A Southern Grace: no chocolate in sight...

April 21, 2009

no chocolate in sight...


...and I'm okay with that.

I don't think I've ever seen peanut butter ice cream. Yes, I've seen peanut butter ice cream with chocolate swirls and peanut butter ice cream with chocolate pieces and chocolate ice cream with peanut butter swirls and every other combination under the sun. But truly, other than in ice cream parlors, have you ever seen straight peanut butter ice cream?

Well, you still haven't. This is almond butter ice cream, and it's luscious. Smooth and creamy, nutty and rich--everything a good ice cream should be and more.

I borrowed my co-worker's ice cream machine to make this, and I'm so glad I did. Sometimes we're forced to make the things we crave but can't find in the grocery store (like, say, cinnamon ice cream).

Did I mention that this recipe is another Barney Butter tried-and-true? It is, and we have Michele Thompson to thank for it (and the previous two Barney Butter recipes as well). She's the Channel Editor for SheKnows.com and Food Editor for ChefMom.com, and she created all the recipes on the Barney Butter site.

Kudos to you, Michele, and more ice cream for me. Please.

And although phenomenal by itself, the ice cream's even better on a warm, moist banana bar.


Emily said...

Verrrry nice. I have never thought about almond butter ice cream. That sounds fantastic.

Lori said...

Now that looks seriously good. I would love to have some of that. That is a keeper!

Just wanted to mention that you are a star of a post I just put up. I bet you didnt realize that you sent me on a quest.

Albany Jane said...

I've always wondered why there isn't just peanut butter ice cream for us non-chocolate fans out there.

I think I might need to find an ice cream maker.

Amanda said...

Wowza--I love this! Yum!

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

I used to work in a restaurant that made wonderful peanut butter ice cream but I would love 2 scoops of your almond butter ice cream, right over a warm pear tart.

kat said...

I bet that was super tasty & would be great over a brownie

Linds said...

Looks delicious and of course I am just drooling over the picture with it melting over the banana bar. YUM!
Also, I totally hear ya on the cinnamon ice cream...I highly recommend Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk- heaven on a spoon...seriously ;)

Jeff said...

Feels weird not to see the chocolate swirls.

I bet it tasted awesome though and the recipe sounds great.

Also, shocked that you lack an ice cream maker.

OhioMom said...

An ice cream maker is on my wish list....this looks decadent, love it melting all over that banana bar :)

lisaiscooking said...

That sounds great! And, so does cinnamon ice cream. How about almond butter-cinnamon? I need an ice cream maker!

Anonymous said...

how creative!!! :)

vanillasugarblog said...

reallllllllly? Hmmm, now that does sound good. I mean you certainly have won me over, and over, and over, and over...

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Oh, wow! That ice cream looks so tempting. I've never heard of almond butter ice cream, but your luscious photos have convinced me that I must try it!

Gloria Baker said...

Grace absolutely nice and yummy, so good!! Gloria

Anonymous said...

wow this sounds better than peanut butter icecream!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Grace!!! I'm so excited. I've been wondering what to make with the barney butter beside using it and fluff to top graham crackers. (which btw is not a bad thing) I've been making homemade ice cream lately (though have yet to blog about 'em) so this would be a wonderful recipe to try AND I have my own ice cream maker.

Lyndas recipe box said...

This looks delish! I haven't heard of almond butter ice cream, but I sure want some now! I also want that banana bar.

Marjie said...

I love almonds, and I just might have to hunt up that Barney Butter.

You ought to try my apple pie ice cream, which has plenty of cinnamon, while you have your hands on that ice cream maker. Now that will help your cinnamon tooth!

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

This sounds and looks wonderful!
Great job!

Melanie said...

I can't believe the mileage you've been getting out of that Barney Butter. Amazing! The ice cream looks fantastic.

Pam said...

It has been so hot here that you have now idea how much I want this ice cream. Topped on the banana bar is making me drool!

Laura said...

That looks wonderful, now I want ice cream. If it was above 60 degrees today I daresay that post would have MADE me go find some ice cream. But alas the windchill is about 36 degrees which is enough to keep me from acting on the impulse.

