February 24, 2009

coriander, turmeric, cumin, fennel

Curry. How do I put this delicately?

It turns my stomach. It makes my nose wrinkle in disgust. I'm just not crazy about it.

I can honestly say that I wasn't giving the flavor of curry a fair chance until this latest round of Taste & Create (XVI). (I'm stubborn like that.) I was fortunate enough to be paired with the hostess herself, Nicole of For the Love of Food. Folks, this gal has been blogging since 2003, so you can only imagine how many stellar posts and recipes are contained within her blog.

I went all the way back to 2007 and found an interesting post about Curry Apple & Carrot Soup. I was intrigued because Nicole confessed to not particularly caring for curry until she tried this soup. So, if anything was going to bring curry around for me, this would probably be it.

I gave it a shot. I made it a bit thicker than she did and added some red pepper flakes just for fun. It's creamy, kinda sweet, and the curry flavor that I was so afraid of wasn't overwhelming at all. Although I'm certainly not gonna become curry's #1 fan any time soon, I'm glad I gave it a shot and found that it's really not as bad as I thought.

What else did I find? Fluffy buttermilk biscuits, homemade ketchup, and a hearty black-eyed pea stew. And that's just naming a few. Simply put, Nicole, you do good work.


  1. Grace, Interesting that you don't like curry. I'm not crazy about Indian curry, either but I use Madras curry powder as an all-purpose seasoning in so many things. Go figure. Funny how the same spices in different configurations can evoke such different responses.

    And though totally different spices, I love Thai and Japanese curries.

  2. I too feel a little curry goes along way. Sounds like an interesting way to move out of my little maze of a box & give it a whack! Kudos for your effort!

  3. I'm not the biggest curry fan ever, either. But good for you to give it another go!

  4. Curry and I are not friends either! The only timeI ever use it is in my chicken salad, and just a little goes a long way...Way to be brave and fearless!

  5. I confess...I like curry! But I know it is one of those spices that elicits strong responses on either side!

  6. I'm not a curry fan either. I keep trying it but I just can't do it. Good for you for trying, I'm hoping I can grow to like it.

  7. I love the T & C event. I hadn't realized she had been blogging so long..she has me beat that's for sure.

  8. That's quite a soup! I actually used to hear all of these things about curry (it's strong smell/flavor) but when I tried it in a chicken dish that my husband made, I loved it!

  9. I think I've learned to like curries through the years from trying different ones & making my own.

  10. One of my favorite uses of curry is in chocolate truffles. Whole Foods sells them at their chocolate counter. Good job giving it a second chance in your soup!

  11. What a fascinating soup! I'd love to try the soup that can turn curry-haters into non-haters (?). Seriously, though, it looks delicious! Can't wait to try it.

  12. I wasn't too thrilled with curries at first, either--but I'm a true convert, now, baby! I had to take my time and learn to love it.

    One of my favorite uses for curry powder is on oven-baked sweet potato fries. Or just stirred into sour cream as a veggie dipper.

    'Curry' is also a term that can be more varied than an Indian curry--I checked out a library [cook]book not too long ago about curries from around the world. Thai curries are obviously not the same as Indian ones; African varieties are also deliciously different.

    I would encourage anyone to keep trying, in small doses, especially at home where you can control the amount of different ingredients. A home-made spice blend for curries is of higher quality than the spice mix, too, and allows you to leave out your least favorite spices.

  13. I am gonna have to sit on your side of the table Grace, I have gone there and failed .. I do not like curry. There I said it, and I feel better ... LOL

  14. I'm in the same "curry" boat- not a huge fan, but my hubby LOVES it, so I'm going to have to try this one to please us both. Thanks for posting!

  15. Well, it's a start anyway, right? Way to be a trooper and give it a chance.

    LOL, I just ate leftover curry for an early lunch. Maybe it's an aquired taste. I know the smell can be overwhelming sometimes.

