fire lover here! That pic of the squirrel is so cute :)
Loved the beans as a weapon. Ha!
I'm from New Orleans and if there is food that has flavor, you'll find it here too. I don't have the stomach for it, but most of the folks over here cook something that'll light you on fire.
I am possessive about my spices..the spicier the bettr....
you might know this: is it true what they say about people who eat a lot of heat (hey that rhymes) that over time their tastebuds numb? so they can eat more heat and not be bothered by it. I swear that's what I have.
Chipotles get me every time. Love them!
Hey, where's the recipe? I love spicy soup. The list is a great one but you are right, Evil Chef Mom's was awesome!
Bring on the heat cause I am freezing. Yes I will take it in jalapeno form!
Love spices, can't live without 'em. Bring it on!
Choosing just 5 is way too hard. =(
With a heartburn prone hubby, spices must be carefully moderated (sigh).
Yes, definitely chickens. Chocolate would've been on my list too :P
Recipe, recipe, recipe??? I like the picture - very colorful so I'm curious to know what else is in it!
I love that picture of the squirrel! Looks like he's in a black & white photo. The soup sounds very spicy!
I'm just not a spicy girl, at least my palate! hee hee. Sounds delic tho!
Grace, where is the recipe? I'm sure I'd love this dish.
That squirrel is cute. I want to give him a little coat to wear.
I have never seen a squirrel look so cold! Very cute. I love what you picked for the Island. I am always to practical for these games. String, knife, ax, life supply of contact lenses, matches. See?
Great list ... perhaps someone could suggest having 10 things, in which case combining your list with Evil Chef's would please just about everybody! :-) Like the little squirrel photo! Either that's his tail curled on his back, or he's got a wicked mohawk goin' on!
Count me in too, Milk chicken and beans yup a must... got something for you at
Grace, I'm with you on everything but beans! Who'd want to be stuck on the island with that "weapon"...LOL.
Cinnamon sand, huh? It may not be that bad. ;)
my husband loves spicy foods. i'm not the biggest fan, so i'm always on the prowl for more recipes. i agree with your list, esp. the beans and cinnamon. two of my favorite things. i love cannellini beans!
Love the choices Grace and spicy soup would be just fine with me. I thought this meme was a fun way to get to know how people think.
I loooove spicy foods too, and it's rare I find someone who can match my spice-desired levels.
Any recipe I come across, I always up the spices, because recipes are always too moderate with their spice/heat.
I love me some spicy too!
There are several male counterparts who love all things spicy. I would just hand them a jug of hot sauce and make my soup a little milder and all would be well with the world:D
I love spicy foods, but after 4 decades of torture, my tummy sometimes rebels!
On another note, that has to be the cutest squirrel I've ever seen.
My husband loves spicy, and I try. They say you can build up an endurance, we'll see.
Barnes and Noble cafe... great place to start your culinary expertise!!
Who can resist spicy foods? Well, besides everyone in my family but me? I love the squirrel pic!
Spicy is always good! Cute squirrel!
LOVE that squirrel, how cute is he? Love him!
And the deadly weapon w/ the beans? Right on.
I have decided there is no such thing as to spicy.
Thanks for playing! Can you tell that I am stupidly behind in my google reader. Stupid work...stupid overloaded google reading. Ok. Breathing.
My list was pretty much
"basic elements" compared to Krysta's too. I guess I figured that the plane carrying me and my 5items wouldn't be able to fit an entire well-stocked state of the art kitchen.
I want your squirrels! The ones here look like grey furry-tailed rats.
And now you're going to give me sleepless nights trying to figure out my desert island foods!
Hope you have a wonder Thanksgiving!
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