A Southern Grace: birthdays and broiled bliss

April 17, 2009

birthdays and broiled bliss


I don't know about you, but I like baking my own birthday cake. I can make exactly what I want exactly how I want it.

This birthday was no exception.

It seems like I crave a different cake every year. Last year, it was all about carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. This year, I went in a completely different direction--oatmeal cake with broiled coconut topping.

It might not sound spectacular, but it is. Oh, how it is. The cake is moist and rife with cinnamon, while the topping consists of crunchy toasted coconut and rich caramel goo.

Can we please talk about the pool of bubbly caramel goodness at the bottom there?
Good googa mooga.
I hope I got that piece.

Yeah, I was satisfied--it was a good birthday. I'm sorry there's no money shot of a piece, but every time I cut a slab for myself, I simply couldn't pause for even a second before digging in.

Oatmeal Cake with Broiled Coconut Topping
1 cup quick-cooking oats
1 1/4 cups boiling water
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Coconut Topping:
1/2 cup milk
1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 cup butter
1 cup flaked coconut

For the cake, preheat oven to 325F and grease a 9x13" cake pan.
Combine oats and boiling water, stirring to blend well. Let stand 20 minutes.
In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugars. Add the eggs, vanilla, and cooled oatmeal mixture, beating until well blended.
In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Add to the creamed mixture, beating until smooth.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake 30-35 minutes.

While the cake is baking, prepare the topping. Combine the milk, butter, and brown sugar in a small saucepan; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Stir in the coconut. When the cake comes out of the oven, poke several holes in it with the tines of a fork and immediately spread the topping over the hot cake. Turn the broiler on and return the cake to oven for 4 to 5 minutes, or until the coconut is nicely toasted. Although it's probably best to let the cake cool before cutting into it, no harm is done in digging some out immediately, topping it with a large portion of butter pecan ice cream, and shoveling it into one's mouth. No harm at all.


Sarah said...

Happy birthday, Grace! I applaud any cake that has bubbly caramel goodness at the bottom!

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella said...

Hope you had a great birthday Grace! And I'm sure there is absolutely no harm in topping anything with butter pecan ice cream and shovelling it into one's mouth :P

Amanda said...

I'm drooling, Grace! What are you doing to me??

Happy Birthday, girl. I hope this year brings nothing but happiness--and ooey, gooey caramel!

lisaiscooking said...

That shot of the caramel has me a little light-headed. Delicious! And, Happy Birthday!

oneordinaryday said...

Happy Birthday to you!
I'm just the opposite though - I'm almost 41 and I still love for my mom to bake my birthday cake. It was the same one every year and I've missed not having it. Since we don't usually see each other around my birthday, I haven't had it in years. Sob.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happeeeee birthdaaaaaay dear Graaaaace... Happy birthday to you & many moooooore!

Your birthday cake sounds yummy! Love caramel goo! :)

Pam said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE! I know what cake I will be baking for my birthday this year. It looks FANTASTIC, BEAUTIFUL and TASTY! It deserves all caps!

kat said...

Such a great looking birthday cake!

Anonymous said...

YUM!!!!Drew would love that cake!!We bakers enjoy our own cakes, yes we do! I had to chuckle at your "gooda mooga", my hubs has always called something that is really good, "Schmooga mooga"!

Marjie said...

Before my girls went to college, they would get up at 5AM to bake me a birthday cake. And they always made something not too sweet, because they know I don't like frosting too much. It's great that you get to choose your own cake, and I'm with you on wanting plenty of caramel goodness. Happy Birthday, Grace!

Linds said...

Umm can I just say, "yum". I am imagining myself not even cutting a piece but just digging into the cake with a fork- delicious! Hope you had a happy birthday!

Lyndas recipe box said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
This cake is my favorite cake that my Mother used to make and I plan on making it again in a week or so.
It is the best cake ever and who could resist taking a peice as soon as it's frosted!

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, that cake sounds absolutely delicious! Wow, I definitely want to try this. I hope that you had a very happy birthday!

Julia from Dozen Flours said...

This combines two of my favorite desserts: oatmeal cookies and German Chocolate Cake coconut filling! And topping it off with butter pecan frosting?!? You're brilliant!!

And I'm with you -- I always bake something for myself for my birthday. People at work think I'm nuts but whatever. I know what I like!

Sara said...

At first when I saw the picture I thought it was going to be german chocolate. But oatmeal cake is even better!

The Blonde Duck said...

I've never heard of oatmeal cake! Oatmeal and caramel and cinnamon AND coconut? I'd eat that anytime!

Gloria Baker said...

Grace This look absolutely yummy!!!xGloria
I love caramel and cinnamon! Gloria

vanillasugarblog said...

sweet charlotte!
this is a cavity in the making!
and then you want to top it with butter pecan ice cream? hold me!

vanillasugarblog said...

see how mesmerized I was? I didn't even get to say:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Happy Birthday! I've never baked my own cake but I'm thinking of starting doing it. This looks so yummy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! what a creative cake! I always have multiple cakes for my birthdays, and at least one of those cakes is baked by moi :)

Jeff said...

How much would it cost to have you bake this for me for my birthday? Looks and sounds amazing!

Happy birthday!

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday! I'm with you on the making your own cake thing. It's just too fun not to, and that oatmeal cake looks divine - well actually, the frosting looks divine and I'm sure the cake was amazing, too.

Katie said...

Happy Birthday! I have never heard of an Oatmeal cake but I will have to give it a shot.

Mrs. L said...

Not sure about the oatmeal cake but the broiled coconut topping sounds wonderful.

Bunny said...

