A Southern Grace: you'd smile too...

May 29, 2010

you'd smile too...


...if you were full of nutty cinnamon sugar.

See how the streusel forms a smile? 'Tis a happy loaf.

Heck, just seeing or hearing the word cinnamon makes me smile, and I like the fact that this particular cake is able to reflect that sentiment.

This is one of the most interesting recipes I've made in some time. There's only one egg and very little fat, yet the density, appearance, and texture all rival that of your typical pound cake. It's magical--you can get every form of satisfaction from this relatively light cake that you normally would from a calorie-bomb pound cake.

You're welcome.

Incidentally, I would recommend that you make this stellar cake as mini loaves or muffins. When you go the full-loaf route, it's incredibly difficult to get the middle and center done without completely drying out the rest. You may have to make more streusel (what a sacrifice, right?), but it's absolutely worth it.

*There's still time for you to enter to win a $50 gift certificate from CSNStores.com.

Cinnamon Smile Cake
(adapted slightly from this recipe)

1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 1/3 cup sugar, divided use
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup canola oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease the bottom and sides of a 9″×5″×3″ loaf pan. Combine 1/3 cup sugar, cinnamon, and walnuts. Set aside.
Combine remaining 1 cup of sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and stir in the buttermilk, vanilla, and oil. Make a well in the flour mixture and add the wet mixture. Stir just until mixed; do not over-mix.
Pour half of the batter into loaf pan. Evenly sprinkle with the cinnamon mixture. Top with the rest of the batter.
Bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until toothpick test is passed. Cool in pan for about 10 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely on a wire rack.


Angie's Recipes said...

A magic spice, isn't it! :-)
The cake looks very moist and soft.

CC11 said...

Muffins sounds like a super idea!

Kate at Serendipity said...

I'd like to be full of nutty cinnamon sugar right now! This looks like just the vehicle to get there. I love the smile.

♥peachkins♥ said...

I would be smiling if I have some of this in my hands....

The Peach Kitchen
blowing peachkisses
peach and things

Barbara said...

Yes, that is definitely a smile face in your cake. How clever of your favorite ingredient to arrange itself so nicely for you!

This is looking very tempting, especially in muffin form, which always makes me feel less guilty. But with muffins, there would be no smile faces, except on MY face.

Unknown said...

I'm a self proclaimed cinnamon addict, and am always looking for the "healthier" versions when cooking. thanks for this recipe, i'll be trying it soon.

lisa is cooking said...

When will I learn to not look at food blog before breakfast? If I could just have one little piece! Love the streusel.

FOODESSA said...

After that description and those pick at me photos...how could I not take down this recipe!
BTW...love cinnamon too...and a nutritional bonus to boot.
Thanks for sharing recipes you're crazy about ;0)
Flavourful wishes, Claudia

kat said...

Wish I had that for breakfast instead of this bowl of oatmeal

foodhoe said...

mmm, I can just smell the cinnamon! might just have to add this to my muffin top collection...

Sarah said...

A streusel is so tasty and easy. I was thinking about buying buttermilk today and I am adding it to my shopping list now.

stephen said...

for me the words "streusel" makes me smile. it evokes memories of Sunday coffee cakes and walks down cobble stone roads

Livin Local said...

Ohhh, I can smell the cinnamon from here!

Bruninha said...

It looks delicious!!

tasteofbeirut said...

I think the key ingredient here is the buttermilk that gives it moistness; great cake recipe! Thanks

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Cinnamon "Smile" Cake... how sweet. I love it!


Gloria Baker said...

Look wonderful Grace! gloria

Amy @ cookbookmaniac said...

I love cinnamon. I love walnuts. i love cake. do you think i'll like this cake? heck yeah!

kimberleyblue said...

Oooh - the lack of fat in this makes me smile too! I love your attention to cinnamon-detail. :)

This is a nice way to use up the buttermilk one always has sitting in the fridge...

kimberleyblue said...

Wanna know a secret? I've never had a tamale...I know. Shameful. They always look good though, this one SO included!

My favourite number has always been 2. I don't know why - I think it stemmed from Sesame Street, but I can't remember the reason.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be full of nutty cinnamon sugar!

I think I'm going to have to give this a try... sweet treats that require less time dealing with my own guilt are always high on my list!

Mother Rimmy said...

Cinnamon is one of those spices that reminds me of comfort food. I'll often just simmer stick on the stove just to make the house smell cozy.

