Here are some clever and craftily-carved punkins and squashes for your Halloween enjoyment.
(I dare you not to chuckle)

(it reminds me of that critter from The Neverending Story)

(the little guy look genuinely scared!)

(I imagine I'd look a lot like this if I were thrown behind's hoping I never find out)

(there's a full moon out tonight)

(looks a lot more appetizing than this guy)

(survival of the fittest and all that)


(just because I love kitties)
Happy early Halloweenie, folks.
Boy...those were great carvings. It was good to have chuckles with my morning coffee. Thanks!
Those are all so cool! But the first one is my fave, too funny! :)
I would love to have a creative mind so I could look at a pumpkin and imagine what cute carving I could make with it. I look at a pumpkin and all I see is pumpkin pie!
I love things like this! I have to say the first one and the "full moon" made me laugh the hardest. So fun. Thaks for sharing!
Amazing minds is right. They are too cool. I have seen a couple of these but several are new to me. My Uncle sends that mooning one to me every year. Silly guy. Love the ones with the gourds.
Wonderful carvings and amazing talent, wish I could be that talented... on the other hand, Halloween costumes and making my kids look gruesome seems to be my venue ;-)
Those are so cool. I'm going to show them to my boys and see if they can top that. Of course, I'll have to let them use my sharp knife...on second thought maybe I won't show them.
This is a great way to start my morning:D Happy Hallowe'en:D
All great- thanks for the AM fun!
I love all of the pumpkin pictures! So festive and fun!
You made me laugh! I just don't have enough imagination to do these. I'm not going to let my boys imitate the first one.
Thanks so much for giving me a good laugh on my way to work this morning! I especially love the double squash ideas ... some people are so creative!
Ha ha! Those are great. But what are the green things? Squashes?
lol, those are all awesome. My favorite ones speak to my maturity...I doubt I need to point out which they are ;)
The vomit one cracks me up.
It DOES look like the critter from NeverEnding story. Holy crap! I loved that movie. And I love the hamburger and puking one.
Be sure you come by my blog tommorow. The focus is...cinnamon...
I love the big fish little fish ones! I'd better get out those knives and start sharpening. Remember the days when people just made a face on their pumpkins???
Wow, those are amazing! So clever.
You make me laugh! Some people are very clever, are you going to try any of these? The first one did make me chuckle as I do have a sick sense of humor!!
Thank you for the fun dose, I really needed it :D. The third pic is my favourite!
Great pictures this morning. I like #4.
hamburger is my fave ...
Pumpkin carving carried to a whole new level ... great pics!
Artistry comes in many forms.
Love the pics.
LOL. The first one is so cute! I had to giggle... Oh poor thing..
Wow, I just love how I see how talented I am not. Wow, someone has some serious talent and imagination.
How fun! I can't belive how creative people can be.
I so love the puking pumpkin, I really want to make that one fro my front steps but we get so much rain it would make an icky mess.
ROFL! I Love them all! Have passed this onto friends-brilliant round up lol
Those are great! We don't even have a pumpkin yet!
Very funny - Thanks for sharing!!
Very cool pumpkins.
Really cool! People really put alot of work into those pumpkins!
Oh wow! I love the vomiting one and the snake. Those are hilarious!
Those are pretty hilarious! That cheeseburger one was especially creative - hardly any carving required at all :-)
Bless the folks who are so talented...I could never.
Hee hee, I like the full moon the best!
LOL! I loved the big pumpkin eating the small one... Where do folks get the TIME??
Oh goodness, such talent! I absolutely love the snake and the vomit one. Haha :P
So impressive - wish I had the time to sit and create like that. They're so fun to look at.
Those did make me chuckle :-DD
so cute :) i loved the "full moon" one ;)
What great carvings -- I don't think I can pick a favorite!
those are awesome and inspiring. I usually carve the pumpkin just for the seeds, but those are great ideas.
I thought you'd like the cinnamon rolls! Since Ben already ate all the ones in the freezer, I'm making them again for Christmas. Want me to mail you some?
These are really fantastic ideas. I like to think of a jack-o-lantern as another way to light candles and make the house cozy... but these take the concept to another level!
totally awesome!
Thanks for sharing this!!
These are too cute! I especially like the one with the that a snake squash eating a pumpkin? :)
OK, so I know it's sick but I just love the first carving-I am so copying boys would LOVE it!!
Wow, these are great!! I can't believe they are all even pumpkins!! This was fun to see :)
Those are some great pumpkins!
Nice pics! The scarecrow butt is crack-ing me up. Pun intended.
awww, these are the cutest! where'd you find all these pumpkins?!
Those are so fun!
Omg, that first one is hiLArious. Brilliant.
That first one will always be my fave, they did make me laugh!
Those are just so funny :D
This is hilarious, Grace!
Awesome- thanks for the good laugh!
These are terrific! How did they make the jailhouse one! This reminds me that we need to get our pumpkins yet. Fun stuff!
LOL!!!! You just made my day with this picture!
I've been away for so long, feel so good to be back. Now I must move on and see what other crazy stuff you've been up to!
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