Oatmeal cake with broiled frosting is one that I make at the restauant and trust me it's a winner with the customers, they love it!! I have know doubt yours is fantastic !!

Melanie said...

wow...that looks amazing! Enjoyed my visit to your blog! :)

Cheryl said...

Happy birthday! That's one of my all-time favorite cakes. You can't go wrong with it!

Lisa said...

I'm still working on liking coconut but I wouldn't mind trying a slice just for an excuse to get into the Butter Pecan Ice Cream. That is one of my very favorite flavors!

unconfidentialcook said...

Who wouldn't make this...if they'd had the recipe. Thanks, and happy birthday.

Emily said...

Yummy! Happy birthday, Grace!

Sophie said...

Awesome bday cake for an awesome baker! This is a flavor combo I've gotta try! happy BDAY!! :D

KJ said...

Droool, droool! Happy Birth...drooool!

Donna-FFW said...

MMM oatmeal cake, caramel.. Delicious. I hope you had a most wonderful birthday..

OhioMom said...

Your cake sounds delish, glad you had a good birthday :)

Hornsfan said...

Happy Birthday Grace! This cake would make anyone happy for their birthday, that delicious coconut and caramel, mmm!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday! And wow that cake looks amazing!

Louise at Livin Local said...

Happy Birthday! And um, is the cake really necessary when all I really want is a spoon to scoop up that gooey roasted goodness on top?!

Leslie said...

Happy happy birthday!!!
Love your cake. Delish

Elyse said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I'd make my own cake too, if it meant making a cake that looks this good. I love all of the wonderful flavors and texture that you've paired together. What a perfect birthday cake!

Jeanne said...

Happy birthday, fellow Aries! That cake sounds heavenly, especially the coconut on top - and what a surprise to hear it contains cinnamon ;-)

Lori said...

OMG can you hearing me reeling with laughter. I copied down this exact recipe from my Aunt in Pennsylvania on Easter Sunday. How funny is that? OK now I like, gotta make it!

Happy Birthday Grace.

Lo said...

I had to pause when I read this post -- oatmeal cake?

But, then I perused the recipe... and I'll bet this is totally stellar. Oatmeal... brown sugar... what could be better?

Happy Birthday! Hope it was all you hoped!

kim said...

Happy Birthday to you Grace! I adore an oatmeal cake and this looks wonderfully delicous....You have inspired me to start making my own birthday cake-that way I have a chance of having two cakes to eat.

noble pig said...

Happy Birthday! Love the cake, cause I love oatmeal and coconut...wow!

Maria said...

Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope it's a great one. I am loving your cake, nice choice!!

L*Joy said...

happy birthday to you!
an oatmeal cake sounds hearty, moist, and lovely. thanks for sharing.

Laura said...

Happy Birthday! And I don't blame you for baking your own cake--it looks spectacular!

foodhoe said...

Happy Birthday indeed! Hope there was enough goo to make each bite delicious, it sounds really good, especially hot out of the oven and with ice cream.

MaryBeth said...

Happy Birthday my friend....I so agree with you on making my own cake. Yours look out of this world good!

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

Happy Birthday! You sure know how to treat yourself girl.

Pamela said...

Good God, that cake looks fabulous!! Hope you had a very happy birthday!

La Bella Cooks said...

Happiest Birthday to you. Your cake is awesome, I definitely would make this each year!

Jaime said...

happy birthday grace!!!

Niki said...

Happy Birthday!! Funnily enough, I'm the complete opposite: I demand someone make me the exact cake I want on my birthday. But maybe that's because it's my mom and she's a good cook so I trust her! Hope it was as yummy as that caramel goodness looks!!

Tabby said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday! That cake looks delicious!

Albany Jane said...

Happy Birthday!

That cake looks so moist and good. I can't wait to give it a try!

Robin said...

Hi Grace I feel like I have dropped off the face of the earth! Great cake here- haven't made it in a while but I do have some oatmeal around here to fix that!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'm with you...I love indulging and baking my own b-day cake... your cake looks and sounds (gooey = yum!) delicious.

Shelly said...

Hope your b-day was great, Grace! I'm with you on making your own b-day cake. That way you're sure to get what you like!

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

Yum and happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Day!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Of course you deserve your most favorite cake on your most special day.

Kathy - Panini Happy said...

Happy, happy birthday, Grace! Hope it was a great one! :-)

Peter M said...

Happy B-day Grace...with you making your own cake...no one can screw it up!

Cottonpickinfarm said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!

My grammie (now 93 years old) use to make this "Lazy Dazy" Cake often. It's her daughter's favorite cake, and your picture looks exactly like our family favorite. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!


LilSis said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Grace! I'm behind on my reader since I celebrated my birthday ALL weekend long! Hope you had a great one! The cakes looks amazing. I LOVE coconut on top of a cake!

Nic said...

A bit late, but hope you had a great birthday! The cake is wonderful!

LyB said...

Happy belated birthday Grace! I hope you had a fantastic day. Judging by that cake, it looks like you had a delicious time. :)

DK said...

My goodness, you are loved! Sorry this is late, but Happy Birthday.

Karen Brown Letarte said...

Hey, Grace-- 3 things

1. The cake-- it's divine, and I want some. NOW.
2. Happy birthday! Did you know that April and May are the months with the fewest people born in them?
3. Did I mention my birthday is coming up soon? June. Hint hint hint ;)

:) K

Vera said...

Grace, Happy Birthday once again! What an original cake to celebrate such occasion!

kimberleyblue said...

I love a good coconut topping like that! Look perfectly cooked too.

Hope you had a great birthday!!!

Chef E said...

Happy B-Lated Birthday, and Wow, that cake is amazing, that is because it does look good, and you made it...I am not the baker my mother was...