April 14, 2011

surprising attractions

I am drawn to Curtis Stone.

If you're wondering why this is surprising, given his wealth, culinary abilities, tremendous height, and sensational accent, well, you have a good point. The simple truth is that I'm usually not attracted to Ken-doll types; nay, I tend to go for more of a scruffy, dark-haired look. That's why I was surprised to realize that the reason I keep tuning in to watch 'America's Next Great Restaurant' is one Curtis Stone. His comments are apt and well-said, he's fair, and my stars, he makes Bobby Flay look like a little leprechaun!

Whew. Now that that little tidbit about me is out of the way, we can get to the grub. This is a really unexpected delight for someone who, like me, feels that carrots only belong in cake. The chewy raisins, sweet pineapple, and crunchy nuts go a long way in making those shreds of carrot more palatable. Bonus: The creamy dressing is guilt-free and oh-so-tasty.

Surprisingly Scrumptious Carrot Salad
1/2 cup yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups carrots, shredded
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/4 cup crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

Combine yogurt, honey, lemon juice, and cinnamon to make dressing. Add the rest of the ingredients. Chill at least 15 minutes before serving.


  1. I'm not into Ken-doll men either... That salad must be scrumptious. An interesting combination!



  2. I just can't figure out where Curtis Stone came from ... he suddenly appeared on all the reality shows and everybody's falling all over him.

    I can see why you like this salad... it's basically carrot cake without the flour. :)

  3. I do enjoy a carrot salad. This one is sweet with carrots, raisins and pineapple just like I would expect it top be.

  4. Married to Ken-doll type isn't so bad. :) But this salad looks scrumptious!

  5. Curtis Stone is certainly one lovely specimen of a man. I approve.

    This salad sounds absolutely delicious! I'm usually a carrots-in-cake-only type of girl as well...but for this I can make an exception!

  6. This carrot salad sounds so good with raisins and pineapples!

  7. I'm always surprised at how much I like carrot salad when I have it too. We are looking forward to see which restaurant the show opens here in Minneapolis.

  8. Curtis Stone can eat crackers in my bad anytime.

  9. Raisins, pineapple and carrots. You cannot go wrong with that combination.

  10. I'm usually not into carrot salads, but this one is different...I love all the ingredients in your salad Grace, especially your use of yogurt. Awesome job!
    I've seen Curtis Stone in this show only twice, but though he was great too.

  11. Now, I'm sitting here wondering why I've never made a carrot salad? The yogurt dressing sounds great with it!

  12. a little leprechan!!!! LOLOLOL! you made me lose my tea on that one.
    i love this salad. It's so funky and flavorful. I almost had something like it. I want to try your way though.

  13. I have never net a carrot that I didn't like. This has all kinds of crunchy good things!

  14. I have always thought he was hot! To be fair, almost any accent usually wins me over. I totally think he is scruffy. "Ken-doll" has never come into my mind. He's a man-man.

  15. I strangely like Curtis too. I love on his show Take Home Chef how he shamelessly annouces he's looking for a girlfriend. Can you believe a Ken doll like himself is single??

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Love the salad. I'm not sure that Bobby will like your comparison, he might have to challenge you to a throwdown.

  18. I think it's a stroke of genius the Coles marketing team snared him to woo half the women of Australia to shop at Coles!

  19. He's a cutie all right, but was strangely bland as host for the Top Chef Masters. Hope he does better in future installments.
    Sorry, can't help it (and my daughter thinks I'm nuts) I like Bobby Flay. Give him great credit for parlaying his talent into big money and he works like a dog. And I am not crazy for redheads usually.

    Anyway...this redheaded carrot dish looks delish, Grace!

  20. Well, I can't say as I've ever watched any of these shows - the hubster wouldn't sit for them - but I do like this carrot salad!

  21. Yes, Curtis Stone. I like him too. And, I too have recently gotten hooked on America's Next Great restaurant, largely because of him, although I think Bobby is coming off like a pretty decent guy too. Which...surprises me.

  22. Mmmm. That sounds delicious! (And I'm not telling you whether I'm talking about Curtis Stone or the salad - or both). :)~

  23. Okay- I need to climb out from under my rock because I don't know who Curtis Stone is. I do know that your salad looks yummy. Different and delicious!

