A Southern Grace: i put it off as long as i could

June 9, 2009

i put it off as long as i could


I resisted making the snickerdoodle blondies that've been spreading like wildfire in the Land of Food Blogs for quite some time because I knew they'd be addictive and I knew I'd never look at normal blondies the same way again.

I was right. Regular blondies are worthless to me now.

Where do I begin? Let's start with what these bars are like before they're even baked. I'm not gonna deny that chocolate chip cookie dough isn't good, but it truly pales in comparison to this raw batter. It's seriously tasty.

Secondly, I need to tell you about the aroma. As you know if you've ever stopped by this blog even once before, I'm addicted to cinnamon. I defy any among you to tell me that you don't enjoy the smell that wafts out of the oven as anything involving cinnamon bakes. It's undeniably swoon-worthy, and these bars are no exception. Even as I was cutting them, the scent worked its way into my nose and I more than once felt the urge to pause and have a bite.

Finally, the ultimate test--the flavor. As far as I'm concerned, the taste of these bars is supreme. The texture is right, the cinnamon dosage is perfect, the cinnamon chips are a welcome addition, and the cinnamon sugar is the icing on the cake (or the dusting on the bars, as the case may be).

The moral of this story--as long as I'm baking just for myself, another blondie recipe will never again be necessary. This one wins.

Cinnamon Lover's Snickerdoodle Blondies
(the recipe is everywhere, but I worked from Maria's)

1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup brown sugar, tightly packed
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 egg, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup cinnamon chips
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray down an 8x8-inch pan. Mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon; set aside. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and brown sugar; beat in the egg and vanilla until smooth.
Combine the flour mixture and the wet mixture and mix until well-blended. Stir in the cinnamon chips. Spread the thick batter evenly in the prepared pan (and do it quickly so you're not tempted to eat it all before it's baked). Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a little bowl and evenly sprinkle the mixture over the top of the batter.
Bake 25 minutes or until surface springs back when gently pressed. Cool slightly. While still warm, cut into bars with a sharp knife. I recommend doing this with a clothes-pin on your nose.


Emily said...

Well now I've got to make these! What have you done, GRACE?! What have you done.

They look sooo good.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Loved your commentary. and the blondies of course.

Lindsey said...

You're blowing my mind here...

Clare said...

No fair! I just started a low-carb diet and now I have to stare at these delicious things! They look amazing!

Laura said...

Well I am not forseeing the day I take cinnamon over chocolate, per personally :) but these look awesome. Very autumnal--they are on my to do list for this fall.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Just a piece of heaven:D

Peter M said...

Grace, you knew you had to succumb. Resistance is futile. You are part of the blondie snickerdoodle collective now.

Risa said...

I have resisted these too for the exact reason you have. I am a cinnamon lover and I know these will be my downfall!

Leslie said...

I have yet to make these either..but I guess I should get on the bandwagon

kat said...

you had me at snickerdoodle

Anonymous said...

Cinnamon chips. Someone come pick me up off the floor and give me one of these bars!

Creative Classroom Core said...

Arn't these incredible?!?
I made them recently and LOVED them! They are terribly addictive!

Barbara said...

Bother! One more thing I can't resist trying... I will end up eating the dough AND the blondies!

Lyndas recipe box said...

Oh man, Grace, I'm trying to lose weight here- then I open your blog and you have these drool worthy bars! Cinnamon rules and snickerdoodles are my favorite cookie- so, I'll have to make these anyway! :)

Donna-FFW said...

These have been on my to do list forever also. Such high praise from you is putting them at the top. They look fabulous!

eatme_delicious said...

Yummmmmmmm! Thanks for reminding me that I need to make these.

Albany Jane said...

Eeee! Snickerdoodle blondies! Great, Grace - now I know who to blame for my impending explosion ;P

Aleta said...

something better than chocolate? okkkkkk... Now, dem fightin words... I'll have to try out the recipe!

La Bella Cooks said...

I can't keep up with all the food trends lately but from what you say about the batter, maybe this is one to follow. Love the smell of a cinnamon treat smelling up the house. They look fantastic!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Yay, for snickerdoodle blondies, though I've known these were the bomb waaay before they became popular. These are my family's fave. As a matter of fact when I asked Babygirl this past weekend what cake or cupcake did she want for her birthday cake, she quickly responded with Snickerdoodle blondies! I do believe that my children are serious cinnamon lovers much like yourself! :)

Yours look GREAT Grace....you also did a much better job giving these their due! :)

unconfidentialcook said...

You know, I've always wanted to make these...but I've always wanted to make them with massive amounts of chocolate chips in them. Would that be sacrelige?

Paula said...

Oooh, I love the phrase "swoon worthy", and I know I'd love these blondies. Not only do they look and sound beautiful, but they are fun to say ... "I'll have another blondie, please!"

lisa is cooking said...

Ok, I can clearly see how this could be the definitive blondie of all time! I may never know because if I make this batter it will be gone before it gets to the oven.

Sophie said...

Now I'm gonna have to make these too! Can't pass up a recipe containing cinnamon ;). I'm loving the sound of that batter.

Cheryl said...

Oh, holy hell, Grace. Why'd you have to go and do that? I have to go to the store now to get the ingredients to make them. Damn you!


Cheryl said...

Also, I'm in New York now. Syracuse, to be exact. We should meet up sometime and cook something together, and the world will asplode from all the awesomeness. I'm just saying...

Robin said...

Oh goody another recipe I can use cinnamon chips in. I ended that sentence with in on purpose! These look like something I need to make real soon. Like now! Have a great day Grace!