  16. I'm not a curry fan either and am not in any big hurry to try it again. Kudos to you that you did.

  17. I like Thai curry but that's about it. I must say, the soup sounds very interesting and looks really comforting.

  18. Pass me a bowl, please, I LOVE curry! Love it, I say! Plus this is soup, and you know how I feel about soup! YUM!

  19. I always had a love-hate relationship with curry. I love the smell, but the turmeric... eeeysh. It just adds a certain metallic flavor that makes the whole dish a lot blander.

    What I did realize I liked was the fenugreek flavor. OMG = Goodness! It's got all that warm, sweetness yet still remains savory.

  20. mmm that looks like curried mashed potatoes! sounds delicious to me, I'm glad you overcame your curry aversion.

  21. I seek out curry dishes. I am huge lover of curry dishes, and sadly my hubby is not. When we go to nyc I love to seek out new curry places. But I'll admit I don't like curry lamb; those two should never go together. LOL This does kind of look like mashed taters, so I imagine it tastes wonderful.

  22. mmmm, curry! A little sprinkle of curry powder on Campbells tomato soup is just lovely.

  23. I'm okay with curry, but it's not at the top of my list. Your soup looks great, but the buttermilk bicuits and blackeyed pea stew really sound good too!!

  24. Wow, it looks like a dip to me! Must be really good with some bread =)

  25. i'm not a huge curry person, either. nick loves thai curries (green especially). i've never been able to get into it as much. i like the red pepper flakes, though... once of my favorite spices!

  26. There's only one recipe that I've ever used curry in and it's been yrs since I made that. I think I'll just have to take your word on this one Grace.

  27. Grace, I'm so glad you gave curry another chance. Curries really vary, Thai curries, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, etc...I don't like all of them but I do love some of them so try some different types!

  28. I'm not a big curry fan either. Thai curries - yes, Indian curries - no.

  29. My mom is the same way about curry. Just the smell makes her nauseous. Fortunately, I didn't inherit this trait. I love the stuff!

  30. I would say in horror how can you not like curry but I am the person who never knows what to comment when I encounter bananas, shrimp or olives, all of which I shamefully do not care for. I consider them my Foodie Flaws. :)

  31. My mother does not like curry so she kept the rest of us away from it. I love it. Not the super hot stuff but the regular one. Great in chicken salad too. Don't tell my Ma.

  32. I think there are 2 types of people in this world..curry lovers and curry haters..Unfortunatly, I fall in the last group!!!

  33. I do love curry-all kinds really. The thing I can't bring myself to like is offal. Everyone must have something right?

  34. I make a curried carrot soup from Everyday Food, it's quite good, and you can control the amount of spice pretty easily.

  35. I have never eaten curry so I don't know if I like it or not but I must say this soup looks very interesting.

  36. @Lorraine - lol, you made me start thinking of all the 'foodie' foods that I dislike... I'm with you on offal!

  37. Grace, yay for you! You finally had a positive curry experience! People have such strong reactions to curry that it makes me wonder if there is something genetic there, you know, like with cilantro. For some people, cilantro tastes exactly like soap-- it's a genetic trait. Perhaps a very strong aversion to curry indicates an allergy to one of its components. I totally agree with Nicole that it is best to make your own curry spice mix so you can control the flavors better. Any decent Indian cookbook will help there. I love both Indian and Thai curries. But for me it was love at first bite. I do remember that I used to truly detest the taste of turmeric, but now I enjoy it very much in certain foods, like Egyptian Ful. Not bucketsful, of course. It sure is true that our palates change over the years, so good for you for being willing to give curry another chance! My favorite curry dishes are a coleslaw with a sweet curry dressing, and I'm very partial to a Curried Apple and Sweet Potato soup as well as a Curried Cream of Eggplant Soup (yeah, I know I'm weird) and I am totally with Lorraine. I do not do organ meats of any kind. :) Thanks for another great post!