The Blonde Duck said...

I'll make you a cinnamon pie if you make me some PB ice cream!

noble pig said...

Oh I bet it's lucious. This sounds awesome. I love it but I am a PB nut so go figure.

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella said...

How do you make peanut butter ice cream better? By making it almond butter ice cream!

Hornsfan said...

drool, drool, drool...i'd kill for some PB ice cream! it looks deee-licious!

pam said...

It looks to me like you need to get your own ice cream maker, pronto!

unconfidential cook said...

Yum! Would you be mad if a confirmed chocoholic added some hot fudge?

MaryBeth said...

I think no chocolate must be a sin..but maybe that is just me. Please come by my blog and enter my new cookbook giveaway!

Bunny said...

Grace this looks so good, I'm so jealous! I want an ice cream maker in the worst way so I can make luscious looking ice cream just like yours.

Jacque said...

Oh my goodness, that sounds divine! And with the banana bread? Oh holy cow!!

Elyse said...

Mmm, almond butter ice cream sounds totally delicious! What a great idea. I'm so glad you came up with this. You're a genius. And kudos to your friend for letting you borrow the ice cream maker!

Lisa said...

Love that soft melty ice cream look. And the Barney Butter flavor sounds really good. I wouldn't mind some on a warm Banana Bar about now!

Anonymous said...

is it hot where your at too?this looks great. and yes its a bit hard to give away my baked goods,but it makes people happy.

Robin said...

I think you are right! I have never seen plain peanut butter ice cream nor almond butter for that matter. This is a masterpiece!

L*Joy said...

cinnamon ice cream is by far one of the bast ice creams ever. there was a restaurant my family would go to when I was super little that served it, and I have never seen the stuff since.
what a shame.

giz said...

That ice cream has my name on it - how come it's in invisible print? There's an award for you on our blog.

Maria said...

Who needs chocolate with this amazing ice cream. Eat a scoop for me!

Sandie said...

Now that you mention it, why isn't there a full-fledged peanut butter ice cream on the market? Honestly, this almond butter ice cream sounds even better though. Somehow it's just more appealing :)

Nic said...

Mmmmm, delicious! So glad the ice cream season is here!

La Bella Cooks said...

I like PB when paired with chocolate in an ice cream, but I definitely would eat the almond plain. I can imagine how rich and luscious this would be. You are very creative!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I can just imagine the creaminess and flavour of this Grace. Hand me a cone, preferably a waffle cone:D

Jenna said...

I want. Yes. Now. Give.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Would love to taste this. Yummy!

Sophie said...

You're right, I haven't seen PB ice cream...and there is a NEED for cinnamon ice cream! :)

krysta said...

almond butter ice cream... brava!

Peter M said...

Works for me...and for added decadence...try some condensed milk in here!

Maris said...

As a self-proclaimed chocolate addict, I think this looks great! :)

Culinary Wannabe said...

Yummy! I had PB ice cream all by itself the other day at a famed nyc restaurant, and it certainly didn't disappoint!

Niki said...

OMG I TOTALLY lol'd at the "Well you still haven't." Nice fake out!

I love making my own ice cream - you can make amazing flavors like this one! It looks so smooth and delish!

LyB said...

Wowee! Almond butter ice cream... That's something I'd pay for any day! Looks just perfectly creamy and dreamy. I'll have to try it once the weather warms up.

foodhoe said...

holy cow that looks fantastic! I love the picture on the banana bar.

test it comm said...

Almond butter ice cream sounds good! Now I am thinking peanut butter ice cream or macadamia nut ice cream...mmm...

kimberleyblue said...

I'm always looking for new ice cream recipes...this one sounds so perfect and lovely!

Love the look of it all melted on cake. Mmmm.

Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, almond ice cream!!!! Sounds so good!!



Stef said...

As someone who doesn't like peanut butter, I love the idea of an almond butter ice cream!!

Chef E said...

If I had counter or cabinet space I would add this to my wish list, an ice cream maker would burn out the first month in this house! Can you imagine my students going nuts, or should I say almond over this!