July 5, 2010

casserole is not a dirty word.

I know some crazy irrational foolish folks think casseroles are lame and perhaps a bit gross. They don't find the idea of all those seemingly random ingredients thrown together and baked until they merge appealing at all.


Their loss.

I love a casserole. They're generally pretty easy to fix and don't require babysitting. Granted, it's often difficult to identify each individual component after the dish is baked, but who really needs to do that? I understand the hesitation in using canned condensed soups, but not all casserole recipes call for those, and even if they do, there are suitable substitutions as well as ways to make those soups at home.


This particular casserole is a breakfast favorite, although we had ours for supper. Biscuits form the base, and they're topped with eggs, sausage, and cheese (pepper jack, in this case). The result is a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit that's creamy and eaten with a spoon. In other words, it's a delight, whether it be morning, noon, or night.

Breakfast Biscuit Casserole
6 eggs
6 day-old biscuits (yep, more right-overs!), crumbled or cut into pieces
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 cup sausage, cooked
2 cups pepper jack cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease a 2-quart casserole dish.
Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Mix in the milk and mustard. Add the bread and carefully stir until all pieces of bread are moistened, making sure not to overmix. Pour into prepared dish. Scatter cooked sausage on top and evenly distribute the cheese.
Bake for 30-40 minutes, until the top is browned and the center springs back when touched. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.


  1. Grace...a hearty meal indeed. After I'd get through devouring some of this yummy casserole...I think dessert will have to be skipped. Gotta make some choices...summer season and all ;o)

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  2. I am a big fan of casseroles and gratins! This one looks sooooo scrumptious! A great way of using leftovers...



  3. Casseroles rock - all that gooey cheese on top - its a food party and its yummy

  4. I adore the casseroles!
    You have a way to turn the left-over into something so special!

  5. Breakfast casseroles are great. So is breakfast for dinner! This casserole in particular sounds delicious and is making me hungry.

  6. I'm so into casseroles in the colder weather I must tell you! And if someone wants to turn their nose up at it, well more for me! Win win! ;)

  7. I ♥ casseroles! I make a similar version of this with buttered white bread, but biscuits sound fantastic...and pepper jack cheese, yes please!

  8. Definitely a delight, morning, noon or night. I love your way with words Grace. And I love things that get baked in the oven and go all cheesy. Yum!

  9. I have such a soft place in my heart for tuna noodle casserole. Could this one qualify as a savory bread pudding, for anyone who was feeling squeamish about deigning to make casseroles? I am psyched to give it a shot, either way.

  10. Casseroles were definitely a 60's product. And we ate tons of them. You're absolutely right, Grace, they take no time at all. You get them done in advance and pop them in the oven when you're ready.

    I don't make them as much as when the kids were home, but I have a great repertoire of casseroles. Do you think Tuna Noodle was the first? I often wondered.

    Anyway, your breakfast casserole looks fabulous. I love all that cheese!

  11. I love that view of the cheese! And, I love the use of biscuits here. I've never thought of using them for a breakfast casserole, but it's inspired.

  12. Count my husband in as one of the casserole-haters. Sad, because I quite like them!

  13. I am a casserole hater. But I don't consider this a typical casserole, I LOVE this breakfast casserole, its so good. I also like the broccoli casserole and the green bean casserole, but that's the only ones I've had I like.

  14. I like casseroles so, long as they aren't hiding tomatoes or onions. :)

    Hope you had a nice 4th!

  15. never judge a book by its cover. same goes for food. this looks pretty awesome! and a happy 4th to u! (:

  16. I have absolutely no problem with casseroles. I've "moderned" them up and called them One Dish Meals which seems to go over much easier. This one looks delicious!! I especially love a good breakfast casserole.

    Hope you had a nice 4th of July holiday!

  17. I love casseroles!!!Colombian casseroles are delicious and yours sounds amazing, too!

  18. My yltimate mac'n' cheese is a casserole so you can talk dirty to me anytime:D

  19. I love the idea of making a breakfast casserole with biscuits. This looks so ready to dive into with all that wonderful cheese.

  20. I am a person who loves to have things made easier for me not more complicated; yummy dish and who cares if it is called a casserole.
    I heard of a casserole invented by a friend with our beloved grape leaves I can;t wait to find out about

  21. girl who said casseroles are bad? send em my way. shit. casseroles, espcially the brekkie kind are the bomb. ^5!

  22. My dearly beloved won't touch a caserole, but I think they have their place in life, especially with plenty of cheese.

  23. This looks phenomenal and I love the idea of a breakfast casserole with sausage, egg, and cheese (the more cheese the better ;) ). I can't think of a better use for biscuits that are past their prime!

  24. Grace
    how could anyone turn their nose up at a good casserole? Especially one with all that cheese......mmmmmm
    they don't know what they're missing!!

  25. I actually just served a casserole very similar to this on this morning (biscuits sound even better as a base than the day-old Italian bread I used). Casserole is a happy word in our house!

  26. Another casserole player here. I love to toss things into a casserole and see what happens. Mostly good things:)

    I'll be saving this recipe Grace. Its the day old bisuits that snagged me. That's what casseroles are all about:) Chafing dishes are a whole other story:)

    Thanks for sharing...Hope you had a Wonderful 4th!!!

  27. Yummy! I love all one pot meals.

    Did you watch V? Finally getting caught up with part 2 of this season and having trouble getting into it. Should I persist?

  28. Casserole -- one of those dishes that doesn't look really good but taste wonderful!


  29. I LOVE a good casserole. Always have. Mama says one of my first fave foods was her chicken casserole! This one looks amazing. Breakfast. You're totally speaking my language.

