January 4, 2016

can't hardly wait (and a chocolate #giveaway)

Forget the island paradise--we're honeymooning in Ireland!

I feel guilty for saying this, but we're WAY more excited about our honeymoon than the wedding itself. Of course we look forward to celebrating with our families, but one of the things we were most thrilled to learn about each other in the get-to-know-the-basics phase of our relationship was a shared and strong desire to visit Ireland. The castles! The landscapes! The brogues! The beer! (I was speaking vicariously for my fiance with that last one.)

Since we've started planning our trip, anything and everything even remotely tied to Irish culture has been catching my eye. When I spotted some white chocolate Irish cream liqueur at our local booze shop, I obviously had to buy it because a)MADE IN IRELAND, and b)WHITE CHOCOLATE IRISH CREAM!

As you might expect, it's awesome in coffee and cocktails (though I haven't been so bold as to have it simply on the rocks, I think that would be delicious too), and it just so happened to make what could've been standard Oreo truffles extra delicious! I suppose you could use the liqueur to flavor the chocolate coating, but I opted to slip it into the cookie mixture itself. It's subtle because the Oreos have such a powerful flavor of their own, but that hint of Irish cream really elevated these into a classy and extra special treat!

I made a second batch of truffles, too, and it was equally as delicious but far less Irish. As it turns out, you can replace some of the cream cheese with hazelnut chocolate spread and get super rich candies with a completely different, slightly nutty flavor profile. Awesome! I used a spread from Endangered Species Chocolate, which is doing its part to make the world a better place, one chocolate bar at a time. Not only are each of its tasty milk and dark chocolate bars and bites made with ethically traded, shade grown cacao and natural ingredients, but 10 percent of net purchases benefit conservation efforts around the world! Its 2016-2018 10% GiveBack Partners are Rainforest Trust and Wildlife Conservation Network, and I think that's pretty awesome. I have three jars of spreads to give away--cocoa, hazelnut, and almond, each delicious and each thoughtfully produced and presented. Enter using the widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tipsy Truffles
(printable recipe)
Makes about 4 dozen

  • 1 (14.3 ounce) package Oreo cookies
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 2 tablespoons white chocolate cream liqueur (I recommend Sheelin!)
  • 2 (8 ounce) packages semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted
Directions: Crush cookies to fine crumbs; place in medium bowl. Add cream cheese and liqueur; mix until well blended. Roll cookie mixture into 42-48 balls, each about 1 inch in diameter. Freeze these balls for an hour or so, until they're frozen through. Dip the frozen balls into the melted chocolate. Lift truffle from chocolate using 2 forks (this will allow excess chocolate to run off) before placing on wax paper. Sprinkle with colored sprinkles and refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. 

Hazelnut Truffles 

(printable recipe)
 Makes about 4 dozen 
  • 1 (14.3 ounce) package Oreo cookies
  • 6 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup hazelnut chocolate spread
  • 2 (8 ounce) packages semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted
Directions: Crush cookies to fine crumbs; place in medium bowl. Add cream cheese and chocolate spread; mix until well blended. Roll cookie mixture into 42-48 balls, each about 1 inch in diameter. Freeze these balls for an hour or so, until they're frozen through. Dip the frozen balls into the melted chocolate. Lift truffle from chocolate using 2 forks (this will allow excess chocolate to run off) before placing on wax paper. Sprinkle colored sanding sugar and refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.


  1. My favorite thing to pair with chocolate is peanut butter

  2. I love to pair almonds with chocolate.

  3. I love to pair chocolate with fruit, especially strawberries, pineapple and apples.

  4. I like to pair peanuts with chocolate.

  5. These truffles look amazing!!

  6. Those truffles look so good! Especially the tipsy ones :)

  7. Do I have to pick just one!? Caramel! Peanut butter! I can't choose.

  8. Great truffles, they sound delicious!
    Lucky you with Ireland! I'd be more excited about that too! We've been all around Europe, but not to Ireland---it would be a great trip, and sounds perfect for you and your honeymoon!

  9. The truffles look delicious, and my daughters went to Ireland with one of their brothers a couple of years back. They said it was just as great as you are imagining. Fair warning: Irish stew comes with a whole potato in the bowl. They took a picture of it, they were so amazed.

  10. My favorite ingredient to pair with chocolate is peanut butter.

  11. My favorite thing to pair with chocolate is peanut butter.

  12. Those truffles look and sound amazing! I'll make them on a Friday, then they will be calorie free!!lol
    So very happy for you and your fiance! Enjoy yourselves!

  13. Hehe Grace I think it's perfectly normal to look forward to the honeymoon more than the wedding! But I will say that the wedding goes by in a flash. I could have sworn that the whole day went by in the space of 20 minutes lol. Have a great time!!

  14. I love to pair chocolate with peanut butter!

  15. Those truffles (especially the boozy ones) sound like perfect wedding favors for your family members. *hint hint*

  16. Just one? Oh gosh... I will go with Peanut Butter.

  17. As a married woman I will tell you a little secret. Indeed honeymoon is by far more fun than the actual wedding because you don't have the stress to please anyone else but yourself! Have fun and enjoy every minute of it! Your little chocolate bites are exquisite!

  18. My favorites are coffee or cashews.

  19. Peanut butter EVERY TIME! And I think Ireland is the perfect, perfect place to honeymoon!

  20. Hi Grace, I love peanutbutter and chocolate, great give-away. Ireland sounds like the perfect place to honeymoon!!!!!

  21. Lucky! Ireland is on my bucket list - what a fun time you will have on your honeymoon!!!

    The truffles look amazing. My favorite pairing with chocolate is coconut of course!

  22. Honeymooning in Ireland must be so lovely♥


  23. Congrats to you! And what an amazing place to spend your honeymoon. Here's to a most magical time!

  24. My whole family enjoys peanut butter and chocolate

  25. Favorite to pair is almond butter

  26. My favorite thing to pair with chocolate is peanut butter.

  27. My favorite thing to pair with chocolate is coconut or peanuts.

  28. My fave ingredient to pair with chocolate is peanut butter.

  29. I love making my own truffles, these are so cute!

  30. I love to pair cherries with chocolate!

  31. I would have to say almonds. I love them together.

  32. I love mint with chocolate.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. as maureen on rafflecopter

    I love caramel. YUM

  34. I like chocolate and coconut together.

  35. Congratulations! I like pairing chocolate with nuts or coconut.

  36. I love fruits and chocolate


  37. I love coconut with chocolate.

  38. I really love dark chocolate and red wine ;)

  39. There are so many things I love with chocolate, but caramel would be at the top of the list. Coconut & peanut butter would be on that list, too!

  40. I'm not sure if this is open to Canadians, but just in case: I love to pair cherries with chocolate.

  41. I love chocolate colored fruit


  42. These tipsy Oreo truffles look divine! I have never thought to make my own truffles. Wow! I love the combination of chocolate and hazelnut. Delicious! Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe and have fun in Ireland. It is a beautiful country!


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