April 26, 2011

fluid retention (and a giveaway!)

Gasp--I've never made a drink for this blog! I do consume liquids, I promise.

The simple explanation is that I drink water 95% of the time. The other 5% is composed of coffee (4%), juice (0.8%), and...other (0.2%). That's why I was elated to be contacted by Julie from MAVEA, the North-American division of Brita Germany, which just came out with a sleek, new design for a premium water filtration pitcher called the Elemaris. Its many beneficial qualities include a handy pour-through lid for direct filling, a soft-grip handle and non-slip base, and a sensor that lets the user know when the filter needs to be replaced. Not too shabby, eh? (Check o
ut their blog focused on all things water!)

I'm still not posting a drink recipe. No, I'm going with egg salad, one of the few of my staple recipes which involves water. After all, eggs cooked in filtered water must certainly be better than eggs cooked in contaminated water, am I right? I'm sure most of you have personalized techniques for hard-boiling eggs, but this is mine and it works for me every time (knock on wood).

I'm sure you also have your own version of egg salad tweaked to your specific tastes--the list of potential and tasty add-ins and bread options is long and exciting, including everything from basil and sun-dried tomatoes to cilantro, jalapeno peppers, and black beans. I took the simple route for this batch, using sweet relish and dill to flavor the eggs. I opted to go for a pita as my bread...

Source: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a306/digitalmuse/Food/egg-salad-diagram.jpg

...and it was an excellent (and soiled-shirt-free) decision.

Now, the good stuff. MAVEA has offered to give some of my readers their very own Elemaris water pitcher! I'll randomly select three of you who leave a comment telling me what you like in your egg salad, if you even like it at all. Comments will close a week from today, Tuesday, May 2, and I'll reveal the winners shortly thereafter. Good luck!

Aig Salad
6 eggs
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon mustard
1 tablespoon relish
1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped
black pepper, to taste

First, hard boil your eggs by gently placing them into a single layer in a sauce pan. Add just enough cold (MAVEA-filtered!) water to cover the eggs completely. Put the pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil. Just as the water reaches a rapid boil, remove the pan from the heat and tightly cover it with a lid. Let the pan sit for 12 minutes, then transfer the eggs into a bowl filled with cold water. Allow them to sit for at least 10 minutes and then peel.
Meanwhile, finely chop the hard boiled eggs. Place the chopped eggs in a medium bowl, mix in the mayo, mustard, relish, dill, and pepper.


  1. I like a little bit of dill in my egg salad!

  2. Eggs, miracle whip and mustard. Boring :P And I like to mix it up and eat when the eggs are still slightly warm.

  3. Classic. Egg salad can never be wrong. I love a little dill (and capers) in mine, as well. Yes, one of life's great gifts.

  4. I actually don't like egg salad...but I do drink a lot of water!

  5. That egg Salad diagram is so true! The fates have spoken and I think that egg salad gravitates towards fabric :P

  6. Mmm, your sammy looks great and I love that drawing, Grace! Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! I like dill and green onion in my egg salad.

  7. Haha I thought this post was so hysterical! I don't have any drink recipes on my blog either...I'm just not really a frilly drinks kind of girl I guess? But the egg salad sounds delicious!

  8. There are 3 ways that I love eggs...an ooey gooey cheesy quiche, devilishly devilled eggs and creamy egg salad with radishes and fresh dill.

  9. Yummy egg salad! I haven't had an egg salad in a while but I like to add paprika for a bit of a kick.

  10. My egg salad is simple, mayo and mustard with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

  11. Pickle relish, paprika, and mustard. Mostly like a mashed up deviled egg.

  12. I'm on an egg salad kick right now myself but keep it simple with just mustard & mayo, salt & pepper. We installed a filter right into our sink & I can't tell you how much better the water tastes!

  13. That egg salad looks yummy! I love to make mine with lots of olive oil, yoghurt, fresh herbs and onion rings.



  14. I use Britta all the time so a new model would be fun. Especially if you don't have to fight with that lid. I like finely diced onions, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and that's it. A few leaves of crisp lettuce in the bread finishes it off.

