June 19, 2009

two roads diverged in a wood, and I...

...I took the rocky road.

And that has made all the difference.*

*Two back-to-back literary references--my English-loving little brother must be so proud.

We're all familiar with the combination of ingredients in a dessert bearing the "rocky road" descriptor--chocolate, marshmallows, and nuts. [I think the components are a bit different (but just as tasty) in other countries.] There are cookies, cupcakes, ice creams, fudges, cheesecakes, pies, and even bread puddings. Me? I went with bars. Why? Because I'm lazy.

Instead of the brownie base seen in many rocky road bars, this recipe makes use of graham cracker crumbs. I used a blend of chocolate ones and regular ones to make the end result more cocoa-flavored; they also made the bars a bit reminiscent of s'mores, which could never be a bad thing. The nuts I went with were pecans (from the Green Valley Pecan Store, to be exact, which just so happens to provide the finest pecans I've had the pleasure of eating).

This is a quick, fool-proof, and tasty treat, and I'm glad I went down the rocky road.

The [Rocky] Road Not Taken Bars (did ya get all that?)
(adapted from this recipe)

1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, divided
1 1/2 cups pecans, divided
2 cups mini marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350.
Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter in an 8x8-inch dish. Toss to thoroughly combine and press mixture firmly onto the bottom of the pan. Scatter (or painstakingly layer) 1 cup of the pecans across the top and bake for 15 minutes.
After baking, remove the pan from the oven and sprinkle with 1 cup of the chocolate chips, the marshmallows, the remaining pecans, and then the remaining chocolate chips. Return the pan to the oven and bake 10-12 minutes, or until marshmallows are lightly browned.


  1. Good morning, my friend!! I miss you!

    Your Rocky Road bars look really yummy!! Can't wait to try them!

  2. is this the road less traveled? because I am on the road again and I need to know if this is a highway or a biway.....

  3. Yum Yum! I did a version of this a looooooong time ago. I remember it being a hit w/ the kiddos. They totally look S'more-ish.

  4. Gonna need a 4 wheel drive to climb over that rocky road, total yummage!!!!!Chloe girl will want to make these, probably as soon as possible!;)

  5. Look at that! Those nuts and marshmallows and the graham cracker crust. That looks incredible!

  6. These looks fabulous! I'm drooling at that last ooey, gooey pic. I know what I'm making for our July 4 get together. Thanks for sharing!

  7. No matter what, I always leave your site drooling. My s'mores loving sister will LOVE these!

  8. Not only does your cleverness astound me (love the not-so name of the bars AND the reference to the lovely poem) but these bars look astounding, as well. Anything in bar form gets my vote for simplicity.

  9. These look amazing! SO gooey and delish! BOOKMARKED! :)

  10. Wow! These look SOOOOO good!!!

    I'm not known for being a great baker, so I love making bars, also. These seem easy enough, so maybe I won't screw them up.

    My son will thank you!

  11. Smores-ish + Pecans yummy!

    You're going to have to stop posting because my "to make" list is growing larger and larger every time you do! LOL

  12. Oh Grace you are hurting me with that stretched marshmallow pic!

  13. oh wow, this is saving me from cocoa pebbles marshmallow treats! Much livelier ingredients, but what... no cinnamon!

  14. I can totally see how these would taste like smores, nutty smores

  15. While I am not usually one for nuts in my dessert (I do make exceptions), this might have to go on the exception list.

  16. hahaha how yummy! i love that poem!

  17. I'm glad you took this road!But really, I just gained 5 pounds and I can't quit drooling at these pictures- I must make these!
    Perfect with the pecans!

  18. Sounds and looks totally yummy! You sealed the deal when you mentioned s'mores! :)

  19. BAD, Bad, Bad Bad!!!!! Especially those sticky, stringy marshmallow photos!

  20. Sounds great for a sweet tooth as I am! :)

  21. Mmmmm! Nutty S'more Bars. Sounds decadent. I wouldn't mind a bite....and these sound so easy to make that it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think I might go put them together right now.

  22. Oh stop, it is just after 6 am and I sit here with coffee drooling on my screen! I would take that road too Grace :)

  23. I'll take the high road with these bars. Delicious!

  24. These look awesome. Very indulgent. My kids would love them.

  25. You are so clever and that picture of pulled marshmallow is food cover worthy. Impressive!

  26. Yum, that looks so good. And the piece there is so small. That wouldn't hurt anyone!

  27. Well, I'll take the fork in the road and use it to eat these. Thanks for a great recipe and a (great) bad joke.

  28. Yum! Those look amazing.... especially the last photo! Love how gooey the marshmallows look!

  29. oh Wow! These pictures are ridiculous! I want one now!

  30. Look at you, literary references and everything!

  31. I know you are thin, so I think either you have an amazingly super fast metabolism or your coworkers are VERY fast. How could they ever resist all this yummy, ooey, gooey, deliciousness of yours!?!?

  32. Sounds delicious as usual, Grace, and easy too!

  33. You out did yourself on this one. Looks like the perfect treat to me!

  34. Can anytning taste better than whats in this picture?? Love your blog. Figtreeapps

  35. Yes! I got it!

    The bars look incredible. This is the perfect treat for everyone, I think. Job well done.

    Love the pictures.

  36. My fourth grader had to interpret that "road less travelled" poem earlier this year, which meant that I got to interpret it too. LOL

    Anyway, I'm sure these bars would put me down the road I'm glad I travelled. They look scrumptious!

  37. yes please. :-) love that marshmallow photo!

  38. Oh wow drool I'd loooove one of those!!

  39. Do you think PB chips would work for those allergic to chocolate?

  40. I'm staggered by how delicious these look. I love the big chunks of pecans in there. Slurptastic!

  41. Only one word to your ROCKY ROAD BARS! WOW!!!!

    OK, one more...delicious...one more...great pictures...one more...YUMMIE!

  42. Oh Sweet Suzie... I've died and gone to heaven.

  43. Dessert overload...gotta love that!

  44. That first pic just took my breath away...love at first sight.

  45. When given the chance, I will always choose the rocky road!!

  46. Ooh Oooh!!! Very impressive adaptation, I'm loving the photos--all those yummy textures and the ooey gooey marshmallow! Yes please! :)

  47. Oh my gravy... cut me a big hunk of this!!!

  48. Have mercy pleaaaase! Did you make this recipe at least 20 times more after your first try? They look that adictive to me!

  49. Oh my... these look delicious! I have to say personally though I would go for a brownie base, Im more of a goo fan than a crunch fan haha. Lovely photo's & will definately make these sometime soon!

  50. Oh dear - that last gooey bit is "da bomb"...I would so grab that out of your hands.

  51. I am so glad you took the Rocky Road! These look delicious!

  52. WOW this look sensual. Your rocky roadness turns me on!

  53. The yummiest. You photo will add 600 calories.

  54. Chocolate + tons of pecans = Fantastic! These look delicious!


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