  38. I have also never been a big friend of curry...I like the thickness going on here...chewy soup.

  39. I don't ever use curry either. I did one time add it to tocos by mistake and it was not gross.
    The pic looks great with all the red pepper!

  40. Curry for kids? I don't think so....But maybe with apples and carrots, hidden in a soup? Just maybe I could get away with it for a weeknight dinner...or maybe I'll just have lots of leftovers for my lunches.

  41. Yeah, I'll skip the curry. Not a big fan either. Glad you tried it, because I don't think I would have...

  42. No curry here either. I can't stand the smell of it. Your soup is pretty, though.

  43. I've never tried anything like this. But since you and have similar tastes, I think you tried it for me! :)

  44. Isn't it fun to try new things? Even if you're not wild about them?

    I enjoy curry most in Singapore Mei Fun (Chinese noodles with veggies & chicken---at least the way I order it), delish!


  45. We have way too much in common. I like a lot of foods and I don't think I could put curry in the top 100...probably not even in the top 1000. You've got a stronger gut than I because I don't think I could've even given it a try. The smell alone turns my stomach a little.

  46. My husband doesn't like curry so I don't have it very often. I guess it is good it isn't my favorite!

  47. Hmm, have you tried Japanese curry before? It tastes really different from Indian curries and is just as delicious!

  48. I love curry! Not a huge fennel fan, but this is such an interesting recipe - how creative!

  49. Well, I loooove curry, and this sounds perfect to me! Yum!

    Sorry it didn't turn you into a curry fan though....but at least it didn't turn your stomach.

  50. What an interesting recipe! I do like curry but there is such a wide variation, from sweet to fiery, that I think there must be a curry out there for everyone. So many spices, so little time....

  51. Either you love it or hate it and I am enjoying it. My hubby's patient's have given me curry recipes over the years but I am always slow to try them. I usually stick to the ones I know! Yours looks particularly delicious!

  52. I used to hate curry too but now I loooooove it. I'm happy to see you found a curry recipe you don't hate. =)

  53. I like that you were open to trying this!

  54. im a huge curry fan, but i know a lot of people are scared of it. at least you tried! now you know!

  55. good job for trying it even though you weren't sure you'd like it! it looks delish and very healthy.

  56. I'm crazy about curry - I LOVE it!! I would really like to take you to my favourite curry house and try some of the wonderful dishes they have there. Not all hot and spicy either.
    Well done for making the soup, I would glug it down in a heartbeat, looks REALLY good.

  57. Grace, I'm shocked at the number of people that don't like curry. All I have to do is just smell that wonderful flavor in the air and I start to drool. I love Curry!

  58. Grace, I think you need to make your own so you can make it suit to your taste. It's like chili powder: there are as many variations as they are cooks. You know that CINNAMON can be part of curry, right? :) it's true :)

  59. Well, I have to say, the curry looks delicious. I like curry, but I don't get to eat/make it too often. It's good though.

  60. So funny because I HATE curry. But after much investigation and a little trepidation, I discovered the ingredient in the curry that I dont like is fenugreek. To me it tastes like talcum powder. So as long as the curry does not contain fenugreek, then I love it. I make my own mix now!

  61. I like curry, but my husband does not. Maybe he would like this one!

  62. Glad to hear that you found this kind of good. I love curries.. the hotter the better :)

  63. I'm glad, grace, you've changed your mind :) I find curry pretty awesome :)

  64. Me, it's mostly the coriander and fennel I'm not so crazy about. But, that soup does sound like a good way to try something new! :)

  65. Oh, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who does not like curry!

  66. As someone who used to live in fear of curry because they were always too hot, I am now a full curry-convert! Korma was the thin edge of the wedge - all sweetness and spice - and now I find myself eating hotter and hotter curries. I love the complexity of the flavours, and I think there are very few soups that can't be improved by a sprinkle of curry spices :) Yours looks heavenly...


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