A Southern Grace: a flibbertijibbet! a will-o'-the-wisp! a clown!

October 14, 2009

a flibbertijibbet! a will-o'-the-wisp! a clown!


Prepare yourself for the most convoluted post ever. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Oh, I have such undying love for The Sound of Music.** The soundtrack is one of the first CDs I owned, and I still listen to it all the time. One of my favorite songs is "Do-Re-Mi," the selection Maria uses to teach the youngsters how to sing. It’s clearly a miracle-working diddy, as they all picked it up in no time even though they hadn't ever sung a note...

What’s my point? Do-Re-Me-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. I made jam. See the connection? It’s so obvious IF you know your song lyrics.

No, it's not even obvious then. Convoluted, see?

Truth be told, I've never had tea with jam and bread (or schnitzel with noodles)--I'm not a big tea drinker. I just saw the movie for the 290th time and the song was fresh on my mind. I did make jam, though, and I had it with bread.

I hope there's a song from The Sound of Music stuck in your head now. Any song will do. With that, I bid you auf wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you.

**If you've never seen this movie, my apologies--I understand that the majority of this post makes absolutely no sense to you. My advice to you is to a)see the movie, and b)enjoy the picture of some tasty jam.

Fuss-Free Blueberry Freezer Jam
(from Ball)

4 cups crushed blueberries
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1.59-ounce package of Ball Freezer Jam Fruit Pectin

Combine the sugar and contents of package in a large bowl and mix until well blended. Stir in the crushed fruit and mix for 3 more minutes. Ladle the jam into clean jars up to fill line. Twist on the lids and let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes.


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.

Emily said...

Wow! Look at Valli! She really knows her stuff.

However, I do not. I'm disappointed in myself. Your jam looks great.

Palidor said...

Mmmm, I can just taste that wonderful jam. You take amazing pictures, you know that? Now you've inspired me to try making jam. Do you think I could use gelatin in place of pectin?

shaz said...

Sew, I mean so, I've never made freezer jam before, but that smear looks so sexy. (The pectin measurement sure is precise). Goodnight little(!?) girl :)

Barbara said...

Ahhh- inspiration from the Sound of Music. Nice, Grace. Mom used to make freezer jam- she used strawberries or raspberries. I don't recall her ever using blueberries- and they are so good for us too! I love your easy recipe!
So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight

Anonymous said...

Mmm... blueberry jam sounds wonderful! I totally have the do-re-mi song in my head now. I think I'll have my daughter play it by ear for her music practice today :)

Amanda said...

Yummy! The jam looks great... and love the movie references!

Amanda said...

PS, when are you coming to the cider mill????? ;)

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Haha it made sense to me although what makes sense to me isn't what makes sense to others normally~ :P

Kathleen said...

yep, definitely in my head now. Yodelaaay-hiiii!

kat said...

I had favorite things in my head lately! We discovered Matt had never seen Sound of Music so we took him to the sing-a-long showing at the Castro in San Francisco, talk about a way to see the movie!

maybelles mom said...

yo dee lay, yo de lay, yo de lay hee hoo. High on the hill with the lonely goatherd, lay oh de lay, oh de lay he hoo.

we watch it all the time here. and we also love freezer jam too.

vanillasugarblog said...

ok you are going to think I am strange: never saw the sound of music. heard of it, of course, but never saw it.
I do love a good blueberry jam and I LOVE apricot jam. Ohhh heavens yes.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

I've seen that movie though only once.

Your jam's looking good and so easy! Can that be right? Will that work with any fruit do you think?

April was in CA now MA said...

I've never seen the movie, but that's the best. blog. post. title. EVER. And the jam ain't too shabby either!

alexandra said...

um, i share your love for the Sound of Music. I can't say I've seen it 290 times, but it was a favorite of my older sister (and by default, me) growing up and we watched it A LOT. This jam sounds fabulous. Do you think I could use frozen blueberries? (or is that the point and I am just really slow?)

lisa is cooking said...

