May 8, 2011

smooth like a velour tracksuit

Have you ever owned any velour clothes?

That stuff is awesome--it makes you want to pet yourself. Okay, so it's not velvet (sorry, George), but I'll take it in a pinch. What can I say, clearly fashion has never been my thing.

Baking, on the other had, is one of my things. This latest piece of evidence is a classic pie that's rich and flavorful and yes, smooth like velour. It requires a lot of attention (chocolate scrambled eggs, anyone?) and elbow grease to make, but the calories rewards are many. I recommend using some high quality chocolate, but let's be honest--a bag of Hershey's morsels will get the job done.

Just as a side note, I've been known to mix up the flavors in this pie from time to time lest things get boring, and my favorite variation to date is mint chocolate chip. Simply add a little mint extract in place of some of the vanilla and stir in about half a cup of morsels or chunks after the thickened filling has cooled a bit. A little snag in the velour in the form of a chocolate chip isn't too, it's not too bad at all.

Happy Mammy's Day to all you spawners out there!

Chocolate Cream Pie for the Non-Fashionista
1-1/2 cups finely crushed Oreo cookie crumbs
3 tablespoons butter, melted
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2-1/4 cups half and half
4 large egg yolks, slightly beaten
1-1/3 cups semi-sweet chocolate, broken into small pieces
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened

To make the crust, generously butter a 9-inch pie dish. In a large bowl, stir together the cookie crumbs and the melted butter. (You can crush the cookies in a food processor or blender.) Using your fingertips, firmly and evenly press the mixture into the bottom and sides of the pie plate. Bake at 350F for 8-10 minutes, then let cool completely.
To make the chocolate filling, in a stainless steel pot, combine the sugar, flour, and salt. Slowly whisk in the half and half, then bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and stir until soft tracks appear. Remove from the heat and pour a third of the heated mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly. Pour this back into the pot and mix well. Return to the heat and stir constantly until it starts to thicken, about 20 minutes.
Remove from the heat again, stir in the vanilla, then pour the thickened mixture over the chocolate and butter. Stir until smooth, pour into baked crust, then chill for 2-3 hours before serving.


  1. I own velour pyjama trousers. Stylish they are not, but I live in Scotland, andwhen it's -15 in winter you need all the cosy you can get.

    This looks DIVINE. Must make and eat.

  2. My days of velour are long gone. But, I do remember it well. It's so smooth it shows every lump and bump:) Not so with your pie though Grace. It looks heavenly.

    My daughter is on a mint and chocolate kick. She is also quite patient about mixing and whisking. I will have to pass this along.

    Thank you so much for sharing...Hope all is well with you and yours:)

  3. I was a teenager in the early 90s - crushed velour bodysuits, baby!

    Your pie sounds much better than that.

  4. You could just wrap yourself in that chocolate heaven

  5. That pie looks so luscious and the filling so silky!

    Happy Mother's Day!



  6. O my goodness this looks amazing! Comparing chocolate to velvet...yes please!

  7. Fashionista has never been an adjective attached to my persona, but still, even I was not able to do velour. Soft? Sure. But just not doable all the same.

    Oreos make the best pie crust ever. So I'm totally in love here already. And the egg with tempered chocolate thing is certainly not to be done after the second glass of wine, but when it works as planned it is heaven. And that's just what this looks like, a slice of heaven.

  8. I'm no fashionista and haven't ever owned anything made of velour... but I *must* have a piece of this pie! YUM!

  9. Wow I was just thinking the other day I want to !make a big beautiful chocolate cake

  10. i owned a velour track suit for 1 day. i felt like i was sleeping in flannel sheets while wearing a flannel nightgown. it was awful. i'd rather wrap myself in this cake.
    don't you love using Oreo's in the crust? fabulous.

  11. Please come to TN and make this for me. Pretty please.

    I'm a spawner so it is my day.

  12. You've outdone yourself! This chocolate cream pie looks amazing! Happy Mother's Day! Wait, to your mom - not you. :)

  13. Smooooooth! This chocolate cream pie is heavenly- I'd love a slice right now, since I don't think I own any velour. :)

  14. I just about licked the screen! This is an amazing looking pie Grace, even better than velour.....oreo crusts are delish and that luscious filling is calling to me. Great job!

