July 4, 2011

jingo! jingo! jingo!

A zealous patriot, I am not. That's not to say that I don't sometimes like the Patriots (or, er...one Patriot in particular) and I did enjoy the flick. It's also not to say that I'm not proud to be an American; I'm just not overzealous about it.

I am pretty zealous about this cake, though. It's the perfect dessert for a 4th of July celebration, as it consists of the appropriate colors and tastes fantastic. All I did was make a regular red velvet cake and normal cream cheese frosting and swirl in a bit of blue coloring between the layers.

Perhaps I'm more patriotic than I thought. Happy Independence Day (incidentally, that's another great movie), everyone!

Not-So-Patriotic Patriot's Red Velvet Cake
2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 oz. red food coloring
1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon baking soda

cream cheese frosting

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
Sift together the cake flour, baking powder, and salt into a medium bowl; set aside. In a small bowl, mix food coloring and cocoa powder to form a thin paste without lumps; set aside.
In a large bowl, using a hand mixer or stand mixer, beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy, about three minutes. Beat in eggs, one at a time, then beat in vanilla and the red cocoa paste, scraping down the bowl with a spatula as you go. Add one third of the flour mixture to the butter mixture, beat well, then beat in half of the buttermilk. Beat in another third of flour mixture, then second half of buttermilk. End with the last third of the flour mixture, beat until well combined, making sure to scrape down the bowl with a spatula.
In a small bowl, mix vinegar and baking soda. (Enjoy the fizz show.) Add it to the cake batter and stir well to combine. Working quickly, divide batter evenly between the cake pans and place them in a preheated 350 degree oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool the cakes in their pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes. To remove the cakes from the pan, place a wire rack on top of the cake pan and invert, then gently lift the pan. Allow cakes to cool completely before frosting. Frost oh-so-generously with cream cheese frosting.


  1. Wow, your cake is so tempting and beautiful! What perfect layers.



  2. I love themed food :) Happy Independence Day Grace, even if you're not feeling particularly patriotic.

  3. Oh gosh. I'm in Paris right now munching on PB M&Ms and rocky road fudge, celebrating an expat 4th of July. I wouldn't mind a slice of this fedexed to the office!

  4. What a perfect 4th of July cake! I adore Red Velvet cake and yours looks simply divine. Enjoy the holiday!

  5. What a perfect occasion for a bright-red, layered cake. Happy Fourth to you!

  6. OMG Grace you always amazed me!! This Cake look georgeous and love the pictures, Happy 4th july! gloria

  7. Happy Independence Day from Canada! Wow...that cake looks like it is sitting right in front of me to eat!! *wishful thinking* lol
    Beautiful cake, AND amazing photography! great site btw!

  8. That's a beautifully layered cake! oh man..look at the frosting, which could have melted me away!

  9. Happy Independence Day! This cake looks delicious....I want some of that icing! :D

  10. Super moist cake, Grace! I've never made a red velvet anything..have no idea why. The 4th is such a perfect holiday for it too. Hope you saw some fireworks!

  11. Red velvet is one of the few things in life that I'm over overzealous about. This is gorgeous.

  12. Now this is a layer cake that I would not be able to keep my hands off of. Perfect for any day with a giant mug of coffee.

  13. Oh, you're cake made me drool. It looks so moist and so inviting... dang, i gotta make me some now! LOL!

  14. Beautiful as always you baking goddess! I hope you had a great 4th of July!

  15. Red velvet is one of my faves--so pretty and cheerful. I'll have to try this (maybe in cupcake form...)

  16. I once made a red velvet cake, but it was not as red as yours. Of course, being unable to find a big bottle of red food coloring didn't help any. Your cake was just beautiful!

  17. I love red velvet cake! Perfect for the holiday :)

  18. I know exactly what you mean! I definitely love my country but I don't like to go around shoving it in everyone's face or anything. Love this easy, delicious way to get into the patriotic spirit. Hope you had a great July 4th!

  19. Wow is that cake red! I particularly like the intensity of the colors, and want to scoop up a fingerful of the frosting

  20. If only I could take a fork and reach right through this screen!

  21. Hey we both made a Patriotic cake! I made that flag cake that was all over the web last week. The best part of the movie Patriot was Heath Ledger. Oh my!

  22. I'm always up for Red Velvet Cake and yours is gorgeous, Grace! Hope you had a wonderful Independence Day!

  23. Oh yes, Heath Ledger. :) Nice cake, too!

  24. love the intense color, yummy! perfect for any holiday!

  25. Your thin layers of cake look so much more delicious than just two normal ones! Must try!

  26. Mmm, I wish I was enjoying a big piece of this right now - yum!!

  27. Red velvet cake is my favorite! Yours looks great!

  28. Yummy, red velvet is one of my favorite cakes. Nice food blog you have here :)

  29. OMG wow this looks seriously amazing! We've only attempted red velvet cake and it did not look nearly as tasty as this one. =)

  30. El bizcocho luce muy lindo,especial para una buena celebraciĆ³n ,es bueno ser patriota,abrazos grandes y felicitaciones por el aniversario,amo EEUU.

  31. That is simply beautiful. Red velvet is my all-time favorite cake. I wanted to let you know about my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now until July 16th. Stop on by to enter! Hope you are having a great week :)


  32. God bless America! That looks so moist and delicious. One of my all time favorites. Yummy!

  33. It used to be cookies for me. Now it is cake.... love the cake. Can you pass that one my way?

  34. The perfect way to celebrate the 4th or any other day.

  35. ~~This cake is Pure Sin!!! I want that sin NOW! :)

  36. I love red velvet cake. Ive made it several times already and I am not American.

  37. Grace, can I become a citizen of your land (hehe Grace-land?) so that I can partake of this cake? :D

  38. wow these photos got my sweet tooth acting up!

  39. That really is the perfect cake! It looks amazing.

  40. Wow!!!!!That cake looks soooo good ....I am drooling here!

  41. grace that frosting looks so creamy! wow. you really outdid yourself on this one. A+ gracie pie!

  42. Oh my, that's just gorgeous!

  43. Oh my! Bless your heart :) This looks so good and reminds me of my favorite Deep South Red Velvet cake. Sure makes me miss being back home in NC. 3000 miles from home is so far, but I may just have to make this to give me a little taste of home! I am also gonna have to follow your blog. Nice to see some Southern cooking on here :)


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