August 1, 2008

hello august

Gadzooks, this year is flying by. I have a few things to mention, the most important of which is that there's only one more week for you to submit your entry for "Beat the Heat." I've gotten some pretty stellar contributions already, but I want more! (I'm needy like that.)

Now for some other items that you need to know:
1. Our beloved Sam is engaged. Sigh.

2. Do you have an extra $1395 laying around? If so, you should go to the New York Culinary Experience and rub elbows with some pretty amazing chefs (such as Eric Ripert and Johnny Iuzzini, both of whom I've named at random and not because they make me swoon...). Or alternatively, you could give the money to me so I can go.

3. I've received a couple of awards, which always makes my day. Bunny from Bunny's Warm Oven has passed the Yummy Blog award (her very first, and much deserved) on to me! Bunny makes some pretty incredible concoctions in that warm oven. Keep it up!

The second award--the E for Excellence Award--came from cookinpanda of Flexitarian Menu. Truthfully, every post on this amazing blog has piqued my interest. Some things are new to me and everything else is just too appetizing to pass up.

Thanks, you two!

4. One last thing, I promise. I was tagged by Dorothy of Dessert Obsessed (awesome blog name--apparently Dorothy and I have a lot in common...) for the Six Random Things meme. Yes, I've already done it, but I decided I might as well throw some more information out there.

a. My hair was stick straight until I was about 14 or 15, and since then, it's gotten curlier and curlier (and also frizzier and frizzier). I hated it at first and insisted on blow-drying it straight, but it's definitely beginning to grow on me (no pun intended).

b. In addition to basketball, I also ran track throughout high school and in college. My main event? Hurdles. For someone who hates any obstacle in her path, this seems like an odd favorite, but I loved 'em.

c. I've only been to two concerts in my life, and Hoobastank performed at both. Whatever happened to The Stank?

d. I have my BS in Chemistry and my MS in Food Science & Technology. Yep, I'm a nerd, and proud of it.

(from xkcd, a fantastically sharp site)(click to enlarge if you can't read it)

e. I just had one of the best burgers I've ever wrapped my lips around (which was a feat in itself), and get this--it was only $10 and from a chain. Red Robin, to be specific. This particular burger was adorned with the following: crispy tortilla strips, caramelized onions, roasted poblano peppers, pepper jack cheese, and guacamole. After a mega-squirt of ketchup, it was perfection on a plate.

f. Although I had the biggest crush in the world on Jimmy Fallon for, oh, about two months back in college and find him quite clever, I don't think there's any way he can fill the shoes of Conan O'Brien as the host of Late Night. Conan is one of the wittiest, quickest, most hilarious people I've ever seen in my life.

Still with me? Bless your heart, and have a great day.


  1. Thank you so much for the compliment, Grace. Your blog has been fun to look at and I just added you to my Google Reader. That cake with the cinnamon buttercream? looks divine. And it looks like you have quite a few fans...count me among them! :o)

  2. Those burgers from Red Robin are mighty fine. Really, for an evening out, $10 for a burger and fries isn't too shabby!

  3. That picture of the billboard for the fitness center and kid with bubble gum had me laughing so hard I snorted.

    My hair did something simular. It was sort of wavy (more frizzy) in high school and college. But when we moved to SA, all of the sudden I had ringlets. I hadn't had ringlets since I was three. Now even when I blowdry it chunks of hair decide to randomly curl. Let me tell you--it's cute. So chic. Right.

    I have an idea for your contest. It's so simple you'll probaly kick me out!

  4. Congrats Grace! Your wonderful work - if we can call it work - deserves the attention. As to frizzy hair, we can go split end to split end on that one. It's 95 degrees here already today and I'm working a pretty good frizz pyramid! :)

  5. Congrats on the compliments Grace, I've enjoyed reading your blog since the 1st day I wandered by.
    Sad for you about Sam, although I've been CJ gal since the first day I saw him (I love me some tall men!) Eric Rippert makes me swoon too, then there's Tony Bourdain, so cute in a bad boy kinda way!
    Oh, and have been meaning to say thanks for adding me to your blogroll! It's driven some traffic my way, much appreciated!
    (Oh, and get thee to a concert,stat! Only 2??? So sad.)

  6. Okay that billboard is hilarious but SO perfect! I love it.

  7. We're planning a submission. So many posts - so little time!

  8. Oh - and my friends just saw Jimmy Fallon at Just for Laughs (in Montreal) and they said his impressions are amazing.

    My brother was in a movie with him.

  9. Love those billboards, photos, and the cartoon! Congrats on all the awards, too! Hurdles, huh? Love to watch the hurdle races in the Olympics ... they make it look sooo easy!

  10. re: 4a. - O.M.G!! My curly hair happened the same way (mostly.) For some reason, in the 7th grade, I decided I needed a perm. Like, needed it. My hair has been curly ever since... 20 years later... We are sisters from a different follicle! ;)

  11. I love the billboards...too cool!!!

  12. My dog says you beat the heat by sleeping in the shade of a big-ass maple tree. From your neighbor just west of you.

  13. i'm working on my entry for beat the heat tomorrow grace!!

  14. Congrats on the awards! You deserve them!

  15. Congrats on the awards! That fitness centre billboard just cracks me up!

  16. Congrsta and those are some amusing billboards

  17. That burger sound FAB!! And while I was reading it I was actually thinking "Yum but I'd put on some sauce I think". I need to go on a burger eating tour of America! So many great burgers there :)

  18. Great post. Very amusing. Can't wait for the Beat the Heat results!

  19. Congrats on the awards Grace! You made me laugh with all those funny pics. :)

    After my first pregnancy, I started losing my hair which totally freaked me out. Then it started growing back and I ended up with really short little bangs and thick as heck hair, so I had it cut short. That happened all three times I was pregnant. Supposedly it's the hormones, go figure.

  20. Sigh. I heart Sam and can't even begin to believe that a man would actually say, "I'm so in love, it's unreal..." Wow. Cool pix, and I'm slapping an award on you, too. But I'm still not done with the post. I got side tracked reading while I was coming to get your link. MWAH.

  21. I LOVE Conan! I want to go to one of his shows sooo bad.

    The burger sounds good.

    Must enter event. Next post is going to be it.

  22. Ok, I have a BS in Statistics and can I tell you I LOVE that cartoon. It's hillarious!

    And yes, my beautiful pin straight hair has gone wavy and I'm very disappointed in it.

  23. i once had the pleasure of meeting conan o'brien (Even got a pic w/him) - you're so jealous, aren't you? ;)

  24. AHAHAHHAHAAA i love your blog, you're hilarious! and yes, i must agree - we do have a lot in common!


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