July 13, 2010

halitosis bad, giveaway good

Just as everyone's feet are hideous (admittedly, some are worse than others), everyone has morning breath. There's no use denying it so don't even try, but there are ways to combat it.

Sure, you could brush your teeth. Yeah, gum and mints are great. However, what if you could eat your breakfast and freshen your breath at the same time? Win win!

Before now, I can't recall ever having had mint in a true breakfast food. No cereals, no muffins, no scones, no maple-syrup vehicles, nothing. I suppose it is a bit strange, but not really. We use chocolate chips in everything from stuffing croissants to sprinkling in pancakes, so who's to say a little mint-chocolate action wouldn't be tasty first thing in the morning?

So I tried it. I tried it, and it was weird. Delicious, obviously, but also weird. I guess for me, the whole 'dessert-for-breakfast' thing takes a turn for the unappetizing when mint becomes involved.

No worries, these made perfectly good snack cakes. Fresh breath any time!

Now, about this giveaway. The fine folks of Snubbr have offered to give one of my readers any cookbook (under $35) of his or her choice, whether the focus is baking, vegan cooking, raw food, or more. All you have to do is leave a comment telling us which cookbook you'd like to win and why and the-powers-that-be will pick their favorite as the winner. Be sure to leave an email address! Comments will close on Friday, July 16th and woefully, this is only open to citizens of the US or Canada.


Bad Breath Banishers
(adapted from these)

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar, tightly packed
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup strong coffee, cooled
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 10 oz. bag Andes baking chips

Preheat to 375°F and grease up your pan of choice, be it a 12-cup muffin pan or mini-loaf pan or something else entirely.
In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugars, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Mix well, making sure all the brown sugary lumps are gone.
In a smaller bowl, mix together the coffee, melted butter, egg, and vanilla until well-combined. Pour this liquid mixture over the dry ingredients and gently but quickly stir to blend. Stop when the dry ingredients are just moistened and fold in the baking chips. Divide the batter evenly among the muffin cups or loaf holes and bake for about 15 minutes for muffins, 30 minutes for mini loaves, or until a toothpick comes out clean.


  1. A yummy treat! Full of goodies.



  2. Mint for breakfast or mint for a snack...you can have it both ways with this! The more chocolate mint the better, I say. Now I'm craving mint chocolate chip...guess who's going to be buying a bag of Andes later today!

    Awesome giveaway! I would love Dorie Greenspan's Baking From My Home To Yours...I feel like it is the master tome of the baking world. And no home is complete without it!

  3. I think I might finally picked up the Bread Baker's Apprentice.
    katbaro at yahoo dot com

  4. Grace...leave it to you to place such a title to a ckae that deserved better. I admit...when speaking of mint...it brought back memories of an 'After Eights' chocolate muffin I had at a friend's house in the early morning hours after having danced the night away. As you could imagine...we were famished ;o) And yes, our breath did need freshening!

    Now for your fun giveaway...very difficult to pick...but here it is:
    "The New Book of Middle Eastern Food" [Hardcover]...by Claudia Roden.

    Why: Although I am of Italian blood...I am greatly into fusion cooking. The closest and most interesting grocery store next to my home is also specialized in Middle Eastern foods. I always wanted to get to experiment more with these wonderful flavourful dishes.

    Ciao for now and have yourself a fine minty day ;o)

  5. hmmm... what about a peppermint mocha latte, does that count as breakfast?

    As far as cookbooks go, I would definitely be interested in trying out more vegan and raw cooking. Not that I think I'll ever fully adopt either of those diets, but I enjoy learning new techniques and ideas for healthful cooking. I would probably choose the Complete Vegan Kitchen or the Vegan Table - both sound like they have recipes up my alley.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. I love your recipes and visit your blog daily! Great giveaway, too! I'd love the 'America's Test Kitchen Family Baking' cookbook!


  7. I would be torn between Dorie Greenspan or ATK--both seem like they are wonderful "basics" and people rave about them. Thanks!!

  8. Giggling at the title of this post and the name of the recipe! Speaking of halitosis, I always have to laugh in the movies when couples wake up, then immediately kiss and canoodle and snuggle. I'm like, "Ick! How can they DO that?" Ah, Hollywood.

  9. I love the way your mind works Grace! Breakfast + Fresh Breath + Cake all at once. What a timesaver it would be , although I think I'd probably find it a bit weird too first thing in the morning.

    Not eligible for your giveaway, good luck everyone else :)

  10. HA! I need to hand these out first thing in the morning to the kids. They always come looking for good morning kisses and cuddles with their stinky morning breath.

  11. The Cake Doctor, I love to doctor up boxed cakes!

    I am not sure I could eat minty stuff in the a.m. looks amazing as always tho!

  12. If you ramp up the vanilla in basic cake, it makes the mint more bearable!

  13. what a title! and yes i am guilty of not brushing my teeth and just having a oatmeal raisin cookie in place. the oats in the cookie will help brush right?
    i would love to have that new cookbook by the Lee Brothers, Southern Cooking.