  30. There is a saying in Minnesota. Casserole is called "hotdish" and they ALWAYS contain some kind of soup. Thank goodness, cuz I love me some hotdish!

  31. You had me at cheese....casseroles are just plain yummy :)

  32. I heart pepper jack cheese. This sounds like a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit but much better. :) Grandson will love it. Casseroles need to make a come-back-Thanks for sharing!

  33. Ok, I love you even more than I already did for this recipe.

    Divine Casserole. And you can't say the "d" word about many "c" words. So way to go.

  34. I have always been a casserole lover; they are some tasty comfort food and make a wonderful family meals. Your sausage, yummy cheese and biscuit casserole looks amazing and I would find it very difficult to stop with one helping. Great food Grace!

  35. I'd have your casserole for breakfast lunch AND dinner! Followed by a little cinnamon cake...mmm!

  36. I've never had a casserole before =O but I've always thought that it sounded delicious! Gosh, those photos make it look so good!

  37. I for one love casseroles and don't understand those who don't. This looks almost like a savory bread pudding...and who wouldn't love that!

  38. What's not to love here? It sounds terrific!

  39. Yum! Way to go Grace! I love casseroles..so easy..just dump, mix, bake..done!

  40. Yummy! Nice work here-- looks delicious!!

  41. I adore casseroles. My only requirement is cheese.

  42. I love breakfast casserole. In our version, we use torn up croissants and Jimmy Dean sage sausage. So delicious! We bake it every Christmas and the house smells like sausage-y goodness while we're opening gifts.

  43. I was hooked on the picture of melted cheese. And biscuits? Be still my heart.

  44. You know, I don't understand the casserole shun either -- they are so simple and delicious. Perfect for a weekday meal, what more could you ask for?

  45. I love love love casseroles! I do shy away from cream of...soups, but yeah--bring on the casseroles! They're easy, comforting and delicious.

  46. What? who would think it's gross?? I love it!

  47. I am definitely not one of "those casserole haters." I LOVE an awesome breakfast casserole like this one. It reminds me a lot of one I used to make, and it sounds weird, but it called for stuffing mix instead of the biscuits. It was always a hit!

  48. I have a soft spot for a good casserole and looove breakfast for dinner (happily referred to as "brinner" in my house) -- so the idea of a breakfast casserole for dinner is pure brilliance in my mind!

  49. I love biscuits so this is right up my alley! Poor casseroles do tend to get a bad rap, even though many are so tasty and easy to throw together. I wish I had this for breakfast tomorrow!

  50. A good casserole has saved me many a time. This one sounds delicious.

  51. Yummo! I like my casseroles just like my burgers: messy as heck. With all the cheese and sausage dripping from this puppy, the biscuits should be sending you thank you notes.

  52. Oh! I love all in one, although do not make enough...this breakfast casserole is sure a winner :-)

  53. Sausage, egg, and cheese? Where do I sign up???

  54. Simple, hearty, comfort food. It looks amazing Grace.

  55. Great idea! I'd add some red or green peppers too.

    Love casseroles b/c they are easy, inexpensive and are great for leftovers.

  56. Love casseroles Grace and this look yummy!! (love cheese) gloria

  57. Casseroles are one of the greatest inventions ever. People who turn up their noses at them just don't know what they're missing. Plus, they probably secretly love them, just don't want to admit it. ;)

  58. Girl, you had me at cheese! :)

  59. casseroles are a busy mom's best friend, love this one..biscuits and cheese..perfection


  60. I am always eager to try casserole dishes! Yours looks great!

  61. Oh we love our hotdish in Minnesota!

  62. I must admit, I'm usually wary of a casserole, I think it just gets too hot down here in Texas to want to eat those much...plus I'm a big fan of being able to separate out the ingredients in something but this looks pretty tasty!

  63. I think there are good casseroles and bad ones :) So that is why i think it had gotten a bad reputation. You know you can buy frozen casseroles and they turn out pretty bad. I had a fabulous recipe that is rice and crab casserole that is just delicious. Your casserole looks really good, almost like a strata. I will have to try it out.

  64. i'm not a big breakfast person but my SIL is - i'm going to share this w/her :)

    i do love a good casserole though!

  65. Love casseroles. Grew up on them and still make them quite often. Casseroles, along with the crock pot, are a working womans friend.

  66. Thanks for keeping up with us while we were gone!! And we LOVE casseroles. People that don't are down right crazy. And this one?! Looks amazing! I like your photo labels (cheese, sausage :). Definitely bookmarking for next weekend get together with friends.

  67. That is one we will have to try. Hubby makes one he calls Breakfast Gumbo. No biscuits in it though. Love the use of pepperjackto amp it up.

  68. oh, grace - this really sounds amazing - I can taste the spicy and salty flavors just reading the recipe!

  69. I am definitely a casserole lover, and this one would go over very well on my table!

  70. my in-laws are from the land of hotdish and are big on the casserole concept. I've enjoyed their egg bakes, but this sounds like a whole nother dimension of casserole...

  71. I. Love. Casseroles.

    Cheesy dishes that come out of the oven all gooey? Yes please!

    I'm used to noodle casseroles...this seems more like a super-fantastic bread pudding...but who cares? This sounds like my kind of breakfast!

  72. Serve me up a GIANT plate of this lusciousness. My arteries are crackling in glee just thinking about it. And you'll never hear that casserole is anything but a lovely, homey word around me. Isn't mac-a-cheese a casserole? Now, see?

  73. I'm game for the all-in-one meals! It takes a good foodie to appreciate a casserole!

  74. I have been making this casserole every year Thanksgiving morning since you originally posted the recipe. My family LOVES it!
    Thank you.


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