January 25, 2016

wonders never cease

As it turns out, potatoes make for an awesome loaf of bread, and no one is more surprised than I!

When I think of potatoes, I think of a dry, dirty earthy piece of food that is really only made edible by the addition of some combination of copious amounts of butter, milk, salt, and pepper (and sometimes cheese)(and herbs)(...and bacon). How in the world could such an ingredient lend itself to the creation of a moist loaf of sandwich bread? Even as a food scientist, I'm not sure how it happens, but rest assured, it does.

This recipe from King Arthur Flour yielded two nicely shaped loaves of soft, flavorful bread, and the slices toasted up like no other bread I've ever made! Having deliciously fresh bread on hand inspired me to make a little grilled cheese panini stuffed with pepper jack and an incredible fig spread from Fiordifrutta.

PSA: Fiordifrutta is the only three-ingredient fruit spread on the market. Prepared with perfectly ripened organic fruit, Fiordifrutta contains just fruit, organic apple juice, and natural fruit pectin. This means that it has 30% fewer calories than most other brands since no sugar is added. You can find it in a ton of flavors including apricot, peach, raspberry, cranberry, lingonberry, strawberry, lemon, cherry, blackberry, black currant, fig, pomegranate, pink grapefruit, and pear! You should probably try them all, but the fig spread is currently my absolute favorite.

Whether you like your sandwich untoasted and festooned with plain ol' American cheese and mayonnaise or fancied up with things like preserves, goat cheese, avocado, and the like, this potato bread can handle the job!

Potahto Bread
(printable recipe)
Based on this recipe
Makes 2 loaves
  • 1-1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons instant yeast
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 6 ounces plain mashed potato
  • 4-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
Measure the water into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
Stir in the dry milk, salt, yeast, and oil, then blend in the mashed potato and the flour.
When the dough begins to come away from the side of the bowl, turn it out onto a lightly floured kneading surface and knead for 3 to 4 minutes. Don't feel like you have to add more flour to make it more manageable--you don't!
Let the dough relax while you wash out and grease the mixing bowl.
Knead for a further 3 or 4 minutes, put the dough into the bowl and then turn it over so the top of the dough has a thin film of grease on it. Cover the bowl and let the dough rise for 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Punch the dough down and turn it out onto a floured surface.
Cut it in half and pat each half into a pan; the dough is wet enough to resist shaping.
Cover the dough and let it rise for 45 minutes to an hour.
About 15 minutes before you want to bake your bread, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
Bake the loaves for 35 minutes.
Turn the loaves out and let them cool completely on a rack before you even think about slicing!


  1. Being born and raised in Idaho, you would think I would have made a loaf of potato bread by now. Nope. Guess I need to get baking! The bread looks tasty and that grilled cheese does too.

  2. Come to think I'd love to know what exactly it is about potatoes that makes it into such great bread. Must research...in the meantime shall drool over this :D

  3. Oh how I love Potato Bread, Grace. For some reason it seems to stay fresh longer too. I'm not sure what it is but like you I would love to know.

    When I baked potato bread eons ago I remember the recipe instructions said to use the water from boiling the potatoes. Of course, using leftover mashed potatoes you wouldn't still have the water but you just reminded me of that oddity:)

    Thanks for sharing, Grace...your bread looks heavenly and that fruit spread sounds like something I should definitely check in to!

  4. I've seen recipes for potato bread, but was never sold on the the concept. Until now.
    Your panini sounds awesome!

  5. I LOVE potato bread! A great way to use potatoes, lovely post.

  6. I've never made potato bread - you are inspiring me! And I am hopelessly devoted to fig spread - YUM.

  7. Saving this for my in-laws, they are huge fans of potatoes!

  8. I've never tried potato bread before, and it looks absolutely delicious! Need to try soon!

  9. I'd love to try making potato bread. I love potato bread, I just never thought to make it myself, I always assumed it'll be cumbersome to make.

  10. King Arthur has the best recipes for breads! I am sure this was a big hit! Looks delish!

  11. I love King Arthur recipes, but never have made potato bread. This looks really good, Grace. Love your fig spread!

  12. I've had store bought potato bread, but I've never made my own. Now I feel inspired to make some! I'm going to look for that fig spread too, looks delicious on your panini :)

  13. I have never baked a potato bread either--I think I must correct this. The fig spread looks delicious too!


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