A Southern Grace: have cake, will travel

September 4, 2008

have cake, will travel


About a week ago, I was asked what could be the easiest question ever:

"Would you be willing to try one of our cakes in return for a review?"


The request came from a representative of Carousel Cakes, and my answer was an immediate and emphatic YES! They even let me pick the type of cake, which I can assure you was no easy task. They have over 20 varieties, including a red velvet cake made famous by Oprah, an appropriately-titled chocolate outrage cake (three layers of chocolate cake filled with creamy chocolate fudge, topped off with an outrageous chocolate icing, surrounded with sweet chocolate chips), and even a strawberry shortcake. They also offer a number of magnificent mousses, cheesecakes, and pies and are happy to make personalized and/or customized cakes.

In the end, after doing quite a bit of waffling, I chose the hazelnut torte. It's described as being "two layers of moist nutty hazelnut cake filled with praline buttercream and raspberry, topped off with praline buttercream," which sounded too tempting to resist.

Only two days after declaring which cake I'd like to sample, it arrived at my doorstep. Even though I intended to take it to work with me, there was no way I was going to wait three days to try it. (Patience has never been a virtue of mine.) I sliced into it, and just look at what I found:

Can you believe that massive layer of frosting on top? GLORIOUS. As someone who prefers at least a 1:2 frosting-to-cake ratio, I was elated. (I would say 2:1 frosting-to-cake, but that's a bit extreme...)

Perhaps you're wondering how it tasted. After all, looks aren't everything. Well, folks, it was truly decadent. The moment the light, smooth, ultra-creamy frosting hit the roof of my mouth, I was in heaven. The bit of tartness supplied by the raspberry in the filling was a perfect complement to the sweet icing and nutty cake. Frankly, I could've eaten a lot more than I did--the combination of flavors and textures was such that it was difficult to stop.

Although they're located here in NY, Carousel Cakes can ship to any location nationwide so cakes come fresh and frozen, right to your doorstep. They pride themselves on making products with natural and fresh ingredients mixed by hand and with love. The next time you find yourself needing a fancy-shmancy and delicious cake and are without the time or means to make it, I hope Carousel Cakes comes to mind--you won't be sorry!


Mary said...

You are a lucky girl! The cake looks fabulous!

Lucy..♥ said...

WOW... that surely is tempting, looking so very decanted... and geesh they're just a hop, skip away from me on the other side of the TZ ;-)

Jenny said...

Grace, this cake is absolutely gorgeous! I picture it in a professional bakery! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

That cake looks amazing! Lucky you for getting to try it out.

Albany Jane said...

Wow, awesome looking cake. I doubt I would have had your will power to stop at just a little bit.

And yay - free stuff!!

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

That looks amazing and to be honest I never thought of having one shipped across the country but because it got your stamp of approval I will check this out and put them on my list!!!

Veronica said...

How come no one ever asks me to taste cakes??? The one you picked looked so-oo good-I think I would have picked the red velvet cake, wait...maybe the chocolate one-you did have a hard job.

vanillasugarblog said...

oh my goodnees that frosting is like 2 feet thick!!! You were one lucky person to get this opportunity. Do they need anymore tasters? ha ha

kat said...

Lucky you! That's totally the cake I would have picked too

Maria said...

You did a fabulous job!! I am glad you got to try it out!

Elle said...

It's the stuff a foodie's fantasies are made of right? "Can we send you some cake?"

It looks gorgeous and truly decadent!

Katie said...

Since you were not able to take it to work you are going to send out slices to the rest of us right? It looks so good, I want to lick the screen.

Sharon said...

Wow, that cake looks so rich, decadent and delicious. Lucky you!

crunchLin said...

that cake looks fantastic!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm a pie girl, but that cake is calling to me...

OhioMom said...

WOW! Love all those flavor combos, lucky you :)

Sandie said...

You got a cake to review and you didn't send me a slice? (I had my fork ready and everything...)

Marjie said...

I'm on my way over to help you review it. Oh, wait, I'll bet I'm too late; Lucy's probably across the TZ already! I'll hop on the turnpike the next time.

Anonymous said...

Lucky day! Lucky day! :-)

Pam said...

Lucky! Why can't I be asked to taste cakes? It's beautiful and looks delicious.

krysta said...

you should have bargined with them... 'sure i'll do a review but i need a few sample cakes so i know the depth and range of all your cakes, then i will be able to give a full and accurate review.'

Bunny said...

Well I had to go torture myself and look at all the beautiful cakes, pies, cheesecakes......Yum!!
To beable to make things that are that beautiful!!

Thistlemoon said...