  14. I recently found your blog and am loving both your recipes and your sense of humor! As you and others pointed out, mint in the morning isn't overly appealing outside of my toothpaste, but these might be yummy with a cup of hot cocoa or coffee in the afternoon.

    I love - love - love cookbooks! I am deeply torn between two cookbooks, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes (Hertzberg) and Baking: From My Home to Yours (Greenspan). The first, because I am terrified of breads and this might help me overcome my fear! The second, because I really enjoy making desserts and this book seems to be one of the staples.

    While I would be a happy camper just to win something, if forced to chose I would go for Greenspan's Baking cookbook. Maybe that's the fear talking, though! :)
    tonya.meyers at gmail dot com

  15. Trying to learn some vegan baking due to egg allergies, so that sounds like a great book!

  16. I would love to win the Pioneer Woman Cooks! I just think she is awesome :)

  17. I would definitely go with the
    'Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook' because I am a vegetarian and am trying to become a vegan soon!!! Thanks for this giveaway..


  18. Hi grace - not so sure about mint in the morning either - but thanks for testing it out for us all ( :

    My latest cookbook craving is: Good to the Grain: Baking with Whole-Grain Flours by Kim Boyce.

  19. I am number 15 at the library on the waiting list for "The Kind Diet" I would love to try out her recipes but it's a bit expensive to buy without trying!

  20. I would have to go with Dorie Greenspan's baking tome!
    Thank you for all of the inspiration.
    Tammy S

    tlstickland (at) comcast (dot) net

  21. I'd like to win Veganomicon because I've heard so many good things from it. I recently became a vegan for health reasons (I suffered a heart attack this year), and am learning to take care of my health better.

    chang (dot) z (dot) ang (at) gmail.com

  22. I'd love to win the America's Test Kitchen Baking Book. I used to watch their show all the time and wish that I could make those recipes.

  23. I like the concept, breakfast, dessert and fresh breath.
    For a new cookbook I'd pick
    Artisan Bread in Five Minutes -Michelle over at the Big Black Dogs is always cooking up something delicious from that book.

  24. A mint chocolate breakfast?! Yes please!

    I'd love to get Ree Drummond's cookbook..all her stuff looks yummy!

  25. Well, I don't know Grace. I think I want my mint food flavors later in the day! I'll stick with toothpaste in the AM.

    My New Orleans by John Besh is my choice for a cookbook!

  26. Maybe the toothpaste association with mint was too much. I'm going to have to try it for breakfast just to see how I feel about it. The bars do look delicious!

    I'd like to win Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day because I keep meaning to buy that book but haven't yet.

  27. Hmm, yeah, I agree. Mint for breakfast is a bit...off. Fights with the orange juice? But I would definitely be happy with mint any other time of the day.

    My cookbook choice is the SoNo Baking Company Cookbook. So much good stuff!

  28. Sadly am not eligible to enter the cookbook contest BUT just had to write what a fantastic idea to have mint chocolate for breakfast - I am sure my husband would love me more for it - especially in the mornings! hehe

  29. Hmm...mint for breakfast is an interesting concept. It does sound like it should work, but somehow I can totally understand why it was unappetizing for you. Maybe it's because it's just too much mint in the morning -- first toothpaste, then muffins. But I'm glad these turned out to be a good snack item. As for the giveaway -- I'd like a Barefoot Contessa book - I Love her recipes!

  30. Everyone needs to eat these. Everyone could have fresher breath and this recipe looks great!

  31. I need to find Andes mints! What more could a girl ask for than chocolate for breakfast with breath-freshening powers?! :)

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I'd love to get a copy of Bittman's How to Cook Everything because I'd love to learn some new techniques!

  32. Morning breath or not I would love to be able to have a copy of The Bread Bakers Apprentice on my shelves:D

  33. Grace you are absolutely hilarious! Now do you have a chocolate or cake based solution for weight loss? :P

  34. this is pure genius and undeniably brilliant!

  35. I love baking so I would choose a book from the baking category and after checking out these books, I would love "The America's Test Kitchen Family Baking Book."


  36. I love baking with Andes, I have never tried anything but cookies thought, Ill have to try..

    As for a cookbook, Id like a Steve Reichlen Barbecue book for my hubby!

  37. Too funny! So I can get rid of my toothbrush and just eat cake instead? I like it! LOL

  38. I don't own "Ad Hoc" and would like it. :)

  39. mmm, I don't think I've ever had chocolate mint chips in cake, it sounds brilliant tho and your picture is just gorgeous

  40. Oh I could probably handle that mint for breakfast. Cake & chocolate really don't turn me off in any form.
    Great giveaway:
    {The Complete Vegan Kitchen} is my choice xo

  41. Nice giveaway!!!! I want the Pioneer women book!

  42. Mint for breakfast does sound a bit odd, but I'll bet I could handle it. ;)They sound tasty!

  43. Great recipe here!

    I've always wanted Reinhart's 'The Bread Baker's Apprentice' - because i want to be a better baker!

