January 11, 2016

cold hands, warm heart

My toes and fingers are almost always cold, and I've come to terms with it.

I've learned that I just can't go barefoot or sockless when it's less than 75 (I'd rather have it eighty, ninety, one hundred degrees!) degrees and that lined pockets are my very good friend. That said, southern North Carolina has been a very fitting place for me to live--the winters are quite mild and I haven't seen more than a couple inches of snow in the three years I've been here.

This winter has been no exception, at least so far. It's barely dipped down into freezing temperatures, and you'll get no complaints from me, especially since a certain critter who shall remain nameless demands outside time whether I like it or not. I still like snow, as long as I can appreciate it from inside a warm house and don't have to drive in it. I got more than my fill of that in New York (and perhaps lost a few months off of my life because of it!)!

Where am I going with this talk of snow? To these fantastically named avalanche bars, of course! The use of white chocolate and marshmallows make the name appropriate, and provide what is probably the only positive connotation of a snow slide that you'll ever know! These are essentially just a thicker version of my grandma's Christmas cookies, and they're just as tasty but with far less hands-on work. Some folks add chocolate chips, but I wanted my avalanche to be as pure as the undriven snow!

Snow Slide Bars for an (As-Yet) Snowless Winter
Makes 9 bars
(printable recipe)
  • 12 ounces white chocolate, chopped, or 2 cups white chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 3 cups crispy rice cereal
  • 1-1/2 cups mini marshmallows
  • 1/2 cup peanuts, chopped
Lightly grease an 8x8-inch or 9x9-inch square baking pan, or even a pie plate.
In microwave-safe bowl, melt the chopped white chocolate or chips in the microwave on medium powder for 30 seconds. Stir and heat for an additional 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds, until the chocolate is melted. You can also use a double boiler for this, and that's the method I prefer.
Add the peanut butter to the melted chocolate and stir until smooth.
Place the rice cereal in a large bowl. Add the melted white chocolate mixture and gently toss until completely coated. Continue to stir until the mixture is no longer warm to the touch, about 5 minutes.
When the cereal mixture has cooled, fold in the marshmallows and peanuts.
Spread into prepared pan, compressing lightly with the back of your spoon, taking care not to crush the cereal. Refrigerate until set, at least 30 minutes, then cut into squares (or wedges!) and serve.


  1. Ooh avalanche bars are new to me but I've got all the ingredients at home! I bought a packet of rice bubbles and forgot why. I should really just make these :D

  2. It's predicted to be 1 degree here overnight. My toes and fingers just about go numb when I go outside!
    I like your idea of making these cookies into bars. Well done!

  3. Me too..esp. the toes..cold like hell..
    White chocolate and peanut butter...this is definitely my husband's favourite. He would be really happy if I made this for him.

  4. My daughter lives in Raleigh, and I'm in New Jersey - so when she tells me it is cold, I just tell her what the temperature is HERE! :) Maybe I need to make some avalanche bars to warm me up with a nice cup of tea!

  5. Hi Grace, never heard of avalanche bars before but they do look and sound delicious, chocolate and peanut butter!

  6. This is a new one on me! Sort of krispy treats, but not. While I don't like dark chocolate, white chocolate is a different story. And those marshmallows! Yum.

  7. I grew up in the mountains with below 0 temperatures and snow. I do miss snow at times, but I love living in a warmer winter climate here in Oregon. The avalanche bars would make my kids drool.

  8. These look SO delicious!! I am going to have to whip up a batch...thanks for ruining my diet, haha!

  9. So decadent and delicious, I love white chocolate!

  10. I am "anti" winter myself, especially the last two days! These look so fun, and I bet my kids would flip for them!

  11. Perfect perfect little bars, have to give the recipe a try! It's up to 9 degrees here now with plenty of snow on the ground. And to think---we almost moved to Greenville, SC. Loved it there, looked at houses but health of a family member stopped us. Keep those socks on! :-)

  12. I am the same with having cold fingers all the time. It is just like that, as you said. I totally like your recipe, thanks for sharing.

  13. wow! It looks insanely delicious!

  14. I love all the ingredients here! It snowed last night in Boston and while I appreciate its certain kind of beauty, I am also always cold and bundled up!

  15. These do look blizzard-y! Alas we have plenty of snow and cold, so they made me want a hot chocolate!

  16. Every winter I suggest that we should get the governor to just move the entire state to Aruba, so we can all stay warm, but it never happens. That said, it's been a mild winter thus far, for which I'm truly grateful. Your bars do look kind of like snowbanks after it's been plowed, and sound delicious!

  17. Yep. Those'll work. :) Where are you in NC?

  18. I need these Snow Slide Bars in my life! <3 No snow here yet in NYC, but I'm hoping for some too! I know it's a pain but I just find it romantic! :P

  19. I always have cold feet but my heart is as warm as a fireplace haha! This is a very unique dessert. I love its texture and ingredients!


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