A Southern Grace: puttin' on the pounds

February 18, 2009

puttin' on the pounds


My Mamboni says that people just don't make real, bonafide pound cake often enough anymore. I think she has taken it upon herself to make up for that lack of pound cake because it's a treat she makes often (and quite well, if I do say so myself)
Pound cake pleases me most when it's a)slathered in strawberries and whipped cream, or b)subtly flavored with coconut. Mammy's latest version was made with lemon extract and a light glaze. Look at its moist, buttery goodness:

Delicious. However, if push comes to shove, I must say that I still prefer apple pie.

Mamster's Lemon Pound Cake
Makes 2 9x5 loaves or 1 Bundt cake
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 5 eggs, well-beaten
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
Preheat oven to 325F. Butter and flour two 9x5-inch loaf pans, a tube pan, or a Bundt pan. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a large bowl, cream the butter, shortening, and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and beat well. Add the flour mixture, alternating with the milk. Stir in the lemon extract.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan(s) and bake 1 hour for the loaves or 75 minutes for the cakes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean. Let the cake(s) cool in the pan(s).


pigpigscorner said...

Wow...it looks so moist and fluffy! I want a slice with some ice-cream please!

Julia said...

I think pound cake is a great contribution... after all, how can you have just one dessert at a wedding. And yours looks delicious and moist!

Secretly, I can understand how you would like apple pie better -- there's no cinnamon here....

Lori said...

Had to share this with you. A red velvet cheesecake. http://anediblesymphony.blogspot.com/2009/02/luxe-red-velvet-cheesecake.html

And pound cake, you are right not to many people it anymore. I just love it. With my calorie budget, I think I could manage a one inch square piece of it.

giz said...

It's beautiful and a great contribution. I'm printing out the recipe as we speak and plan to add it to the family meet n'greet buffet. It's perfect!!

Jescel said...

i love poundcake. i like it toasted, most esp. it is a good base for refrigerator cakes too :o)

Maria said...

I am always up for pound cake, especially with a hint of lemon. I will add some berries and call it good for me:)

Marie Reed said...

Lemon extract sounds like a delightful addition!

Robin said...

I'll take mine with a cup of tea please. Looks wonderful and so moist!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, I have looking for a Moist pound cake recipe! I can't wait to try it, thanks so much for sharing it!!!!

Culinary Wannabe said...

It's all about the glaze. I love a good pound cake that has been around a few days and gets all moist and yummy.

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

I'm having my morning coffee and would enjoy this cake so much. I love pound cake.

Katie said...

This looks great and I agree that no one makes pound cake anymore but they really should.

OhioMom said...

I love pound cake, and your version is my preference. Yum!!

Abby said...

My mom makes old-fashioned poundcake - plain, no lemon, almond, etc. - and it's so. good. It was my grandmother's recipe, too, by my mom knows it by heart. I'm afraid of getting a lazy streak and haven't tried it.

You've inspired me!

Half Baked said...

I love real old fashioned pound cake. Still warm from the oven...I'm drooling now;) Yours looks so good and moist! I'll have to give it a try!

Bunny said...

I love pound cake , it's one of those cakes that you can do so many things with and it's great everytime. Grace you put a smile on my face everytime i read all the wonderful names you have for your mom!

Pam said...

Sorry Grace...this beats apple pie for me. It looks mouth watering good.

Lore said...

I'll have to agree with your Mamboni :D but for some of us the reason might be that we were forced to eat dry pound cakes during childhood just so we don't upset grandma ;). I tell you if it were so moist I would have asked for it every day!

Anonymous said...

We must be long lost sisters because I have a great fondness for pound cake. Of course, I'm always torn between the addition of lemon extract or almond extract.
My husband would tell you that the best part of a pound cake is the batter...you know, licking the bowl or just eating the batter.

Sara said...

You can't go wrong with pound cake, yours looks especially delicious!

vanillasugarblog said...

Grace if you say it's good then I will believe you as I have yet to find a decent pound cake recipe. I can't remember how many I've tried. And I'm like you, I love my pound cake slathered in strawberries, cream, etc...

The Blonde Duck said...

You should enter a apple pie in pie week!!!!!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Grace, this pound cake looks amazing! Wish I had a slice!

Marjie said...

Tell Mamboni I often make pound cake. I like mine plain, but my hubster and offspring always want the strawberry and cream toppings. I make mine as a loaf, not ring.

Sophie said...

Pound cake, never goes out of style...I feel the same way about both....maybe we need to come up with an apple pie pound cake? Or a pound cake with apple pie???? But I've gotta say, I'd love to try some of this with that lemony flavor!

Anonymous said...

gorgeously moist looking pound cake. anything with lemon is even more lovely than without it, and so this simply might be the perfect thing to bake this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'll do my part to bake more pound cakes! The lemon cake looks perfect.

toontz said...

Mmmm...pound cake with lemon...perfect!

Melanie said...

Oh dear, thank you for reminding me how much I love lemon, buttery pound cake. I wish your mom would make ME some!!

