April 10, 2014

april festivities

There's a great holiday coming up this month, but that's not the only reason April is special. It's also the month I was born.

Yep, I turned the big 3-1 this year. No fanfare, which makes Patton Oswalt happy, of that I'm sure. I didn't even make myself a cake this year, but I did eat well. I had the most amazing roasted banana cheesecake with macadamia nut crust and coconut whipped cream, but that's a story for a different day.

Speaking of eating well, this flavorful dish, complete with green zucchini and red peppers, makes a magnificent meal. Both the chicken and sausage are spicy and juicy, but neither overtakes the other. It seems that there are a lot of steps in this recipe, but none are difficult or take very long. The resulting medley of ingredients makes all the effort completely worthwhile, trust me.

Depending on how much broth you end up adding, this can be a really saucy dish. You can serve it with rice (not my favorite) or simply use a nice piece of toasted buttermilk bread to sop up all that goodness. Happy birthday to me!

Pig and Poultry Pot
Serves 4-6
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 3/4 pound mild or sweet Italian sausage, in casings
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2-4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 medium zucchini, cut into matchsticks or half-moons
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2/3-1 cup chicken broth
  • 2 large garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 1 (7 ounce) jar roasted red peppers, finely chopped
Cut chicken breasts crosswise and into 1/2" pieces; season with salt and pepper and dredge lightly in flour and set aside.
Place a skillet over high heat; add 2 tablespoons olive oil and, when hot, add zucchini. Saute about 2 minutes; season with salt and pepper and set aside.
Take casing off of sausage and cut into bite sized pieces. Add sausage to oil in the skillet and saute over medium heat until fully cooked; remove and set aside.
Add butter and red pepper flakes to skillet. When the fat is hot, add chicken pieces and saute until fully cooked. Add 1/3 cup broth to skillet and bring to a boil; stir and reduce heat for 2-3 minutes.
Add garlic, remaining broth and simmer about 2-3 minutes, partially covered, until the juice reduces.
Add sausage, zucchini and roasted red peppers to the skillet. Toss with the chicken and simmer over low heat 2-3 more minutes. Serve over rice.


  1. I always feel like if you post a savoury thing it must be really, really delicious to distract from the desserts!

    Happy Birthday, spring chicken!

  2. Happy Birthday! Everything is better with sausage, including veggies!

  3. Always love your recipes. This sounds like a winner as well.

    Happy Birthday, Grace. You are the best!!


  4. Hmmmmm, this recipe looks familiar. �� I'll have to finally get around to making it for my crew.
    Hooray for April birthdays!!! You're in excellent company (which I'm sure you know). Hope you were treated and feted as you deserve. Belated good wishes from our family. ��������

  5. Happy belated Birthday, Grace!
    This looks comforting and delish!

  6. Happy belated Grace! The sausage dish has me drooling! Seriously tasty stuff.

  7. I like how "pig and poultry" sounds hehe. Belated happy birthday!

  8. Happy birthday, Grace. When I see a savory post pop up on your blog, I always double check to make sure I'm on the right page. It looks fittin' to eat. :)

  9. Happy belated birhtday!! And that cheesecake sounds A.Ma.Zing.

    Love how easy this skillet is! Quick weeknight dinner FOR REALZ.

  10. Yikes! I am feeling really old. I gave a granddaughter only 9 years younger than you. OMG. Oh well, we can still be friends, right? Happy Birthday!
    This pot of pig and poultry must be great, or we'd be seeing a cinnamon flavored cupcake with a candle on it here. :)

  11. A BELATED VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!!!...This quick to put dinner hot pot looks like a winner,thanks so much for your ever inspiring recipes...we learn a lot from them...HAVE A WONDERFUL APRIL!!! :-)

  12. Mmm, a great find for the upcoming zucchini season! Happy birthday Grace!

  13. Happy birthday lovely Grace! This looks delicious - nice to see one of your sneaky savoury dishes!!

  14. Happy Birthday Grace!! What an exciting time. That cake sounds divine-you won't forget to share that with you will you? ;)

  15. Amo esta receta Feliz Cumpleaños....éxito y amor...Buena Pascua Grace,abrazos

  16. I had my birthday on the 9th and my son's was on 13th! Happy birthday to you! This one pot meal is heavenly!

  17. Love those veggie colors! It looks like a dish for a celebration. Happy Birthday month!

  18. Happy belated birthday dear Grace!:)


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