Your jam looks great! I would love that with tea and bread. I love that song too and am pretty sure I could recite all the lyrics (recite, not sing).

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

It looks delicious!



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Love Sound of Music, your blog header, and the fun way you play with your food...... and yes, we're for 'peas and hominy' too!

Happy Day! (BTW, my first-time visit)

Melanie said...

Is it weird that I don't find that convoluted? Totally made sense. Of course I am a SofM lover myself. Any idea what a flibbertijibbet is anyway??

Your jam looks delightful. I just ordered the big Ball book of canning. I heard it is the "bible" for these sorts of things.

Pam said...

I remember watching Sound of Music every year with my sisters growing up. My kids love it too - we just rented it from the library and watched it yesterday.

I've only made strawberry freezer jam - your blueberry looks delicious.

George Gaston said...

Grace... and a "sound of cheer" rose up from the crowd praising the maker of this no-fuss jam! Bravo and will definitely be giving it a try. Thanks...

Jennifer said...

Good looking jam! I am ashamed to say I have never seen that movie!

Hungry Dog said...

Nice! I love bread and jam and I REALLY love the sound of music. I like the "I am 16..." song...and "My Favorite Things"...that movie rocks.

Albany Jane said...

Jam, jam, jam! How delicious. And it uses one of my favorite fruits - the blueberry!

I love tea with just about anything. Yum!

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

I too love the Sound of Music. Eidelweiss is my favourite. Lovely jam!

oneordinaryday said...

Practically perfect in every way.
Oh, wait! Wrong Julie Andrews movie. LOL

Marjie said...

There's nothing like homemade jam. And of course it ties in with the sound of music; I saw your connection instantly!

Gloria Baker said...

I love your jam dear Grace look beautiful and I love The sound of music! xxgloria

Lisa-Marie said...

so- a needle pullinnng threeaaad! is my favourite bit!

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

blueberry and jam, "these are a few of my favorite things..."

Abby said...

I can't believe there are breathing people who have never seen that movie. I mean, other than, like, babies.

Climb Every Mountain is my fave.

Blueberry freezer jam! We've never made that. Only strawberry. But this looks great!

foodhoe said...

I love blueberry jam and I love the word flibbertyjibbet!

Lori said...

Movie of the year when I was born and I too love it. However I do not like that they have run from the Nazi's.

Love jam on bread and I love my tea.

♥peachkins♥ said...

your jam looks so good on that bread..

Shelly Richards said...

I love the Sound of Music, too. It's so much fun! Your jam looks fantastic!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

What a lovely jam.

Anonymous said...

love it! what a fun word!

Lyndas recipe box said...

What lucious looking jam- freezzer jam is the best stuf cuz it tastes so fresh and delicious!And your picture is quite drool-worthy, Grace.
Sound of music is one of "my favorite things"! My daughter and I often break out in song singing, "the hills are alive" and I've been singing "do re me" to my granddaughter!I have to start her out right!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Bellini Valli totally took my lyrics! I haven't seen the movie in years, but now the songs will be in my head for the next three days!

I'd feel better if you passed some of that jam my way. ;) Looks amazing!

Heather said...

oh my gosh, i LOVE sound of music. and my fair lady. i would have movie marathons all the time when i was a kid, just watching them over and over again. it's the best! your tea would make maria proud!!

did you have a trap on captain von trapp, too? i almost died when i realized that he was, in fact, pretty old, when i was a kid. sigh. i also had a real thing for trying to order my mom around with a whistle when i was a kid. i always was management material.

Cate O'Malley said...

That jam looks stunning ... makes me want to find the nearest stash of blueberries and make some for us - yum!

Foodie with Little Thyme! said...

Love it and I love the singing! More singing please! The sound of music is here live this month!

Anonymous said...

makes total sense to me, i LOVE that movie!
but cant beat you, i've only watched it like.. once.
haha. awesome looking jam btw!
love how glossy it is.
and ive never had tea with jam & bread before either!

Unknown said...

