A Southern Grace: a vehicle for jelly

April 8, 2009

a vehicle for jelly


Don't get me wrong--I like a good biscuit, and the flakier, the better.

I just find the jelly part more appealing, that's all.

Confession: I really enjoy those refrigerated biscuits from Pillsbury that you can peel apart, layer by layer. They're second only to my Mamma-lamma's shortening-based beauties in my shortlist of awesome biscuits. The pucks of flour featured in this post don't even make said shortlist, but that's okay. As I said, the jelly's the star here.

Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to give you the recipe. It's Mamster's concoction, and she's pretty much got a patent on the process. I will tell you that it's apple-cinnamon (and therefore amazing) and sweetened only with fruit and natural xylose.

Maybe she'll release her hold on the recipe one day, or maybe she'll start making it in bulk, sell it, and become ridiculously wealthy. Either way, it's win-win for me. :)

Not satisfied without a biscuit recipe? Want a good one? Try Sophie's, Maria's, Robin Sue's, or Dawn's. They all do good work.

Speaking of Mamburger, I'll be spending Easter (and my birthday)(which is today) with her and the rest of my family in VA--hooray! I hope you all enjoy your holidays!


Jescel said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you'll have many more!!... and the jelly look's yummy.. hey selling it is not a bad idea.. who knows, it might become a million $$$ business! :oD

Kathryn said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!! I hope that you have a great time in VA! Just so you know, it is snowing here today in the Albany area! So, here's praying that you have great weather and a fab time!

The Blonde Duck said...

You said it all, Grace. There ain't nothing better than jelly and biscuits.

I like the Pillsbury ones too. :)

Happy Birthday!

Melanie said...

The jelly looks absolutely amazing. I, for one, am absolutely horrible at making biscuits, so thanks for the all the resources.

Most importantly, happy birthday. I hope it involves eating copious amounts of chocolate (cinnamon flavored??). You deserve a fantastic day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Gracie Lou!!!Have a wonderful Easter with your fam here in VA, it's beautiful here! Our redbuds opened today, so pretty!!I'll trade that jelly recipe for my chicken salad recipe I use for my catering!!;)Looks really yummy!

Vera said...

Grace, dear, Very Happy Birthday to you! And all the best wishes! And a wonderful holiday!

I really hope your mom will share her recipe one day. It sounds and looks sooo good!

Risa said...

Your post makes me crave my mom's homemade jam. Her blueberry and peach jam can not be beat!

Bunny said...

Happy birthday Grace!! Bicuits, butter and jam....it's so simple and delicious!! Have a Happy Easter!!

Mrs. L said...

Happy Happy Birthday!
And I LOVE those fridge biscuits (just don't tell anyone).

lisaiscooking said...

Happy Birthday! Jelly on biscuits is the best, and that looks like some fine jelly.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Happy Birthday Grace! Hope your birthday is filled with all manners of cinnamony goodness!! :-)

toontz said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Grace!

I could live off of biscuits and jam/jelly, no problem.

Lori said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your family and of course the jelly-ified biscuits. Drool, drool. I have my Sister in laws biscuits from TN until you release the Mama's (if ever).

Tiff said...

Happy Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog!

Shelly said...

Happy birthday, Grace! Have fun w/ your family and happy Easter as well :). Biscuits and jelly...a match made in heaven. So good!

Ann said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girly!!!! I hope you getz lots of presentz. :)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I happen to enjoy a healthy spread of butter on my biscuits.

Sophie said...

FELIZ birthday (I just had to write something different :P). I'm all about the jelly too, but I am a big bread girl...and btw, I'm honored that you linked to me :D.

Heather said...

i didn't know you were from VA! I live in Arlington.

Hope you and the mamburger (lol) have a wonderful weekend. Happy Birthday! I'll keep my fingers crossed that she releases that recipe one day!!

Jacque said...

Well, happy birthday!! Hope it's the best one yet.

I love jelly too, on a nice toasted English muffin, yum. Your (mom's) jelly sounds wonderful.

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella said...

Have a great cinnamon and jelly filled birthday Grace aka Cinnamon Girl! :D

Laura said...

I LOVED this post title. I don't know why but it made me absurdly happy. Although I am a slathered in butter biscuit kind of gal myself. :) BUT we do make these slightly sweet dinner rolls in my family which are ALWAYS a vehicle for strawberry jam. So I understand, I really do. And the jam must be homemade, Mom's or, in the past, Grandma's. Oh darn now I am having a choked up strawberry jam moment!

We're catching up in Dollhouse, btw. And yeah it is getting GOOD. I am even getting over Battlestar Galactica ending....

