A Southern Grace: buck...

February 6, 2010



...aroo? No. Do I look like a rhinestone cowboy?

...naked? No. Get your minds out of the gutter.

Buckeyes. Much preferred, wouldn't you say?

Now I'm not from Ohio and I don't know very much about the state itself (other than the fact that Cleveland rocks, but Drew Carey told me that...)(Yeah, I watched his sitcom.)(I knew him before The Price is Right, which incidentally doesn't hold a candle to the other show he hosted.)(The show to which I'm referring was called Whose Line Is It Anyway, for those of you keeping track.)(Colin Mochrie is brilliant and hilarious, but I digress...). However, as the source of these little nuggets, I fully appreciate the place. I mean, come on--chocolate-covered balls of sweet peanut butter confection? Outstanding.

Yes, they take a little time and effort to make. Yes, it can be a fickle and frustrating process. Is it worth it? Totally. I didn't need Mr. Carey to tell me that.

What's your state's culinary claim-to-fame?

Eyes of the Buck (hmm...that's a wee bit morbid)
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
6 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup shortening

Line a cookie sheet or four with wax paper. In a large bowl, mix together the softened butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla with a wooden spoon.
Roll the dough into 1-inch balls. Set them on the prepared cookie sheets and insert a toothpick into each ball. Chill in the freezer until hard, approximately 30 minutes.
Melt the chocolate chips and shortening together over medium-high heat. Remove the pan from the heat and quickly dip the frozen balls into the chocolate and place back onto the cookie sheets. Be sure to leave a little peanut butter showing! Refrigerate until the chocolate is set, approximately 2 hours. Oh, and don't eat the toothpicks.


Lucie said...

Such a perfect treat, just in time for Valentine's Day! It would be fun to try these in bar form too, although I guess you wouldn't really get the eye effect anymore. I can't wait to try these!

oneordinaryday said...

"Don't eat the toothpicks." You are too funny.

I guess PA's claim to fame must be the Philly cheese steak, eh? I wish I was a bigger fan of them so I could go on and on, but the only ones I've ever eaten were from those minute freezer steakum things. Never the real mccoy in Philly. Road trip?

George Gaston said...

Buckaroo, please please don't eat the...

Grace, your post are always filled with humor & song, which I love. These "eye of the buck" are a peanut-butter-holics key to paradise.

I think that as I make your 'roos', I just might eat a bite of the tooth pick, because I would be eating them fresh from their chocolate dip.

Thanks for the great recipe...

Sinful Southern Sweets said...

LOL! Grace, your so funny! I always enjoy your posts.
My state's claim to fame:
Pecan Pie, of course!

kat said...

I went to college in Ohio & never ever had these! Minnesota's claim to fame, wild rice, spam & hot dish!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I'm going to have to get back to this recipe after my diet..lolz!

Josie said...

I used to make buckeyes for gifts for all my friends in college. Since I am from Ohio and went to school in Wisconsin, my friends all thought these were the most exotic confection :) I must admit that once I made them and smelled the peanut butter/sugar/butter mix for a long time, I could never eat them again - so be forewarned if you are sensitive to really sweet smells :)

Lisa said...

I will run a few miles and try one, they look so good!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

I loved Whose Line is It Anyway! Those guys were all so talented and hilarious.

Buckeyes - yes, please!

Anonymous said...

YUM! I bet those would also be good with sunflower butter I have right now!

Anonymous said...

These are a favorite in our house! They really are very yummy! I like to make them very small, so you can pop the whole thing in your mouth!:)

Karly said...

You're killing me. I adore buckeyes. They are so yummy! Now I need to go make some, darn it.

Mary said...

I love buckeyes (the candy, not the football team), Drew Carey, Ryan Stiles, and Whose Line is it anyway! I can't make them though. I'll eat every last one. :)

foodhoe said...

my favorite combination! I also loved Whose line is it anyway... I must compliment you on the chocolate coating which looks magnificent.

Hungry Dog said...

How funny--I just did a post about these recently. And I'm not from Ohio either! I discovered them through my Kentucky in-laws. ANyhow, what's California famous for culinarily speaking? Alice Waters, Napa Valley, ridiculously good produce year-round...

Chef Aimee said...

I made these a few weeks ago in a cooking class and let me tell you, they are the most addictive thing in the universe! Awesome! As for New York's claim to culinary fame...hmmm. Steak, cheesecake, and bagels?

Alicia Foodycat said...

