May 22, 2009

quick fix (and a lucky winner)

Most of you know what it's like to drag yourself home after a long day of work and need something to fill your belly immediately. I've found something that works quite well for me and also offers endless possibilities:

Tortilla pizza!

Think of the options here, folks--different cheeses, various sauces and spreads, oodles and oodles of toppings. It all depends on what you have in your fridge or cabinets.

This particular evening, I combined my rosemary-happy bean spread with some sun-dried tomatoes (swoon), chopped spinach, and mozzarella cheese. I slathered, I piled, and I sprinkled, and then I baked the sucker on a cookie sheet at 400F for about eight minutes--perfection.

Yeah, it hit the spot, and just in the nick of time.

Streeeetch it out.

As for the winner of the perfect pasta package, congratulations to Lynda from Lynda's Recipe Box, who said:

"I seem to love most pasta dishes, but earlier this year I had one in a restaurant that was angel hair pasta with a pesto cream sauce, chicken and sundried tomatoes! YUM!"

We have similar tastes, Lynda--that dish sounds exactly like something I would order. Enjoy your goodies!


  1. Congratulations to the winner. I think this quick dish is a winner too:D

  2. That's a great idea for pizza! I read about Jacques Pepin making pizzas with tortillas. Your toppings sound delicious too. I have to try that combo.

  3. That is a good quick fix for a snack or a meal

  4. Grace that's a GREAT idea! So easy and everyone can make theirs the way they like it! Everyone's happy! It's perfect for practice nights! Thanks!

    Congrats to Lynda!

  5. This is exactly the kind of thing I like to eat for dinner when it's just me, and there is no way in heck I'm doing a load of dishes. And anything that involves cheese is always tempting at the end of a long day. Congrats to Lynda!

  6. this pizza brings back memories from long ago - it was my go to college food - this and (brace yourself) I used to boil up pasta and dump it straight into the jar of ragu (usually half the jar per serving) it was convenient to take along....LOL

  7. I know what you mean when you come home from work and you are just so hungry and need something right then. This is perfect!

  8. Mmmm, I do eat a good fair share of these on my busy days. I've also been known to eat these for breakfast when I need a ton of protein. I need to try new spices in it though...
    happy long weekend Ms. Grace!

  9. I'm in! Sounds like a great idea for a quick meal.

  10. Hi Grace,
    Your tortilla pizza looks yummy! Our family has always enjoyed what we call "Make your own pizza night"...which we always made on tortillas instead of pizza crusts. I think it started because our mom loves her pizza thin and crispy, but now we all prefer this over a thick crust.

    I've gotta make your beans!

  11. Oh the possibilities! What a great idea for a quick meal. Thanks Grace.

  12. Why have I never thought of this??? What a perfect lunch! Congrats to the winner.

  13. Great idea. I do the same thing with whole wheat pitas. Love them.

  14. Quick fixes and tasty too!

    Congrats Lynda :)

  15. Oh my that looks SO good! That cheese!!!!

  16. Endless possibilities indeed! Nom Nom Nom

  17. I hate that feeling when you arrive home and know that if you don't get food into your whining stomach soon, then you'll go crazy and just eat the whole pantry! This tortilla pizza is absolutely the perfect solution. Tastes great and is done in a few minutes! Fabulous.

  18. I've not done tortilla pizza, but I'm thinkin' that this is a good one to make when the husband is away and I don't really feel like cooking!

  19. Great idea! Who doesn't want quick and easy belly-fillers?

  20. I love tortilla or flat bread pizzas too. They're SO easy and delicious. I love the look of both of those! And congratulations to the winner :) Although the winner would also be the person that ate said pizzas :P

  21. that sounds delicious, I never got past quesadillas, which is one of my old standbys. I love the use of beans but with a completely different flavor palette!

  22. This is such a great idea, Grace, especially with those yummy beans!
    I can't wait to try all that pasta-I can't believe I won! Thanks

  23. I'll have to try a tortilla pizza, I make pita pizzas and man are they good!!

  24. I need to try this! This would be a perfect lunch option for me.

  25. i just love this!!! :)

  26. I love making pizza! You can just put whatever you want. Makes things so much easier with the tortilla!

  27. I like how you think! This is a great idea.

  28. I love this Grace!!! look so tasty and...congrats to the winner!!xGloria

  29. How great is that? You know, I make tortilla pizza for breakfast all the time with eggs (scrambled), cheddar and broken bacon pieces...but will branch into dinner.

  30. What a brilliant idea! They look terrific!

  31. OK, I'm in love... can I marry you??


  32. I also do the same thing with pitas. Great lunch or light dinner.

  33. Tortilla pizzas sound perfect to me. And your photo with the stretchy cheese looks awesome..

  34. We make these in the summer with fresh-roasted tomatoes and ricotta, with lemon. YUM. So easy.

  35. this pizza is making my mouth water and its 8 in the morning.yum

  36. This is a great quick fix with the tortilla. I could easily get my daughter to eat this as well which is a plus in my book. Congrats to the winner!

  37. This sounds great! I have tortillas and pizza fixings so I might whip this up for dinner one night this week.

  38. Hey Grace, this looks so so good! I love the ingredients in your spread, I'm definitely going to make it!

  39. Tortilla pizza sounds like a great idea! I love how you just mix and match whatever you have in your fridge, and come up with something this enticing. Now, can you raid my kitchen? :P

  40. Great idea for a quick and yummy dinner. My kid live on quesadilas-tortilla stuffed with cheese, folded in half and micro. Easy for me! When I was single I lived on frozen raviolis- quick and filling!

  41. It is summertime and we should be spending time outdoors enjoying ourselves versus slaving over a stove or grill.

    I normally use flatbreads but this is a great way to burn up unused tortillas too.

    Nice suggestion!

  42. Mmmmm, looks yummy ... and healthy too. Bonus points!!

  43. Making those are great fun - I often use pitas, with palm hearts. These look great - adore the sun-dried tomatoes!

  44. Tortillas are a "go-to" item in our house for a lot of things...I use them if I don't have bread for sandwich, I invent all kinds of quesadillas, and I LOVE tortilla pizzas! You are right, possibilities are endless!

  45. my hubby would enjoy these creations

  46. Grace you're a gal after my own heart - tortillas are a great pizza crust!

  47. My family and I have been doing these for years and years and now everyone is making them. It's the fastest way to make a personal pizza.


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