  44. I love mint in anything. Did you know that carrots are good breath fresheners, too? Tell yourself that the next time you snag a piece of carrot bread.

    I'd love a bread baking cookbook. That publisher must love you as much as the rest of us do!

  45. Rose's Heavenly Cakes ›Rose Levy Beranbaum would be great! I love making cakes and sweets! I never win anything so that would make it even better.

  46. Awesome! So much better than my pink toothbrush!

  47. You totally crack me up. Toothbrush cake. I would gladly eat it.

    I have been wanting The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz for like forever. Perfect so this time of year and lots of flavors.

  48. While this is totally cliche of me, after both reading and seeing Julie and Julia I want Mastering the Art of French Cooking...

  49. My mint loving kids will love this recipe!

    I think I would want the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes.

  50. so the moral of the story is...leave the morning mint to mouthwash and toothpaste and eat this lovely snack the rest of the day to maintain the minty freshness!

    Ok...cookbook....Jamie's Food Revolution cuz seriously...I need to start cooking healhier meals. I just love whe he's trying to accomplish!

  51. Hilarious post! I'm not sure about the mint in the morning cake either, however, I'd be willing to give it a shot.

    I think I'd love the Gluten Free Classics cookbook or the Vegan Cupcake cookbook!

  52. The America's test Kitchen book!!!

    I am SOOO with you on the mint thing... but it does look like a great snack!


  53. This is such a cute idea. I'm a little skeptical but you make it sound like there won't be any regrets!

  54. The King Arthur Flour Cookie Companion: The Essential Cookie Cookbook

    Why? It's King Arthur and it's COOKIES. Do I really need to explain more?


  55. I never have thought of mint as a breakfast flavor, but this makes perfect sense!! And if I had to choose just one cookbook, I've heard great things about Trisha Yearwood's cookbook!

  56. Could always count on you for having great recipe titles :P A pity I can't participate in the giveaway, but best of luck to everyone!

  57. Oh man! I look at your blog and your recipes make my mouth drool! I would LOVE to try this recipe, but I have developed recent food sensitivities to dairy and cannot even have my beloved goat cheese!

    For this reason, I would love Bake Deliciously! Gluten and Dairy Free Cookbook [Paperback] by Jane Duane. I am devastated to not be able to bake, and nothing would make me happier than to have a cookbook with recipes that I can actually use! Thanks to snubbr for making the recommendation.

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures and recipes!

  58. You are kidding right? I would devour this even if it made my breath ten times worse.

  59. It looks great, no matter what time of day. I guess you could get your little caffeine jolt first thing in the morning in addition to the minty breath.

    I just adore collecting cookbooks. There are several on my wish list, so it's difficult to choose one. I always enjoy Giada's recipes so I'd love to have Giada at Home: Family Recipes from Italy and California.

    Great giveaway!

  60. I say you can't go wrong with Andes mints- even for breakfast! I love the mints but have never tried the baking chips.
    As for cookbooks, I'd love to try Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. We're really trying to add more whole grains to our diet (much to my youngest son's chagrin)and the recipes in this book that I've seen so far look delicious and tempting even to a finicky youngster who hasn't embraced his older brother's mantra, "The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead."

  61. Wonderful post!

    The Williams Sonoma Comfort Food cookbook would be nice!


  62. I don't think I could stomach minty treats in the morning, either (would remind me too much of toothpaste), but this looks great for any other time of day XD.

  63. not a real fan of mint...and putting it in something for breakfast, I agree is just wrong... :)

    The cookbook I would love is Baking: From my home to yours. I think it is a perfect cookbook for your baking needs. I keep getting it from the library..to try something new from it. :)

  64. What a fun and creative idea! I imagine the little bites of mind add a really fun and playful flavor.

  65. I've gotten obsessed with mint-flavored anything since I OD'd on mint chip ice cream from Ben & Jerry's the other day. Bring the mint breakfast treats on!!

  66. I would love Ready for Dessert or Claudia Roden's Arabesque: A Taste of Morocco Turkey & Lebanon.

    I'm not a fan of mint but your cake looked great.

  67. I Love mint - I am going to make these soon.

    I would choose "My New Orleans" by John Besh - think he is charming and very talented.

    Thanks and have a great week-end!

  68. Grace you always make me laugh, always, nice recipe! gloria

  69. I have to say, I did kind of wonder where we were going with that title :o) I have a bag of mint chocolate chips not getting any younger in my store cupboard - maybe this would be a good way to use them!

  70. that is some great looking cake....and it gets rid of bad breath...its a win win situation!!
    I would love Dorie Greenspan's Baking From My Home To Yours

  71. Golly-I've never considered mint as a breakfast flavour before. Sure I've had dessert for breakfast in the past but mint...maybe mint tea. You always have such creative ideas