These sound like a bit of a fiddle, but I'd love to try one!

New South Wales claim to fame? Really good chardonnay!

vanillasugarblog said...

perfect grace. and I couldn't agree more on how, at times, they can be a bit fussy to work with. right temp, right temp you know? looks like you nailed them perfectly.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

I think that only good could come from the combination of peanut butter and chocolate! Great stuff Grace eyes and all! :D

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Gorgeous buckeyes! That's a treat that I'd love!



Melanie said...

There were at least ten things in this post that made me laugh. Thanks for the uplift to my monotonous Saturday. Since I've only lived in WI for 6 months, the only claim to fame I can bring up at the ready is cheese, of course. I love buckeyes (AND Drew C. from WLIIA). Thanks for the reminder not to ingest the toothpick.

Faith said...

These look phenomenal, Grace! I'm not from Ohio either so I only heard of these little drops of heaven recently...since then I've been dying to make them! ;)

Unknown said...

Woohoo! I live in the land of the Buckeyes :D they are delicious and wonderful! I remember making them for the first time in elementary school class lol

Carolyn Jung said...

I absolutely love these. And the only way I can eat them is to not think about what they're made of. heehee. But they're so incredible tasting that I really don't care how many calories they amount to.

Sook said...

What a perfect way to enjoy sweets and chocolate. :)

shaz said...

Oh Grace! I can just about sing every line of Rhinestone Cowboy :) For some strange reason there only ever seemed to be two cassettes in the car, one was Glen Campbell and the other was ABBA! And these buckeyes are SO calling my name - this is the second post I've seen recently so if I see another one soon, that's it, I'm making them!

Barbara said...

Yummeee! Haven't had one in years and certainly have never made one myself. Great recipe for Super Bowl Sunday, where snacking is the order of the day!

And my state? Key Lime Pie, of course!

Lindsey@pickyeatings said...

Just the other day my mother and I were having a conversation (at the beach) about buckeyes, and had no idea what they actually are.

megan said...

I love these cookies, but, being from Pittsburgh, we call them peanut butter balls ;) I made them as part of my 12 days of Christmas (cookies). they're my favorites!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

They would become a favorite quick in the house :)

pam said...

Oh yes. Yes. Yes.

Sherry G said...

Ha ha I loved the Drew Carey Show! I'm from Pittsburgh and a Primanti Brothers Sandwich is legendary here.

Nutmeg Nanny said...

I make these every year at Christmas. Being a Buckey State native how can I not? I'm not sure why but in my family we only ate them at Christmas. It seems silly because usually by the time Christmas gets here I get such a craving I eat most of them....;) Perhaps I should make them more often? Also don't forget to leave a little piece at the top not covered in chocolate. That way it looks likes a real buckeye;)

La Bella Cooks said...

The Brit version of Who's line was the best, in my opinion. My kids would go nuts over these little peanut butter confections. I agree, they would be worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

Grace I just needed to tell you that your the cats pajamas. You post the best recipes on here and I love your goofy posts. I wouldn't say that this is considered a california food that you can make but In-N-Out burger is the best place ever and I think its only in california.

Brittany Marie said...

I had to tell myself to ignore my urge to make these the moment I saw them because I have far too much studying to do tonight. Thanks for the post!

CC11 said...

Love your sense of humour :). Peanut butter and chocolate, as complimentary for each other as Colin and Ryan (loved that show).

Anonymous said...

I have to say, those look darn yummy! Anything covered in chocolate is a yesyes from me! And you did such a good job with them!

tiffany @ the garden apartment said...

These sound delicious, Grace. Chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favorite combinations. Also, I see you and I are featured right next to each other on the Food News Journal this morning: http://www.foodnewsjournal.com/.

~~louise~~ said...

So this is the place to visit when I'm in need of a Monday morning chuckle. Well, I just may be thinking of your tasty nuggets all day. As someone already said, perfect for a Valentine's Day snack. Thanks for sharing, Grace...

Amanda said...

This recipe made me drool a little. Yum!!


Sophie said...

These reming me of my college roommie, she was known for making these. They're so good, better than reese's!

Sandy said...

I adore buckeyes! Of course, have I ever turned chocolate down? LOL

Happy Monday!

TKW said...

Dang! I was hoping for nekkid.

Juliana said...

Never had buckeyes, sure looks yummie! HAve to give a try :-)

Julie said...

I loved Whose Line Is It Anyway! And now I have a pb craving :)

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

Essentially another form of peanut butter cup, and nothing could be wrong with that!

