July 26, 2018

my bread and butter

Bread and butter pickles. Cucumber overload!

Our first year of gardening, we set out entirely too many tomato plants and I ended up with marinara sauce and salsa coming out of my ears. Last year, jalapeno peppers popped up like nobody's business, and we reaped so many and I made so much pepper jelly that I don't anticipate needing any more until Eva goes to college. This year, we have an excess of cucumbers. Isn't it interesting how that happens!?

In addition to quart after quart of dill pickles, I've made a bunch of bread and butter pickles--my husband LOVES them. And, since I love him, I've been doing the whole process, five times now...and it's quite a process. You have to slice everything (but no peeling, huzzah!), pack it all in ice and salt, rinse it, boil it, fill the jars, and cook those in a water bath. It's time consuming, but it really does make some delicious pickles.

I don't mean to daunt you--there's a lot of hands-off time when you can do things like vacuum and chase your toddler around the house. You do need to get yourself yourself set up, though, and I've found that it gets smoother every time.

Bread and Butter and Meat and Cheese Pickles
(printable recipe)
Makes about 3 quarts or 6-7 pints
  • 1 gallon cucumbers, sliced
  • 6 medium onions, peeled and sliced
  • 3 green peppers, sliced (I used banana peppers)
  • 1/2 cup pickling salt
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 2 tablespoons turmeric
  • 5 cups white vinegar
  • 4 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tablespoon ground cloves
Pack sliced vegetables in salt and ice; let stand 3 hours. I usually do this in my kitchen sink because I'm working with so many, plus it makes it easier to drain and rinse.
Combine remaining ingredients in a large kettle or pot and bring to a boil.
Drain and rinse the vegetables, carefully add them to the boiling liquid mixture, return to a boil, and boil for 3 minutes.
Tightly pack the pickles into sterilized jars, trying to get as much air out as possible, and leaving 1/2" headspace.
Seal with sterilized lids and process the jars for 10 minutes in boiling water bath.


  1. These pickles are one of my favorite things too! It helps when someone in your family can get you all set up, let you use their kitchen and pressure canner, and then tell you what shortcuts you can get away with. Was your kitchen stained with turmeric afterward?

  2. One of my favourite pickles..1 whole gallon of cucmbers...you must have had fun with them :-)

  3. Love these pickles look wonderful Grace !!

  4. @unknown: of course! my fingers and utensils and clothes too. :)

  5. I'm a huge pickle freak! These look fantastic Grace. When I pickle it's in much smaller quantities as I don't grow anything (we live in an apartment). But I can imagine how daunting it can be with a sizeable harvest.

  6. Yes a big job, but oh those pickles look good!

  7. YUM!!!! Send jars to Oregon please.

  8. I love bread and butter pickles. I'm sure your hubby loves you even more for these jars of them! I made pickles in 7th grade science, but that was a million years ago, and I'm not sure they even came home with me. And I've never tried again. I admire your dedication to getting the most out of your harvest!

  9. Just staring at those jars makes me want a burger! LOL I'm sure you'll find a myriad of delicious ways to make use of your pickle bounty over the months to come. ;)

  10. I don't grow vegetables, but it is the same with fruit here, I either have way too much or nothing at all. Oh well, in the years when we have cherries I can enough to last until we get lucky again... :) I love pickles, I make some often myself, but I have never pickled cucumbers, they don't really grow around here, I am more into pickling zucchini, they grow like weed.

  11. Great looking pickles! The recipe is unique and a must try. Tomatoes aren't so hot here this summer, too much rain at planting time they say. I love B&B pickles too!

  12. When you garden...you never know what Mother Nature will deliver. Totally smiled reading this post. The beauty of preserving is you will enjoy your harvest for many months to come. Your bread and butter pickles are delightful.

    Hope you are enjoying your summer.


  13. You've made them so many times, you must be a pro by now! Pleased to hear how much you're enjoying them.

  14. I feel like a traitor to the food world telling you this, but the husband and I don't eat pickles! Regardless, I am intrigued at the process! Almost makes me wish me liked them :)

  15. I do mine sliced but with a dill recipe (little to no sugar) and call them hamburger dills. I hear you on all the cucumbers! But last winter we used all home canned so that felt good!

  16. This is a great way to use up excess cucumbers, my veg tend to crop in batches like yours. Last year I had loads of cucumbers this year it was tomatoes!


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