LOL...you are so funny! I'm going to go to bed with this song stuck in my head (hahaha...it rhymed!) This was one of the songs my piano teacher taught me to play when I was in the 3rd grade! (so it has a special place in my heart too)...Do a deer, a female deer..

Btw...Freezer jam is the BEST!!! maybe for breakfast, I'll have some tea with jam and bread just so I can say "been there, done that"

Daniel B. said...

You are missing out by not indulging in some tea to wash down your bread and jam. Truly one of life's great pleasures.

There is no dishonor in taking it milky with a bit of sugar either. So don't let tea snobs tell you otherwise.

Although if you are going to engage in that kind of behavior publicly, I'd recommend a nice black tea. English or Irish breakfast are good for starters.

Lindsey@pickyeatings said...

I only finally saw the movie in its entirety a few summers ago...and while I do in fact drink tea, every day, I don't eat jam. I do like bread though.

A. said...

I swear, your blog just continues to bloom and grow. I hope that it will bloom and grow forever. I've never tried tea with jam and bread, but I might just do it now that you've inspired me. I'm going to have to go home and watch the movie now.

Anonymous said...

you crack me up grace.that jam looks great, but the movie I can't stand I think thats the only movie I ever watched at my grandparents and pee wee but thats another story. thanks for getting the tunes stuck in my head.

Laura said...

I LOVELOVELOVE The Sound of Music. I own the movie and soundtrack both--my daughters even love it, although they call it "Maria" and do not understand the Nazis even remotely (they are the bad guys who want to make the daddy work for them). But they can sing to most of the music as well. My husband thinks we are all crazy.

Speaking of our always increasing common tastes, whaddaya think of FlashForward? Did I already ask you that? We have watched the first 2. I like it, but many of the characters annoy me, esp the main dude.

Gorgeous jam--maybe I will try it next summer when I order my blueberries. :)

kimberleyblue said...

I have yet to make my own jam, though I am looking forward to the day I do.

What a simple jam recipe - i love that photo of it oozing over...looks awesome.

Erinn said...

Sound of music and jam! Two of my favorite things as well. Now if I could just learn to sew play clothes from old curtains, I'd be set!

Donna-FFW said...

HA! Love that song and have actually done a parody of it on my blog too;)Adult-like..

Oh the jam, I want the jam! Impressed with it. I am one with homemade jam envy.

Zoe said...

Love the movie and love the jam!

Katie said...

That was my favorite movie growing up, My Best Friend and I would watch it at every sleep over and saw it Live quite a few times. Great Jam and Movie!

Tabitha Blue said...

Mmmmmmm, blueberry jam... one of my favorites to make and to eat!!!! Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!!!

Velva said...

This blog is like eye candy to me! I just love it.

Mimi said...

I love your inspriation...I am sure my parents grew tired of my sisters and I singing that soundtrack for months on end. The jam looks delicious.

Deborah said...

Oh, how I wish I had a big freezer that I could stuff full of freezer jam!

pigpigscorner said...

It's my all time favourite too!

Paula said...

As you tasted your jam, I hope that you did the "twirl" that Maria does on the hilltop during the opening scene! Love that movie. When I was a kid, I wanted that puppet theatre they had in their house. I can still sing all the songs from that show; too band I can't remember what happened yesterday, though! Love you photo here. I've never had blueberry jam. I bet my blueberry loving husband would love it!

Half Baked said...

Funny post. I love the Sound of Music and have probably seen about 290 times as well!
Great looking jam too!

Lisa said...

I don't really eat jam, though I do like tea these days. If I were making it, freezer jam would be the way to go.

For me, I get really stuck on Edelweiss. Makes me all teary for some reason...

Peter M said...

Fit for the whole Von Trapp family!

Jeanne said...

This was one of the first records I remember my mom playing for me - we had it on classic vinyl. I wonder where that record is now?? The jam looks fantastically easy!

Y said...

AH but of course, makes perfect sense! Huge fan of Sound of Music. Still am.