Jaime said...

I love buckeyes!!

Mini Baker said...

I LOVEEE buckeyes. stop making me drool. Thanks :)

Emily said...

I've never had a buckeye before. Can you believe that?! These look so, so good.

How could you not like these?

Cheri said...

I have a feeling my husband will love me forever if I made these for him. Not, that he won't already but this will just seal the deal for sure. :) I too enjoy Colin Mocherie.. man I miss that show.

As for my Countries culinary claim to fame.. I would have to say rotten fish. Super yum. :P

Erica said...

My husband would love those!!! Great for valantine's day!!!1

Cate O'Malley said...

Mmm, looks delicious! Hmm, Jersey's culinary claim to fame ... I think I'd go with our Jersey Tomatoes. Can't wait until farmer's market season begins!

Anonymous said...

ah! havent seen/heard of these before.
but theyre too easy. looks awesome.
from the ingredients i can imagine how it tastes already!

fimere said...

c'est divin j'en croquerai volontiers, j'adore
bonne journée

Pam said...

Oh Grace - you are killing me! I could eat a whole bowl full of these babies. My kids would really dig them too.

Jennifer said...

These are hands down one of my favorites!!! We used to make them by the 100's!! yum yum!

Robin said...

Love these. We even like them with rice krispies in there to give them crunch- may have to blog that sometime. Our claim to fame is the VA peanut or VA ham which is really salty and gross.

Jennifer said...

I have never had them although I have always wondered how to make them! YUM

Chef Jeena said...

Wow fabulous post Grace, I love snacks like this I would not be able to put them down.

Marjie said...

A buckeye is a real nut, but I would prefer these.

Our claim to "fame", culinary wise? Philly cheese steaks and shoo-fly pie come to mind. And I can't make either.

The Teacher Cooks said...

Have not made these in years. They are so good. I love your photograph.

Unknown said...

ooooh my goooooodness!! peanut butter and chocolate? a HUGE weekness of mine. and here I am sitting, my pants feeling tighter than they did last week and you show me this? not nice! (thank you...hee hee)YUM

Jacque said...

Geez, I've lived in Ohio for 10+ years and have never made buckeyes. (I have however, spent lots of time throwing buckeyes (the kind that fall from the tree) into the creek at the bottom of the yard with a preschooler... not sure if that counts). Anyway, I think it's high time I try them. Yours look fantastic... nice and shiny and peanutbuttery... Niiiiiice.

stephen said...

would that be when the chocolate metthe peanut butter? remember the original adds for that other confection. ha!

Teanna said...

Those eyes of buck (ha! love!) look outstanding! I still don't understand what a buckeye is (mascot or confection), but I do know they look DELICIOUS!

Lori said...

One word- drool. These are my absolute "crack" addiction.

Velva said...

Your post has made me smile and laugh...I could eat those chocolate peanut butter confections any day or all day!

Lisa | Authentic Suburban Gourmet said...

I LOVE these! Use to make a version of these years ago and the only problem is that I want to eat too many. Thanks for sharing!

Half Baked said...

Classic combo! lurve me some buck...eyes lol

lisa is cooking said...

I've never tried making these, and now I don't know why! Peanut butter and chocolate lovelies would disappear quickly.

Chef Fresco said...

Yum yum yum! How delicious! Of course, pb and chocolate are my favorite. Love it!

Lisa said...

I used to love these when I was a kid but I don't think I've ever made them myself. Sounds simple enough so I don't know why not. I really think the guys at my house would enjoy them too.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Yum, pretty much the only time I like chocolate or PB is when they are put together.

Lindsey said...

I absolutely love your writing. I feel like I am cooking with a good friend (or a Southern gal as "quirky" as me!). I'm glad I found your blog. It has brightened up a snowy day in Atlanta.

Kare said...

These look terrific! And chocolate and peanut butter... yum. I must try making these soon. :)

Laura said...

Well I am from ohio, so.... :) I ate a lot of those suckers growing up. Nice job.

Deborah said...

I made some buckeye type cookies around Christmas, but have never actually tried buckeyes. I need to change that. (And I love Who's Line Is it Anyway!)

savvygreenmom said...

These are my favorite! My mom always made them growing up and now that we have a nut allergic little boy - I haven't even considered them. However, i am going to try them using our soybutter! It tastes totally the same and our kiddos would enjoy these for sure :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... I LOVE buckeyes. LOVE. Is there really anything better than PB and chocolate?