RecipeGirl said...

Oh yum. Truly evil to tempt me with such buttery goodness when I have to watch every bite I put in my mouth. No, seriously it looks very, very good!!

Junell said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Grilled pound cake is single handedly responsible for
Pounds 96 to 135 for moi! Georgeous! & of course love the butter!!!

MaryBeth said...

OMG....how wonderful looking. And you are correct no one makes a good old classic pound cake anymore. This looks fabulous my friend. Great Job!

Anonymous said...

You can see how moist that is inside. It almost looks like a syrup cake! :o

Anonymous said...

I love a good lemon cake, especially one as moist as this! Looks mouth-watering...mmmm.

Heather said...

i love that you called her mamboni ;) your mom can cook for me anytime!!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I will have a big slice at Psychgrad's wedding Grace.

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

I agree, pound cakes don't get made enough. I'm guilty of letting them sit second seat for fancier looking cakes so thanks for reminding me of how good they are!

Laura said...

I am a pound cake fiend--although because I make it often and well and because it is my mom who makes the amazing apple pie, I too would probably take apple pie. This looks scrumptious. Lemon pound cake is my favorite as well.

Anonymous said...

I just blogged about a lemon cake myself....yours looks yummier, I think:-)

Sharon said...

Could I just have a huge hunk of this lemon cake AND a slice of apple pie??

PG said...

This would work for our family get-together, for sure! I'm liking the topping idea too. Maybe lemon pound cake with strawberries all over?

Thanks for participating in TTT3!

Anonymous said...

Loving the moist, buttery goodness! I haven't had pound cake in forever - I think we might need to change that :-)

Emily said...

Ohhh, see? This sounds incredible to me right now. Something rich a lemony. Excellent job, Grace.

Paula said...

Um, what if one wants both pound cake and pie? Now that would really be puttin' on the pounds! I actually love pound cake ... plain or with stuff ... it's all good to me! :-)

Elyse said...

OH WOW! This pound cake looks amazing. Dense yet moist, beautifully golden. I'd like a slice right now!

Anonymous said...

Go Mam! This is awesome.

Peter M said...

I want to lie and sleep with piece, like it were a fluffy pillow. I will then eat my said fluffy pillow.

kat said...

I want a big slice of that with strawberries & whipped cream please

Sandie said...

Pound cake will always have a special place in my heart (and my tummy). Even when served plain, it is a special dessert. I love how moist this one looks---simply delish!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

It does look moist & yummy!

Good job, Momster! LOL

Anonymous said...

wow!!! so moist, and i really want a bite.... :)

Amanda said...

WOW that looks great! I love pound cake--love it.

You've got me ready to lick the computer screen. Really.

LyB said...

My, but that sounds so good! I've only made pound cake once and it was not a success. This is making me crave a good pound cake. :)

Lyndas recipe box said...

I love lemon pound cake and yours looks amazing!So moist- I can almost taste it now!

Donna-FFW said...

Grace- This looks heavenly. I could just dive right in!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm mm! I love pound cake. Especially lemon pound cake, with a side of ice cream. :)

Chef Fresco said...

This is the best looking pound cake! So moist! Yumm

test it comm said...

That lemon pound cake looks really good!

La Bella Cooks said...

I truly believe pound cake is from the Gods. This looks perfect!

Jeanne said...

Now THIS is pound cake as the Good Lord intended it!! I think lemon is the nicest thing you can do to a pound cake :)

Nic said...

Oh I'd have this over apple Pie any day, looks wonderfully lemony!

Anonymous said...

Looks moist and yummy. And the lemon? Oh yah. Kind of like those pudding cakes. Sounds heavenly. Taste buds are all whacked out now. Arg.

Anonymous said...

Grace, I have to agree. I think many people feel that pound cake is old fashion, but they forget just how good a beautiful pound cake can taste!

Anonymous said...

Why does a piece of pound cake turn into a piece of 5 pound cake when it hits my thighs?

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, I haven't made a pound cake in years, I think I may just have to now!

Lisa said...

Apple Pie is good but as cakes go, Pound Cake is a winner! I made an eggnog pound cake over Christmas and we really enjoyed it. Lemon might be even lovelier, especially for a sunny spring day.

veggie belly said...

yummy!! this pound cake looks so moist and good!

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

I love pound cake!!!
I'll have to make some soon!

Anonymous said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Gotta make this, SOON! Dessert 911... Grace to the rescue! :) Karen

Vera said...

Glorious, glorious crumb, Grace!

Jaime said...

lemon pound cake is my fav kind of pound cake. i know this is bad, but i love the stuff at starbucks!

emily said...

Heaven help me. Lemon pound cake sounds SO good right now. Lemon ANYTHING for that matter....

Pamela said...

Lemons were on sale this week at my supermarket and of course, I stocked up. Seems there is lemon something everywhere! This cake looks FABULOUS.

Anonymous said...

how gorgeous! i've been really craving lemon chiffon cake recently; everything in the blogosphere is so lemony!