Elyse said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a wonderful celebration with your family. Today is my Mom's birthday. I guess wonderful people were born today :) I'm super jealous of this jelly that you're hoarding. It looks fabulous!! Perfect for smearing on a biscuit. Eat lots of cake for the bday, okay?!

Peter M said...

Ya big tease...squeeze the recipe out of her...espionage! Otherwise, no more octopus recipes for YOU!

Hornsfan said...

Wow - must agree, nothing beats a good biscuit and some jelly (or honey, or cane syrup, or butter) :) Happy Birthday!!!

OhioMom said...

Happy Birthday Grace!

That jelly looks amazing, apple and cinnamon .. YUM!!

Linds said...

Happy Birthday!

kat said...

Hope your birthday was fantastic!

Jenna (KaTom) said...

Aww! Happy Birthday! Eat lots of cake and enjoy your family.

Pam said...

Happy, happy birthday Grace! I hope it's a fantastic day. I like any jelly that has cinnamon in it...yum!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Happy Birthday! What a great combo. Delicious.

unconfidential cook said...

My husband calls me the condiment queen. Fries are a vehicle for ketchup, chips for guac, cake for frosting, yaddayadda...and yes biscuits for jelly!

Amanda from Mrs.W's Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!

Maria said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hope you are celebrating!

pam said...

Happy Birthday! And Happy Easter!

vanillasugarblog said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend!

foodhoe said...

OMG now I'm craving apple cinnamon jelly on a biscuit... where in the world will I find apple cinnamon jelly? Happy Birthday too!

Sara said...

Happy birthday! I like to use cornbread as a vehicle for my jam

MaryBeth said...

Happy Birthday Grace...Of course I love jam - jelly on good bread or biscuits just like the next person, however I never knew jam ever really needed a vessel other than a spoon to my mouth!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! Twist your mother's arm (gently, of course) for that recipe, or at least to go into production, so we can taste that wonderfull jelly!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than hot biscuts, out of the oven, melting with butter and topped with jam or jelly.

Now I have to go raid my pantry.

Happy Easter and Birthday!

Emily said...

Happy Easter and happy birthday, Grace!

Your biscuits look divine! I'm all about jelly and preserves. What kind is that?

Emily said...

Never mind. Found it. YUM!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday doll! that jelly looks gooooooooooood!

Lisa said...

Yeah, I like those Pillsbury peel-apart-the-layers flaky biscuits too! Still, I wish I could make good homemade biscuits, something I plan to work on soon. I really don't so much love jelly though. I am quite happy with a good smear of butter!

Happy Easter!

LilSis said...

My mouth is watering just thinking about a good flaky peel apart biscuit with jelly!

Happy Belated Birthday, Fellow Aries! I got behind on my reader and just saw this post today. My birthday is the 18th.

Happy Easter!

Donna-FFW said...

Oh yes.. these are right up my alley.. Love how they look, as a matter of fact would love one now..What an awesome photo.. Happy belated birthday and Happy Easter..

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Easter!

Nazarina A said...

Hi Grace,
If your Mom shares the recipe with you, would you be tempted to share it with us? LOL!
Happy Birthday, mine is the 12th Easter Sunday.

krysta said...

happy birthday! i'm so jealous my birthday was friday and i have always wanted it to be on easter i have to wait until 2039... i'll be 65. *sigh

Anonymous said...

happy birthday and happy easter to you!!! and your biscuit with jelly, so inviting... :)

Alicia Foodycat said...

Happy birthday!

Apple cinnamon jelly sounds like heaven!

KJ said...

Happy birthday and easter and everything else. I have not heard of xylose. Maybe this is the secret to goood jam that I have been missing.

Jaime said...

i personally love butter and honey on my biscuits but enjoy some jelly every now and then too :)

Albany Jane said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!!

Hopefully you got a fix of biscuit-ness at Mama's house over the weekend!

tiffany @ the garden apartment said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! The apple cinnamon jelly sounds delicious, and perfect for a biscuit topping.

Robin said...

Hope you had a great birthday! I am with you- love a good jelly. Once my Mammy had a batch of jelly that did not set up- I think it was plum and let me tell you it was the best jelly ever in all its syrupy glory. We fought over it!

Deborah said...

Hey - I like the Pillsbury layer ones too!

La Bella Cooks said...

Sorry I am late with the Birthday wishes, but I hope your day and your Easter were perfect!

Katie said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I agree with you completely about a vehicle for jelly or jam.

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

Happy Birthday! and have a great time in VA.