December 20, 2017

healthy mom, healthy baby #NatureMadePrenatalDHA

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadePrenatalDHA #CollectiveBias

It was always my goal to breastfeed my baby.

I know that it's not possible in all cases, but it was something I really wanted to do if I could. Book after book after website after website touted oatmeal as a food that would help a new mom initiate and maintain a good milk supply, so even though it's never been my favorite food, you'd better believe I started eating it for breakfast in some form nearly every single day (six months running!).

Fortunately, oatmeal is something that can be tweaked and transformed in a plethora of different ways. One of my favorite twists has been overnight oats with chopped apples and pecans, sweetened with maple syrup. I also add in some chia seeds, as they pack one heck of a nutrient punch, being a great source of fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, and several vitamins and minerals. My oatmeal has so many textures and flavors that you'd never believe something so delicious could be so good for your body.

Eva says taking your vitamins is serious stuff!

In addition to a rigorous routine of oatmeal for breakfast, I also continue to take my pregnancy vitamins. I use Nature Made Prenatal Multi + 200 mg DHA, because not only do the vitamins keep me healthy, they also have benefits for Eva that she acquires through my breast milk. Healthy mom, healthy baby!

My vitamins have a long list of pluses, including that they have clinically proven absorption of folic acid and iron (two extremely important supplements during pregnancy), provide 200 mg DHA (which may help support fetal brain and eye development†), and are free from synthetic dyes, artificial flavors, starch, and yeast. Folic acid is an important B vitamin for women of childbearing age and pregnant women, as it plays a critical role in the proper development of the baby's nervous system.† While it's found in leafy greens and citrus fruits, I thought it wise to make doubly sure I'm getting enough!

Sam's Club is my vendor of choice for my vitamins--I get a great price and a huge bottle! Taking one every day means I'll need 365 of them in a year, and the less I have to go shopping, the better, especially now that I have an unpredictable sidekick to consider!

Learn more about Nature Made vitamins on their Facebook page, YouTube account, and Twitter feed!

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Overnight Oatmeal with Apples and Pecans
(printable recipe)
Serves 1
  • 1/2 cup old-fashioned or rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch salt
  • 1/2 apple, cut into small dices
  • 2 tablespoons chopped pecans
Mix everything except the apples and pecans together and place in a mason jar, small glass, or sealed bowl.
Cover and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
In the morning, give the oatmeal a stir and a quick taste, adding more maple syrup and/or milk to achieve the desired sweetness and consistency.
Top with chopped apples and pecans, and enjoy!


  1. Eva looks so adorable and beautiful. Love your overnight oats...real food is always good.

  2. Lovely photo! I am a fan of overnight oats so I'll need to give this a try.

  3. This oatmeal recipe sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing. ~client

  4. I am loving the baby pictures on Instagram--her hair looks anywhere from blond to red to dark. My oldest was that way too when she was little. Enjoy!

  5. Somehow, I just love oatmeal in the winter. It's so warming when the mornings are cold. And it sure does fill you up for a long time. I'm sure your little one is glad that Mom is getting plenty of oats to keep her healthy. Happy New Year!

  6. OMG! Congratulations Miranda! What a beautiful baby. Its obviously been far too long since I visited your blog.

  7. What a beautiful baby (takes after mom of course) I also hope to breast feed although I don't know if I can do it with my work schedule :( your baby will be healthier and smarter :D

  8. You know I love overnight oats, Grace! :) I love that you added chia seeds for a little extra nutrition. Great idea and I'm totally gonna do that next time I make a batch!

  9. I always want to try the overnight oats, and just never get them made. Maybe it's to much planning for me... I don't know, but I really need to try this. Sounds like a great way to start the day.


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