  15. A little bit of spice, cayenne, pepper, and red onion. Thanks!

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  16. I add a little pickle relish.

  17. I like making egg salad with tea eggs. It adds a lot of extra flavor. But tea eggs or not, I always add a bit of vinegar (usually malt vinegar) and a splash of sriacha to the mayo - I like things zesty and spicy.

  18. For breakfast, mayo, crumbled bacon, salt/pepper. For lunch, mayo, sweet cubed pickles s&p, celery seed, and a little Crystal hot sauce.

  19. either some dill, chives, or even cilantro! yum. now i want egg salad.

  20. Dill pickles -- just like mom makes it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. My secret is putting celery salt and celery pieces!! SO good!!

  22. eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, relish topped with a little paprika.

  23. I like my egg salad similar to yours Grace (big surprise), but sometimes I like to add fresh chives from my garden.
    I want a big bite of your sandwich so much!

  24. I absolutely HAVE to have egg salad this week after seeing that picture. I like a little each of the following: mustard, mayo, fine diced sweet pickle, salt & pepper and a sprinkle of dill. Sometimes a sprinkle of Old Bay is good too.

  25. Chopped cornichons, capers and celery. Sometimes a little mayo and dill.

  26. I love to add wasabi and sriracha hot sauce to my egg salad...

  27. Egg salad and I will never be friends. Ever. I don't eat things that smell terrible.

  28. I love egg in my salad, I add some mayonnaise sometimes, and yes sometimes when I make a sandwhich happens things.....
    Love your post Grace, you make me laugh always! gloria

  29. I do not like eggs. I certainly do not like egg salad. Alas, my family does though - so I put in Mayo, a tad of butter, a tad of mustard, sweet pickle relish, salt and pepper. I always sprinkle a bit of paprika on the tops. I will have to ask them if they want to try dill in theirs. I always have to round up a taste tester when I fix it. I would love a new Brita with a soft-grip handle, non-slip base, and a sensor that lets me know when the filter needs to be replaced. That would be cool.

  30. I make egg salad today the way I made it to please my dad years ago. It must contain celery, a bit of onion, a smidge of yellow mustard, and, of course, chopped black olives. It's heaven on the artisan bread my daughter makes now. Daddy would have loved it that way.

  31. I love egg salad, of virtually any variety.

    But my favorite recipe includes mayo, ultra-finely chopped green peppers, crumbled bacon and curry powder. Yum!

  32. I like mayo salt and pepper. Simple

  33. I am boring with my egg salad. Mayo..a bit of mustard and slat and pepper!

  34. I make egg salad like you do, but I've never used dill. I'll try that next time.
    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  35. Eggs, diced pickles, mayonaisse, a pinch of dry mustard, plenty of pepper, sometimes grated carrots. Any kind of bread will do. Lettuce and tomatoes are a big bonus!

    I wondered why you had a picture of a solid food with the headline "fluid retention," but now I understand!

  36. I've never used dill or relish (only in deviled eggs), but I do love that Dijon in mine and I gotta have grain bread!
    No matter what's in 'em, Grace, egg salad sandwiches are killer lunches! Been eating them since I was a kid.

    Lovely giveaway! (although I did hesitatea bit at the blog title next to the photo. :)

  37. I'm a very simple gal...salt, pepper and lots of mayo in my egg salad...don't mess with that glorious egg flavor by adding mustard or any other flavor. And I don't like it cold! Boil the eggs, mash and eat immediately on bread or saltine crackers...I know, I'm strange.

  38. I don't like egg salad at all!! Potato salad on the other hand...

  39. Oh my Lord that looks delish!!!

    Mrs. DeLo


  40. I just found your blog! I like my egg salad simple, just mayo and mustard. Boring I know.

    I have a blog and I would love if you would check it out!

  41. Cayenne pepper and shallots. Yum!

  42. Smoked Paprika. There, I said it. Sounds weird, but it is delicious in egg salad and deviled eggs. Really! :)

  43. Not really a fan of egg salad, but I would love to win the pitcher.

  44. Haha love the addition of the bite pressure diagram - nice :)

  45. When I have it, I like to add a bit of diced celery.

  46. I make deviled egg salad with chopped pickles and stone ground mustard. It's yummy!!

  47. Chopped pickles are a must, but I do like a bit of chopped onions in there, too. And mustard. Dang, now I've got an egg salad sandwich craving....