WOW, you are so lucky! I would have picked hazelnut too! Why doesn't anyone ask me this question!? LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG how lucky are you! I adore Carousel cakes and have had the red velvet and it's amazing! You are one lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

I can imagine your answer to that question! I'd have my fork ready before they could finish their sentence hehe. Wow, that is one thick layer of frosting (my favourite part). Do Carousel deliver to Australia? ;)

Bunny said...

yes I'm back Grace an I have an award for you.

RecipeGirl said...

Oh my that does look good. Lucky you. I usually try to whip up my own cakes, but if I ever need one... I'll know where to check them out. That really looks tempting!

giz said...

I don't think there's a Carousel Cakes in Canada. The cake looks gorgeous - alot like the Hazelnut Filbert Gateau the Daring Bakers did last month. Really nice piping on the cake.

test it comm said...

That cake does look good! I like that thick layer of frosting. :) It is always nice to get something for free.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....cannot go wrong with hazelnut...ever!!!
Beautiful photos...makes me drool!

Jacque said...

Wow, how lucky you are! It does look fabulous... thanks so much for sharing your food porn, lol.

Anonymous said...

oh... reverence for the outrageously delicious looking visual treat you just gave us grace! yum yum yum!

Paula said...

You're killin' me here! Ok, I'm putting it out there that I'd be happy to test food! Or cake! YUM! Oh, and great choice on the torte!

Laura said...

What fun! I'm jealous!

lubnakarim06 said...

Awesome cake. I love it.

Vera said...

What an impressive layer of buttercream! Do they plan to provide you with tasting samples on a regular basis (since they've got quite a selection)? How nice it would be!

Emily said...

You SOB! Oh, sorry.
I'm RAGING JEALOUS of you. You should ask them if they need you to review another cake.

Natalie Que said...

Oh man, I hope I get big-time someday! I need some perks!

The cake is absolutely gorgeous!

Tabby said...

I am sooo jealous! That cake looks delicious!

Marilyn said...

Goodness! I'll get drowned in this chorus, but let me just say that if I ever have a cake line, you're the only spokeswoman I want. Drooly!

The Blonde Duck said...

Grace--you've got to check out Clumbsy Cookie's blog. She just posted Chocolate chip CINNAMON cookies. You'll love it! I thought of you instantly!

Deborah said...

That is gorgeous! I would like a slice!

Anonymous said...

hi! i stumbled on your blog, and it is amazing! that cake looks fabulous! you are very talented

be sure to swing by the pink potpourri...i host a giveaway every weekend, so come by, check it out and enter to win this weeks' prize!

Lori said...

That looks amazing! I love how high the frosting is. I am with you on that ratio. Such good fortune!

Leslie said...

Where can I sign up for that job????

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

Good Choice, hazelnut and raspberry...super yum!

Anonymous said...

you got your cake and got to eat it too! Nice.

Peabody said...

Sign me up! I want to get free cake. ;)

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Now that's the kind of mail I like!

Prudy said...

What do I have to do to have people approach me with this kind of cake???? I can't imagine a more fortuitous day then having a cake arrive with only a opinion asked for payment.

Sophie said...

Gosh, I wish someone would ask ME that question :D!! What a lucky duck!

Jaime said...

wow i'm so jealous. i want to try some cake :) oh and i guess this is trivial but if you like lots of frosting then you technically prefer a 2:1 frosting to cake ratio ;)

Stephanie said...

Lucky, lucky girl. Thats amazing. MM, i would have chosen that flavor cake too, I'm drooling over here.

eatme_delicious said...

Ooo yum lucky you!!

La Bella Cooks said...

Ah, look at that gorgeous cake. I would hate to cut into that ... well almost! I wish someone would ask me to review a cake. What a fun job that would be!

Tabby said...

I keep coming back to look at the pictures of that cake! I just want to stick my finger in the computer screen and take out a big glob of that icing!

Jeanne said...

Holy moly, look at the layer of frosting on that sucker!! I'm with you on the frosting-to-cake ratio... You lucky, lucky lady to get this in the post - all I ever get is bills ;-)

LyB said...

Reviewing cakes? Where do I sign up? :)

Anonymous said...

I get things to review all the time, but never anything this good! Mmmmmm!

Lilimonster said...

The hazelnut torte is definitely my favorites from there. CC is one of the stops when I show friends all the great eats Rockland has to offer!

(FYI: if you're planning on going to CC on Friday for a half priced cake, try to get there early or be prepared to wait- there have been a couple of times when the line went out the door)

Gigi said...

lucky, lucky girl! I am so jealous! Great post Grace.

Nic said...

Ooooooh, you lucky bag!
I think they need another tester though, tell them I am waiting for mine to arrive!

Y said...

That picture of the thick layer of frosting definitely qualifies as food porn! :D