Love the recipe!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

This reminds me of little cinnamon and sugar doughnuts that are a farmer's market specialty:d Good times, good times...

oneordinaryday said...

That's a perfect example of a dessert that can be eaten for breakfast. Yum.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

I don't think that loaf knows his fate. Other wise he wouldn't be so happy. :)

marla {family fresh cooking} said...

Of course that cake would induce a smile. We always love cinnamon over here...in our sweets and savories. Have a great long weekend :) xo

grace said...

it is smiling! as one cinnamon fiend to another, I can see why =)

Robin said...

Hey that first picture does have a smile in it, cool!

Lori said...

Indeed this is a cake to smile at.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I'd smile for sure... Yummy looking!



vanillasugarblog said...

i surely do need a loaf of this for my brekkie tomorrow. nothing like fresh cinnamon cake with hot coffee in the morning. can you dig it?
and ms. gracie, thank you darling for the congrats on my blog--love it.
have a good rest of the holiday....

Erica said...

This looks so yummy! Perfect for a brunch with hot black coffee!

Trissa said...

Just one egg, and very little fat? And it still looks so incredibly moist!

Cara said...

Looking at the ingredients I did think, "wow, that looks rather light!" Just a 1/3 of a cup of oil? Sounds delightful!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

One egg and low in fat? It does look rich and moist. OK Grace did you do some sort of deal with the devil? ;) If you did that's ok cos you got the recipe! :)

Joanne said...

For as little oil as this has, that texture is amazing! It's moistness is actually visible. And yes cinnamon never fails to put a smile on my face. Best stuff on earth. I am so making this!

Faith said...

How is it that your cakes always look so phenomenal?! This one is moist, full of cinnamon, and smiling...what could be better? :)

Sook said...

Mmm... I am craving some cinnamon sugary bread! :) Yum!

Kerstin said...

I'm drooling - it looks amazing! And I love the fact that it's not completely bad for you :)

zoom yummy said...

:) ... love cinnamon too... the cake looks tasty indeed. :) Petra

pigpigscorner said...

I'm smiling =)

TKW said...

Who wouldn't want to eat a cake that smiles? Lovely!

Lisa-Marie said...

You know I'm entirely with you on the cinnamon. I can't help but wonder if i could chuck some raisins or figs in for the texture.

I suppose the only way I will find out is to try!

The Teacher Cooks said...

I love baking something with cinnamon then your whole house smells like a bakery. This cake would do just that and then the smiles would come!

Amanda said...

I enjoy cinnamon so much too... but NOT in my coffee! I just bought some cinnamon vanilla flavored coffee mate and nearly spit hot coffee over everything. Gross! Who knew? I thought cinnamon could do no wrong. ;)

Great pics as always!!

Hungry Dog said...

Yeah baby. I'm totally going to make this in muffin form. With loads of streusel topping. Thank you indeed!

Anonymous said...

mmm yum cinnamon, I was just looking for a new muffin recipe and this looks superb.

Lindsey @ pickyeatings said...

I love cinnamon, and I love that you suggest these as muffins, which I can only imagine would be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Mmm... cinnamon definitely makes me smile! This cake looks wonderful!

www.dhaleb.com said...

Word on the streets is Dhale has been upgraded to a real deal oven and is super excited to bake her ass off. So this has been added to the list of yummies to bake!

Lucie said...

This definitely looks like your kind of cake! Sounds delicious!

Pam said...

This cake would definitely make me smile - YUM!

The Blonde Duck said...

I want this so bad I can taste it.

Half Baked said...

The streusel smile makes me happy! Great looking muffin:)

Kristen said...

Looks incredible!

Carolyn Jung said...

You're right -- ANYTHING with cinnamon sugar is good. From plain ol' toast with butter to a fancy streusel pastry, it all gets better with cinnamon-sugar all sprinkled over it.

D. @ Outside Oslo said...

Imagine pulling up a chair on the porch on a mild summer morning, with a hot, steaming cup of coffee and a generous slice of that cake!

That would be a sure way to get a day off to the right start.

Albany Jane said...

Why these are downright virtuous! I might sub apple sauce for some of the oil, making a cinnamon apple baked delight that even my husbear can't turn down!

Deborah said...

You will always be the cinnamon queen to me!

shaz said...

Boy am I smiling! Nutty cinnamon sugar and reduced calories? Exactly what I need right now :)