  48. I love my egg salad and a definite favourite is Japanese mayo for its smooth creamy texture and bits of freshly diced onions for a little crunch :)

  49. I am not much of an alcohol consumer either if not at all I should say!I have never had an egg salad can you believe it? But if I did, I would like to put strong flavors so as not to hear the egg so much!

  50. I like my egg salad with Miracle Whip (nothing else), a little yellow mustard and some pepper. I also put lettuce on my sandwich when I make it.

    Sometimes, I will mix my tuna salad and egg salad together.

  51. Of course I use mayo and dijon mustard. But recently I tried mayo, sun dried tomato hummus, s&p, and a little bit of sweet relish. It was simply delicious!

  52. Grace, first of all, I make your carrot salad and it was a hit...everyone enjoyed it...thank you! Now I'll make this egg salad sandwich because we have tons of hard boil eggs...look delicious with dill. Hope you are having a great week :-)

  53. I love egg salad sandwiches... yours looks so tasty!

  54. I do love a little horseradish in my egg salad. Nothing like a little heat to pep up the palate.

  55. Ah Grace, I knew we had a lot in common! I drink in about the same ratios as you do, and egg salad sandwiches are my personal favourite. Comfort food. I make mine with whole egg mayo (yup, egg on egg), and lashing of pepper, and some finely chopped gherkins. Got to add mustard and dill next time!

    I'm probably not eligible for the giveaway but it doesn't mater, I already use a Brita jug anyway :)

  56. I use half Hellmans mayo and half Marie's Chunky Blue Cheese salad dressing. I also still add some mustard and some ground pepper. Every once in a while I add chopped celery. Love to eat it on thick sliced whole grain bread with lettuce.

    I am looking at all the other ideas too and will think about some of them for deviled eggs.


  57. I actually already have that water filter and really like it! Good luck to the readers!

  58. Mmmmm egg salad...my favorite!

    I'm a simple girl. I like my egg salad with mayo, yellow mustard, fresh cracked pepper and maybe a little bit of pickle if I'm feeling frisky...haha :)

  59. If only my egg salad looked this good. I typically use mayo, mustard, salt and pepper (gosh, this sounds so boring).


  60. Can't say I'm an egg salad kinda girl... but I do love my water!

  61. I'm making egg salad sandwiches for dinner - and your ingredients sound exactly like what I put in mine!

  62. My favorite method for egg salad involves applying the seasonings for my favorite deviled eggs. Instead of the relish, I use gherkins which add a perfect crunch with a tad less sweet.

  63. Mayo, mustard, salt and pepper. The messier the better!

  64. I do not generally post drinks either & I am happy that you went with the egg salad. The illustration is hilarious!

  65. I've made different versions of egg salad, but I've never eaten it on pita. I have to try that! My favorite includes shallots, dill, and a little dijon.

  66. It is egg salad week! I like dijon and chives in my egg salad. I could go for some right now in fact!

  67. not a big fan of egg salad - though w/ all the raves about it in the comments i might have to try it again ....

    jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

  68. I always have to have a dash of curry in my egg salad.

  69. Love egg salad with dill relish, mayo and a little mustard. I'd love the pitcher :)

  70. Eggs, ranch dressing, and dill!!!

  71. I have one of those types of water filters and it's great. My son got one to take away to uni too!

  72. I love simple egg salad...not too greasy, but still burst with flavours.

  73. Plain yogurt, dry ranch dressing mix, pickles of some sort, celery,celery seed and whatever herb is florishing in my garden....flat leaf parsley,chives,cilantro or dill.Yummy!

  74. Mmm I love egg salad and that diagram...so true and funny!

  75. my egg salad has gotta have pickles in it!

  76. Oooh I need one of those!

    I like avocado. Mmm.

  77. I love Egg Salad as long as someone else makes it, I don't have the patience to peel all those eggs!

  78. yummm! I love egg salad in sandwiches. The dill is the key - amazing.
    Heidi xo


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