Rebeca said...

Wow... this makes me want to go out and buy some cinnamon chips right now... sadly my students are napping and I feel like the principal might frown on that. Haha

OhioMom said...

Oh yes cinnamon is queen when it comes to baking ... another recipe to add to my ever growing lists of must tries :)

oneordinaryday said...

Hmm. Cinnamon chips, huh? Great addition to an already amazing treat. I could easily have eaten all these myself too. They are sooo good.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

What a nice recipe. Cinnamon is my friend in the kitchen. When you bake with it the house smells so good.

Christo Gonzales said...

I know what you are up to - you are trying to lure me into the snickerdoodle trap - I see it coming but there is little I can do to stop it.

Jessica@FoodMayhem said...

Cinnamon chips? Never had or seen, but they were certainly made for you!

foodhoe said...

I'm wondering about cinnamon chips too, like red hots or like chocolate chips but flavored with cinnamon? Well, the blondies look delicious either way.

Lisa said...

Why put off the inevitable? I've bookmarked these. I know this recipe is going to come in handy.

Mrs. L said...

Cinnamon chips? Where have I been? These sound awesome!

Abby said...

Why do you have to post this and make me bake it? I have to try every brownie or blondie (or chewy, as my husband calls them) that I see. It'll be awful having to eat something so yummy and good... Yeah. Awful.

foodcreate said...

Delicious! Mouthwatering cinnamon chips ....prefect for a sunday brunch:)

Thanks for your wonderful recipe:)

And if you canvisit me I can visit you:)

Lucy..♥ said...

I so want to make these, however I have yet to find those illusive, fabulous sounding cinnamon chips... at every turn I search ;-(

Jaime said...

snickerdoodle blondies? wonderful!

Bunny said...

It is a fantastic recipe Grace! I love the aroma of cinnamon so much sometimes I boil it in water so the house will smell like it.

Anonymous said...

no why did you have to post these, im gonna have problems with these. I didn't even know that cinnamon chips exsisted thanks. ;)

Unknown said...

I've made these and my dad recently had them at a church picnic...they are SOOOO good!

Heather said...

i was wondering when you were gonna make these! they seemed right up your alley. it looks so cinnamony delicious!

Shari said...

These look absolutely mouth watering!! And you are right about the aroma of cinnamon!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Is it weird that whenever I see a recipe that features cinnamon I think of you? I hope not! lol

Susan @ SGCC said...

Those blondies look amazing! I'm definitely swooning right now. The only thing saving me is that my market doesn't carry cinnamon chips!

pam said...

Yeah, I can't resist the cinnamon either.

Culinary Wannabe said...

This one's going on my list for sure. I just found out this weekend that my hubby had never had a snickerdoodle before. Blasphemy!

Lori said...

I can so see why. These are definitely Blondies with an attitude. Nice one Grace.

Melleah said...

These are bringing back memories of the cinnamon toast my mom used to make when I was a little girl. I'll have to try these for sure!

krysta said...

this is the best. thing. ever!!!! i'd eat the whole batch myself or hide it so i wouldn't have to share.

The Blonde Duck said...

Man. I've been trying to avoid making these, but I must give in...

Maria said...

Glad you tried them! They are oh so good!

Maris said...

Oh you know, I thought I had done as much damage as I could do with almond butter blondies and you have to go and one-up me! LOL. They look amazing!

MaryBeth said...

These look like the best thing ever...OK next to chocolate, but really YUM-O

RecipeGirl said...

HUGE snickerdoodle fan here :) I've done a lot of snickerdoodly things... the cookies, the muffins, the ice cream and event the bundt cake, but I haven't tried the blondies yet. I'm afraid it's TIME :)

Anonymous said...

can i have a bite? :)

Chef Jeena said...

I can see why! it looks so so good Grace.

Iva said...

Oh am I ever so glad I stopped by your blog! Earlier today I had the thought that some snickerdoodle cookies were in order to share with the new neighbors. But this sounds so much better. And forget the diet for a few days -- I've gotta have some for myself too!!!

Juliana said...

Cinnamon chips? Sounds good and look even better. Yummie! Would love to have a bite of it! Nice pictures!

KJ said...

I've out of the blogosphere for too long because I have totally missed these. I love anything sinckerdoodle. What a great name!!!

Mermaid Sews said...

yeah, these are top on the to do list, they look amazing.

pigpigscorner said...

I've yet to make some blondies!

Delicious Dishings said...

These look so good! Dying to make them now!

Deborah said...

Now I'm the only one who hasn't made these! I need to get in the kitchen pronto!

Shelly said...

Eeek! These sound dangerous but oh so good! I've seen a lot of these around as well. You've convinced me to try them :)

Jude said...

Regular blondies are worthless now? That's a pretty bold statement. Gonna have to take your word for it, though. This really does sound good.

Hornsfan said...

OMG Grace - this is just plain evil! I've been doing so good...limited baked goodies, lots of healthy things but these, well these may put me over the edge!

Katie said...

I need to try these again. But I know I will eat the whole pan by myself.

Chef Fresco said...

Healthy, these are not. Delicious and fantastic, this they are.

Anonymous said...

Hi Grace,
I'm having a cookie party where everyone brings cookies so since im scared theres going to be like 20 different batches of chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies im making bar cookies. my question is though where did you find the cinnamon chips? I can't find these anywhere is it a specialty store of some sort?

Anonymous said...

I made this recipe a while ago and it has been one of favorites! Thank you so much for sharing. Your blog is one of my favorites and I really appreciate your funny comments and thoughts! :)