November 8, 2013

gettin figgy wit it.

I had my very first fresh fig just one month ago, can you believe that?

It was pretty good, though I've been hard-pressed to find a fruit that I don't like. The thing is, I think I prefer them dried! That chew and the concentrated flavor is tough to top.

Puritan's Pride sent me some wholesome baking ingredients to use during the holidays. I got samples of almond flour, whole roasted and unsalted almonds, raw organic honey, ground cinnamon, and pure vanilla extract. Talk about useful stuff!

So by using these ingredients, I've essentially made scones (one of the most guilt-free breakfast treats) even more good for you:
  • Since honey is sweeter and denser than granulated sugar, a little drizzle on top of the scones allowed me to add a little less to the actual dough.
  • Not only is almond flour gluten-free, but it's also an excellent low-carb substitute for other flours used in baking, either wholly or in part. It adds color, texture, richness, and flavor to baked goods.
  • You all know how I feel about cinnamon, and while that fragrance is enough to turn a bad day around, it also has some terrific nutritional benefits! It's used to help treat everything from muscle spasms and erectile dysfunction to vomiting, diarrhea, infections, and even the common cold.

I've been told by numerous folks that my pictures are lame, so I'm easing into some more artistic presentations
with the gorgeous brown cloth napkin shown above.  Baby steps.

This batch of scones makes a pretty ideal breakfast food--they're nutritious and delicious, easy to make and quite filling. The slices of fig taste great and look so awesome with all their seediness, and though I've made these before with all-purpose flour, I most definitely prefer the almond flour. It adds a wonderful nuttiness while still delivering an enjoyable texture and heft.

Oh yeah, I'm definitely getting into the holiday baking spirit!

Figgy Almond Scones
Makes 8
  • 1-1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 4 ounces butter, cold and cubed
  • Scant 2/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup dried figs, sliced thinly
  • 8 whole almonds, to garnish
  • Drizzle of honey, to finish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine the dry ingredients (almond flour through cinnamon) and cut in the butter until a coarse, crumbly mixture is formed.
Mix in the buttermilk, vanilla, and dried fig slices using a fork until everything is moistened and then turn the batter out onto a floured surface.
Form the dough into a 6-inch wide disk about an inch in height.
Apply an egg wash and sprinkle with sugar, then cut the disk into 8 wedges. (You can press a whole almond into the top of each scone at this point, if you want.)
Transfer the wedges to a baking sheet with about 2 inches between them and bake for 20-25 minutes. Drizzle with honey before serving, if desired.

*Though I was sent ingredients free of charge, the opinions expressed above are, as always, uniquely my own.


  1. Those scones are really original! A wonderful afternoon treat.



  2. Se ven exquisitos me encanta esta variante me llevo uno para mi café,abrazos.

  3. These look great! And I love the justification for the cinnamon!

  4. I can't believe someone commented about your photography, which always looks delicious! Growing up, an adjacent neighbor had a fig tree, so I grew up eating them :), although I do love the intense vivid flavors of them dried...

  5. I'm the opposite -- my true love are FRESH figs. When they are in season, I can't get enough. When they're not, dried ones will make me happy, too.

  6. I giggled to myself when I see the scone recipe, remember when you didnt like scones. I am so happy you are a convert. Why because you told me about this fabulous one. I love figs and have some dying to be used. This is a must make for me.

  7. Wonderful! This version must be equally delectable.

  8. Figs are just so hit or miss. When they're good they are AWESOME but sometimes the flavor just isn't there. All roasted up in a scone though? Whole other beast of delicious.

  9. I prefer dried figs to fresh too. I just made my first batch of scones and I think I'll be making many more batches :)

  10. Ah figs, love or leave em. We had fig trees when I was growing up. I don't think they were indigenous to our area of Long Island though. They caused my father way to much stress in the cold months.

    Your scones look delicious, Grace.

    I'm sorry people have been commenting about your pictures. I've never left your blog not feeling like I had a virtual nibble of some goodness. Your words are always carefully selected and your pictures speak to your words.

    Thank you so much for sharing...

    P.S. Were you featured in the November issue of TOH or December's?

  11. I haven't met a fig I didn't like so these fig scones sound wonderful to me!

  12. Figs in the love the combo!

  13. Grace,
    I am a lover of all fruits, too. I've tried to convince myself that I love fresh figs. My granny always had a fig tree and made preserves each year. thing is for sure. I don't love fresh figs. In fact, I don't even like them. Now, sugar them down and make preserves or dry them and make cookies, I'm all in. I've tried them with prosciutto, all kinds of cheeses and nuts, just can't do it. You hit on it in your post. The concentration of flavor is much greater when they're dried. Anyway, lovely post. Can't believe the criticism on your photos.

  14. Scones are just about the best thing ever. Always a happy sight in my house. And, I've never made scones with figs. These are a must try!

  15. Perfect recipe, I love figs and scones.

  16. I love honey and I bet this drizzle must have added a beautiful and tasty touch to these scones!

  17. I love figs! These scones look and sound excellent Grace.

  18. I'm a fig freak. One of my dreams is to have a fig tree so that I can have fresh black figs during summer (if the birds don't get them first :P).

  19. You know I have been eating fresh figs for years but have never had a dried one (except in fig newtons, which surely doesn't count). Lovely scones--and that almond flour sure is getting around now!

  20. I just adore figs, I eat them up so quick! I am loving this recipe, figs in a scone would be amazing!!


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