  24. Oooh...I'm not a fan of Curtis Stone. Granted, I never gave him much chance because his face irritates me.

    I do, however, love carrot salads. This almost sounds like a carrot cake, minus some flour and baking soda...so therefore, I would love it.

  25. I adore carrots in a salad! This one sounds wonderful, will try it next time.

  26. Lol I feel quite proud of that because he is an Australian! :P

  27. I am drawn to him too... love his smile and accent. I also love this carrot salad - it looks and sounds fantastic.

  28. This is just like carrot cake in salad form. I'll take it!

  29. Pretty and perfect for spring!

  30. Great looking salad and great looking chef you're talking about! I love Curtis Stone too, his cookbooks are pretty fun too, one of them reads like a book (Surfing the Menu)- well worth getting!

  31. love carrots,Grace look perfect and delciious! gloria

  32. My hubby would love this and it's perfect for the leftover carrots we have (usually from making soup) that always seem to go to waste!

  33. Curtis Stone is a hottie. I'm not into Ken-doll like men too but I cannot resist him. He is an absolute gentleman, well spoken, humourous, joyful and charming. What's not to like?

  34. While I appreciate Curtis Stone's good looks, I like you, go for a dark and scruffy kind of look as well.

    I love carrots. I will so try this one, thanks!

  35. Thanks kimberlyblue for pointing out that this is basically a cake disguised as a salad. Lovely!

  36. Oh Curtis caught my eye too. I do like blondes with blue eyes- hense Himself!! Now if I can get Himself to speak with that accent- oh my!

  37. Ya....he's a bit of a ken doll type. I spose I'd have to see him in action (and why haven't I? no clue)...to appreciate his good looks. But this carrot salad...that sounds really good! (which usually isn't my type either LOL)

  38. I was very attracted to Curtis Stone until I got one of his cookbooks and it was poorly edited shite.

    This salad, on the other hand, looks very nice!

  39. I've made carrot salad once before but it was African. Very yummy that one was, and I bet your versio nis too.

  40. This sounds yummy. I think I would add a bit of crushed garlic.

    As for Chef Curtis, I am usually not into the Ken-types either, so if it wasn't for his accent I would def. look the other way. I usually prefer the Bourdain-types..

  41. A classic made in a whole new fashion...it looks great!

  42. I love him and don't usually go for blondes either, my boy is the opposite of him, LOL. My mom used to make this salad, wow, memories!

  43. I am intrigued especially by the dressing! Beautiful flavors especially the cinnamon!

  44. Who isn't drawn to Curtis Stone?! LOL

  45. I, too, find Curtis Stone very attractive!! And this salad looks attractive as well!

  46. I have never heard of Curtis Stone! But this salad is a keeper. It sounds absolutely perfect.

  47. I like Curtis Stone. He can make salad anytime for me.

  48. I have to agree with Velva--Curtis, come cook for me!! I love how this salad actually redefines the preconception that a carrot salad is a salty thing. Yum!

  49. Carrot salad tops my list of great sides, and now with this gilded-recipe I do believe it just got better.


  50. Oh! I am taking this salad to my mom's for Easter...looks so tasty with different texture and flavors...have a great week Grace :-)

  51. You always show the most fascinating combinations and textures and flavors!!

  52. Saw Curtis Stone for the first time the other day. He is pretty dang hot. Love how you tied in this delightful carrot salad!

  53. Teehee, you called Bobby flay a leprechaun... I love it! Extra points for making salad look so good

  54. I plan to make this for Easter lunch. I have two questions:
    1. What type of yogurt did you use and would Greek yogurt work?
    2. Did you shred your carrots or by pre-shredded?

    This sounds so delish and I can't wait to try it!

  55. That was supposed to be "buy" not "by".

  56. How'd I miss this post? Go Curtis! (He is rather dishy, and Aussie to boot :) ) I have to admit I struggle to eat raw carrots on their own, but in a dressed salad, I can eat loads. Thanks for the inspiration, will try this next time I need a beta carotene hit.


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