April 20, 2011

lovely layers

Undeniable truth #1: Layered creations take more time and effort than more uniform edibles.

Undeniable truth #2: Layered creations are, more often than not, quite a bit more pleasing to both the eye and the palate than more uniform edibles.

Conclusion: Layered creations must be superior to more uniform edibles. Usually.

It's certainly the case here. These bars are yet another tasty treat inspired by one of the gazillion candy bars floating around out there. This time, the confection that caused the light bulb to appear cartoon-style was Reese's Fast Break. [Incidentally, I had no idea it was intended as a breakfast replacement (when I hear 'fast break,' I think of basketball), but hey--I'm all for it!]

What we have here are three separate layers--an oatmeal cookie base, a thin sheet of chocolate filling, and a sweet, smooth peanut butter frosting. Oh. Yeah. One could definitely get away with noshing on a wedge of these bars for breakfast; after all, oatmeal is involved! This is a unique play on the good ol' chocolate-peanut butter combination, which, as far as I'm concerned, is a winner every time.

Triple Threats
Cookie Base:
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup oats

Chocolate Layer:
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Peanut Butter Frosting:

2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
3-4 tablespoons milk

Preheat the oven to 325F. Grease a 9x13-inch baking pan.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until smooth. Beat in the egg, 1/3 cup peanut butter, and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; stir into the peanut butter mixture. Finally, mix in the rolled oats. Spread the dough evenly into the prepared pan and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the edges are firm. 

Remove from the oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate chips in a single layer over the top. Let stand for 5 minutes, then spread to cover. Allow to cool. 
In a small bowl, beat together the powdered sugar and 1/4 cup peanut butter until smooth. Beat in the milk one tablespoon at a time until a spreadable consistency is reached. Spread over the bars when the chocolate has hardened.


  1. You are so right, Grace. Not only do layers make a more interesting presentation, but layered goodies ALWAYS taste better!
    This looks marvelous...and do I see a trace of teeth in that bite? :)

  2. Ha! Couldn't agree more. One of my most favorite things on earth is a layer cake. (Note: that is not hyperbole.) And, as usual, your sweets have me craving gooey sweets before 8 am.

  3. i agree- layered foods look so much better than non layered ones :D This looks really good! I want one now.....

  4. Yum, yum, yum. I love layers, and I can't wait to try those. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You said the magic words Grace! Peanut butter frosting. Oh drool. Actually, I'm off to experiment now with a cookie recipe that has peanut butter and choc-chips in it. Perhaps I should make peanut butter frosting too? No such thing as too much peanut butter :)

  6. Oh my, here comes the drool...these are decadent looking bars. So much so that I've bookmarked them. I love each layer...Thanks Grace!

  7. I COMPLETELY agree! The more layers the better. Looks divine Grace!

  8. Hello Grace! I'm back from vacation and happy to be catching up on my blog reading...those are some lovely layers indeed! :)

  9. Layered deserts are ever so pleasing to the eye. Also, you automatically think, mmm, lots of flavours!

  10. never seen such layered dessert. its tasty

  11. These sound divine! Bar cookies are the best--layers of flavor, no pesky rolling out of dough.

  12. Yes - layers here are definitely a good thing!

  13. Heaven on a plate! The peanut butter frosting sounds fabulous.

  14. Oh yes, chocolate and peanut butter were meant to be together. And must be made even more delicious with an oatmeal layer thrown in there. Love the look of this!

  15. Grace,
    You were a winner in my chips giveaway.
    I need your mailing address by Friday please!

  16. Drooling over this one, I should bake a batch :)

  17. You know what I bet would make you really happy? Box up some of those and send them my way. It's better to give then to receive.

  18. Why oh why am I looking at this during Passover? You're killing me ;)

  19. So the real question is do I replace the chocolate with butterscotch or white chocolate?

  20. I do love a good layer. ALthough they are certainly a tad bit more time consuming than non-layered goods. But when those layers include PB and chocolate? Oh so totally worth it!

  21. I would have to hide these from Matt or they'd be gone in a minute

  22. The mix of chocolate and peanut butter can do no wrong. And, the oatmeal layer sounds great here too. So, yes, I'll take one for breakfast, most definitely!

  23. HoLy heck Grace! What are you doing to me? I'm getting cravings after a huge meal?

  24. Mmm, Mmm...MMM! Soo much better than candy bars. Lovely Layers from a Lovely, Inspiring Blogger.

    Merci Mucho Grace

  25. Totally decadent and delicious for exactly this reason!

  26. I. Want. One. Now. Please? Pretty please?

  27. I just found your blog and I love it! Everything looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!


  28. Ok, first off, I had no idea that fast break was intended as a breakfast replacement; sign me up! And second, your bars look really, really, really good! I love layers too. They let you experience all the flavors; it's so much more delicious that way!

  29. OMG I want a piece please!!! look awesome and tempting! gloria

  30. Grace, those bars could replace my breakfast anytime! And yes, the layers make them even more irresistible. Each separate layer has a flavor and texture of its own, making them a joy to savor! :)

  31. Oatmeal and peanut butter AND chocolate. I'm in love! This is a good Break Fast! hehe.

  32. This is the best-looking layer I have seen today! I am already wondering when I will make it!

  33. Why have one layer when you can have 3 totally gorgeous and delicious layers like this?

  34. You did say these are fit for breakfast, right? A perfect compliment to a cup o' joe.

  35. I love layered creations. I hate to make them. Conclusion? I must be a lazy glutton. *sigh*

  36. I'm loving the triple threat of the chocolate layer. yummy.

  37. Layers of goodness that is for sure! Peanut butter and chocolate is always a hit.

  38. well this sounds just about as good as it gets!

  39. pb bars with pb frosting is always a winner winner chicken dinner in my book, house, and plate.
    I like easy part best though lol

  40. I've never heard of Fast Break and agree with you that my 1st association was not breakfast but this looks so good. I'm so glad that light bulb went off =D.

  41. I have a t-shirt that says, "Cupcake + Multivitamin = Breakfast of Champions!!"

    I wear it proudly. Oatmeal in the cookie base absolutely counts.

  42. Triple threat indeed!! This looks killer :)

  43. At first glance I thought that was a cherry jam. Now that I see it is semi sweet chocolate I cannot resist the layers. (well, I was all ready smitten by the jam anyway.) Love!

  44. Chocolate and peanut butter....I'm in!!!!!

  45. Scrumptious bars, love all the layers with the cookie base and the chocolate middle and the pb frosting.

  46. Triple Threats look triple the fun! ;)

  47. Mmm, love that PB frosting on top - these look completely addicting!

  48. Oh, yeah, I could totally get into this tasty treat. Delicious.

  49. I'm with Rosa, to die for!! Didn't know that factoid about fast break. This looks so delicious, I want!

  50. What a crazy, crazy bar. It looks so dense and sweet and amazing.

    The only thing I might me inclined to add would be a jam layer - the more layers, the merrier, right?

  51. You had me at peanut butter frosting...


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