  15. Oh, wow, this cake looks so creamy smooth and chocolatey, what a decadent treat, yum!

  16. Pie and velour are staples in the Pond.

  17. Never owned any velour, but I'm sure gonna own this pie ASAP! I'm not the biggest chocolate fan in town, but one exception is chocolate cream pie. This looks fabulous, Grace!

  18. Velour tracksuits conjure images of Jenny from the Block....Back when she was half of Bennifer.
    So this is the J. Lo of desserts, and to be honest, that's cool with me ;)

  19. Lol, love the name of this post, Grace! What a fine looking pie that is...chocolate never goes out of style, right? ;)

  20. Mm, sounds delightful. I don't make too many pies but this one would definitely be a contender...

  21. Oohh Grace This look ansd sound absolutely amazing and delicious, Love it! amazing picture (LOL), gloria

  22. I think the only velour I've ever put on was a hairband.But I can see how smooth this delectable pie is. Mint sounds like a snazzy addition to pep it up.

  23. This is my favorite dessert! Just add a big spoonful of whipped cream.

  24. I think you've just hit upon a new phrase: "it's as smooth as eating chocolate cream pie in a velour track suit." Ah, it looks fantastic. I'm sure even George would agree on this one.

  25. *cringe* I once owned a pink one.

    Your dessert will never go out of fashion, thank goodness.

  26. Yea to the pie, but nay to the track suit. :)

  27. Ah velour, happy to say I never owned any. Now this pie is another story.

  28. I'll take velour over velvet any day. I have kids, what can I say?? And I'd definitely take a slice of this pie!

  29. Haha I'm wearing one now! Aqua by Juicy Couture although the idea of a velour one isn't anywhere near as appealing as this! :D

  30. I remember back in high school when velour sweat suits were all the rage. I didn't own one...but I sure wanted one.

    These days, i'd much rather have this. Mint chocolate chip style.

  31. Now I want to pet the pie! I did have velour track pants, so soft! I also owned the track suits that made swishy noises, remember those, in bright colors. Um, ya.

  32. oh goodness..velour..not for me..but this oh this I would pet!


  33. Matter of fact, I got me some velour in a ton of colors, and it is awesome warm cold weather wear. As for this pie, well, let's just say my family of chocoholics would be drooling if I showed them this picture.

  34. I am not into velour as well, but this chocolate pie make me fill dipping into it, so smooth...beautiful pictures. Hope your are enjoying the week Grace :-)

  35. Why, yes, I believe I have owned velour clothes. It might have been when I was in grade school, but I think I did. As a pie as smooth as that fabric sounds divine. Great-looking chocolate!

  36. Hmmm. Mint chocolate chip! Such a nice shade of brown velour.

  37. That pie of yours, that resembles a velour track suit...would rock my world. That looks amazing.

    As always, awesome.


  38. Wish I had some of this right now with a tall glass of ice cold milk... heaven!

  39. oh my, can I wrap myself in that?!

  40. Hah! A velour tracksuit may be passe, but a chocolate pie never goes out of style.

  41. I found your blog today and have listed it as one of my favorites. You crack me up, plus your food looks heavenly, divine, delicious....I'm a new follower.

  42. Grace you crack me up. Only you could manage to discuss velour and spawning in the same blog post. That pie looks delightful!

  43. First of all, I love me some velour. Love it. Second of all, this pie looks amazing. I will take two slices please :)

  44. Yum, now this is something I would crave and it would be perfect to bring to a potluck - a huge hit!

  45. exquisita receta,cada comensal aplaudirá esta exquisitez,cariños y abrazos.

  46. That looks smoothER than a velour tracksuit ;p. But seriously I've never craved cream pie more than this moment looking at ur photo.

  47. I looove the mint chocolate variation... and the Old Navy Juicy-knock-off velour set I used to own! Not sure where it disappeared to...

  48. I wish it was acceptable to wear velour out in public. So comfy, yet so ugly.

    This pie is not ugly though, and I would definitely be all over the mint-chocolate variation. Looks so smooth and rich and...velourish...

  49. Your close-up photographs are just so, so, so beautiful and mouth-watering! :)

  50. oh jesus kill me! this looks unbelievable!

    say what you think about my dishes :)

    Have a lovely weekend,

  51. Wow, this looks simple irresistible!

  52. I don't think I've ever owned any velour clothing... or maybe I've just blocked it from my memory?

    Fabulous looking pie... YUM.


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