A Southern Grace: anton's

August 7, 2009



Next up in the hunt for Mediterranean chicken wrap supremacy was Anton’s. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have even known about this place had someone not raved about its gyros. Thank heavens I happened to read that post, thank heavens I was able to find the place, and thank heavens they were open on Sunday.

Folks, this was an entirely different gastronomic experience from my journey to The Phoenicians. I realize that Greek and Lebanese foods and techniques are not completely interchangeable, but good grief--the differences were astounding!

Let me begin at the beginning. Upon entering, I was immediately enamored of this little diner--it consists of a few tables and a countertop, and the “kitchen” is comprised of a deep fryer, a vertical rotisserie, an oven, and a grill. Can you say hole in the wall? I loved it. Also, before I get to the food, I need to mention that Michael Anton, the owner and chef, was extremely garrulous and likeable. Apparently he and his wife opened the place last September and things have been going strong ever since.

Now. The grub. I ordered the chicken souvlaki ($6.75 + tax) with lettuce and tomato, requesting the tzatziki on the side (I’m trying to keep the variables as consistent as possible). Bonus--I got to watch Michael prepare my food! That type of thing always excites me.

The chicken was tossed on the grilled and squirted with some sort of fat-based juice. While that happily cooked, Michael dashed around like a whirling dervish, putting together multiple orders. When the chicken was done and properly finished off with some fresh lemon juice, the pita (which I was thrilled to see was thick and fluffy) was briefly warmed on the grill top and my wrap was assembled.

When I unfurled the foil wrapping, cubes of chicken fell out--it was stuffed to the brim, and that was fine by me. I like getting my money’s worth. First impression, made by my ever-judgmental eyes: Ample, juicy, and seasoned chicken encased in a perfect pita. Second impression, made by my even-more-judgmental tastebuds: Bliss. I’m honestly not exaggerating--I had a moment of absolute delight in which I praised God, Michael Anton, and the Greek nationality in general.

The spicing of the chicken was wonderful, and it was so very succulent. It was so moist and juicy, in fact, that no sauce was required, but I applied it anyway and folks, this was flawless tzatziki. The amount of garlic was right, there was dill and cucumber, and it was oh-so-cool and creamy. I didn’t want the meal to end! Speaking of the end, as sad as it was, it was also grand, because the chicken jus had accumulated at the bottom of the foil, leaving a sopping wet bit of pita that tasted unbelievably amazing.

Incidentally, I now know that one of the best dishes here is the EJ wrap, so that’s something to keep in mind for next time. And there will be a next time.

Complete and utter consumption satisfaction, that’s what I experienced at Anton’s. I may have already reached the pinnacle of Mediterranean wraps, and I'm only on restaurant #2. If it gets much better than this, I may not survive.

(across from St. Peter’s Hospital)
577 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
(518) 453-9191


OhioMom said...

That chicken looks wonderful, only one word to describe this...yummy!

lisa is cooking said...

I should not read food blogs before breakfast. I get the strangest cravings for unique breakfast foods, like chicken souvlaki! Looks great!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

I'm liking your restaurant reviews Grace! Although they do make me hungry but that's nothing new for your stuff!

unconfidentialcook said...

Yup, that would sure work for me, too! I sure miss my favorite Greek diners in NYC!

♥peachkins♥ said...

mouth watering photos!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

LOL, wow really did an amazing job describing that gyro! I WANT one! No, make that NEED one! :( It's not looking good for me either!

Happy Friday, Grace!

Donna-FFW said...

Oh what a delicious looking gyro.. I would absolutely love to have that this afternoon with a nice cocktail.

Amanda said...

Ooh, it sounds perfect! And I, too, love finding a good hole-in-the-wall restaurant. There's just something great about finding a small establishment, run by a family instead of a nameless corporation, and good food served in an uncomplicated way.

Sharon said...

I might just need to travel to Albany for some of that chicken!

Jennifer said...

That looks yummy, I am starving and you are making me drool. I am making your biscuits this weekend, can't wait!

Pam said...

This looks SO GOOD! Now I am hungry.

Albany Jane said...

Hooray, a successful wrap trip! I can't wait to check Anton's out!

Jessica@FoodMayhem said...

Do you think they'll deliver to the city? I can dream can't I?

foodhoe said...

I love that kind of sandwich, last time I went to the falafel drive-in, it was 105 outside and I had to go sit in my car with the air con on in order to enjoy my pita sandwich. But it was delicious, next time I'm looking for chicken souvlaki!

Melanie said...

Cut it out! Seriously, you are making me very jealous and I don't live anywhere near Anton's. Sounds utterly divine.

LilSis said...

You're descriptions are making me drool...That wrap sounds excellent, unfortunately, I happen to live on the other side of the country.

La Bella Cooks said...

Ok, now I am totally starving! The chicken looks mouth watering.

Rebeca said...

Seriously... that looked too good... My stomach is growling!

shaz said...

I have a sudden craving for souvlaki now....looking forward to the rest of your reviews :)

Gloria Baker said...

Grace this look delicious!! love it! Gloria

The Blonde Duck said...

If I fly up there, will you take me there?

kimberleyblue said...

i looove some good souvlaki (though I always go for the pork)...

And that little puddle of delicious sauce at the end is always the best. I usually tear a piece of the pita before I start eating so I have something to pour that sauce on at the end.

Great review! Makes me want to go out for Greek right now.

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

YUM! and great pics too.

noble pig said...

Stufed to the brim is all I needed to hear.

Aleta said...

Oh my gosh! That looked so yummy I wished I could pluck it off of the screen! Don't you love the hole in the wall restaurants? They are usually the best!

pam said...

I'm so jealous! I can't get nothing like that here!

Emily said...

Mmmm. This place sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Grace!
This week I'm going to have my friends over for a southern dinner,and as I'm looking for recipes I thought of you a southern grace. :) have any suggestions?

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

OMG, that looks so scrumptious! I love wraps!



Zoe said...

Great review! Looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

Your review has left me with a wrap craving! Oh, how you tempt me...

Anita said...

Yum, the chicken looks lovely and juicy.

Maria said...

Nice review!!

Juliana said...

Wow, this chicken looks delicious...yummie!

Nic said...

Makes me want to get on the next flight out! Looks delicious.

Marjie said...

That is a lot of thanking of the heavens. I hope they rumbled back, "You're welcome, Grace." Or maybe they'll send the angel Earl to escort you back to Antons (I find Earl to be a hoot. Not so much the rest of the show. Sorry for the play on your name.)

Bunny said...

Oh my word Grace your description of the gyro is leaving me wanting one NOW!! Great review!

Jeff said...

When I end up back in New York I am definitely checking this place out. I am in love with little dive hole in the walls.

Teanna said...

That is AWESOME - although, I am so curious as to what that "fat-based juice" was! Hahaha! I LOVE me some gyros and I NEVER eat them... I have to change that!