February 18, 2016

peaches and nutmeg cream #BringYourBestBowl #Kroger

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringYourBestBowl #Kroger #CollectiveBias

As a recent and enthusiastic convert to the wonder of eating oatmeal for breakfast, I was delighted to learn about the Bring Your Best Bowl contest being held by Quaker® Oats.

There are more details at the bottom of this post, but basically, if you submit your oatmeal creation consisting of 2-5 ingredients to Quaker®, you have a shot at winning $250,000 and the possibility of the actual large-scale production of what you've made! To say that's awesome is understating it.

My bowl o' oatmeal inspiration came in the form of the last jar of peach freezer jam that I've been saving since summer, which has been tempting me every time I open the freezer. I finally decided to pull it out and put it to use for this special and delicious purpose. I recalled that I had purchased the peaches for that jam at my local Kroger, which always seems to deliver great produce. Farmers' markets are great, but when you can also get quality fruits and veggies while you're getting milk and sugar (and Quaker® Oats!), well, all the better.

Popular products!

Nutmeg was an obvious spice addition, as I find it to be a wonderful mate for peaches. Yes, even better than cinnamon. GASP. By heating up some cream with the nutmeg mixed in, I found that the flavor was stronger and deeper and altogether more delightful, but you can just mix the nutmeg into the oatmeal and top everything with cool cream if you prefer.

I've taken to eating oatmeal every morning--I like the way it fills me up and gets me off to an energetic start, and it doesn't hurt that I make it taste OH-so-good. Plus, it never has to be the same! The possible combinations of liquids and mix-ins are absolutely boundless. I'm very excited to see what entrants create for this challenge--I'm always eager to have some new and different ideas to try!

Peaches and Nutmeg Cream Oatmeal
(printable recipe)
Serves 1
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup Quaker® Old-Fashioned Oats
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
  • 2 generous tablespoons cream
  • 2 generous tablespoons peach jam, jelly, or preserves, homemade or store bought
In a small pot, carefully bring the milk to a low simmer--it can get away from you in a split second, so keep an eye on it! That is not a mess you want to clean.
Stir in the oats and salt.
Cook about 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
During this time, if you so desire, warm the cream and nutmeg in a small saucepan.
Remove the pot of oatmeal from the heat.
Top with warm nutmeg-infused cream and peach jam, then eat!

Hey there, fella.

To enter:
If you want to enter the Bring Your Best Bowl contest for the chance to get your creation on grocery store shelves (plus, you know, a nice little bonus of $250,000 from Quaker), here’s how:
Go to Reimagine Your Bowl and enter your oatmeal submission and the inspiration behind it, now through March 12, 2016. Make your flavor original, creative, and simple.
Three finalists will be announced around National Oatmeal Day (October 29, 2016) with the flavors hitting shelves in stores nationwide for consumers to try and vote on online through November 19, 2016. Once votes are in and tallied, the grand prize winner will be announced and rewarded with $250,000 in February 2017.
Be sure to follow along and find recipe inspiration to enjoy the many delicious combinations using Quaker® Oats as well as the official contest rules by visiting this site.
You can (and should!) also follow Quaker on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. That's a bowl of goodness. I am a huge fan of all things oats..can even enjoy them without anything else.

  2. I love porridge, but I actually never find it sustaining - I'm hungry again by 11! I do have some peach & vanilla jam though...

  3. Try a touch of almond extract in your next bowl with the peach jam. I've been adding it to my peach pies, and it's delicious. (My youngest son is on an oatmeal kick, having given it up for 2 years after eating it daily since before he had teeth, and we currently have many boxes of Quaker apple/cinnamon instant oatmeal in the cupboard.) I hope you win!

  4. I love warm oatmeal spiked with maple syrup and almonds on a wintry morning. It definitely fills you up and gets you going for the day.

  5. I am such a fan of oatmeal for breakfast, but husband does not agree with me, and although he will have a bowl with me it's a battle. Next time, I am putting a big dollop of his favorite jam on top of his oatmeal. Maybe that will change his tune! If this works, I owe you big time!

  6. I absolutely LOVE oatmeal and have been known to eat it for dinner with some cheese stirred in and topped with an egg. Savory oatmeal! But jam and oatmeal is brilliant - gotta try this one!

  7. I would love it if I had a bowl of this in front of me right now ♥


  8. Hi Grace, I eat a bowl of oatmeal at least 5 days a week, love how you added the jam, looks delicious!

  9. I love the idea of using peach jam... I don't always have time to actually cook down fruit so this is perfect when you are short on time. I bet it's delicious. #client

  10. Hi Grace:)
    You have a winner in my eyes!!! I noticed you made the oatmeal with milk. I've been making it with water for so long it just never occurs to me to make it with milk, lol...

    I don't have any peach jam in the freezer but, I did just take out the last jar of strawberry jam. I've been dolloping my oatmeal with homemade yogurt and strawberry jam for a couple of weeks now. I may just need to make peach freezer jam so I can try it with cream and nutmeg!

    Thanks for sharing all this info, Grace. Sounds like a contest everyone should give a try. Good Luck to YOU!

  11. Hey Grace!!

    I always take the short cut by using quick one minute cooking oats. LOL! I have been inspired to try the old fashion oats with different toppings than what is offered on the shelf. Good Luck to you on the contest!!

    How do you find out about upcoming cooking contests? I would love a cooking challenge.

  12. With you on the peach jam--but I'd have to leave out the nutmeg!

  13. Cream and nutmag.... Classy combo

  14. I would enter the Quaker Oats contest but if you've already entered with this beautiful bowl, I don't stand a chance!


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