September 29, 2008

who is this cole character?

In case you were curious, cole slaw is not named for any fella named Cole. The term comes from the Dutch word "koolsla," a shortening of "koolsalade," which means "cabbage salad." In case you were curious.

This post is about my tragic lack of cole slaw, which would so enhance this already-glorious chicken barbecue. I resisted slaw for many years, and even now I really only enjoy it on a barbecue sandwich. I'm extremely picky about it (surprise, surprise) and that's why you don't see any included on this particular sandwich.

The very best slaw I ever put between my lips comes from the deli in my hometown grocery store. I can't even pinpoint what makes it so marvelous, but I do know that so far, no homemade or store-bought version that I've tried can compare.

If you have a killer cole slaw recipe (minimal mayonnaise, please)(ick), feel free to share! Chicken barbecue is good (especially when the barbecue sauce is sweet and spicy)(I used a honey-chipotle blend), but with the proper cole slaw, it becomes phenomenal.

P.S. Happy birthday, big brother!


  1. I always had to tell myself that there was no mayo in those oh-so-creamy slaws. I still can't bear to make it with mayo at home, so I opt for mayo-free tangy slaws instead.

  2. Love Cole on my BBQ. I make a pretty good one on my site, but is does call for Mayo, sorry. Thanks for the info on the word slaw. I guess I really never thought about it but it does make sense!

  3. Mmm yes coleslaw (or potato salad, who am I kidding, I love both) with BBQ chicken is gorgeous. I remember years ago I had a hot dog with coleslaw on it and it was the best hot dog I've ever eaten so if I eat them at home, I always include coleslaw. Go slaw! :P

  4. I love the combo of BBQ sloppy juicy meat and slaw. Mine has mayo, but I often swap out for yogurt.

  5. Sounds interesting! Due to my mayo aversion I am no cole slaw expert but I do kind of like the tangy kind. That kind might be good on your chicken bbq, though I'd be inclined to eat it as is, with a little extra of that yummy sounding barbecue sauce.

  6. the creamy slaw well drained from Hannaford is about as close to NC style in the husband a NC native loves it on his bbq pork or bbq chicken's double chopped, and I always ask them to drain it well when ordering...and then drain it again prior to putting on a sandwich.

  7. See THAT is what I wanted when I ordered pulled pork on Friday! I wanted it rich and succulent like your chicken.

    Best coleslaw I've had comes from a Mexican restaurant called Wahaca - it's got a good whack of chipotle in it and it is smoky and spicy and not too creamy.

  8. You should ask them for the recipe! They just might give it to you.

    My fave slaw is a nontraditional type: Blue Cheese Cole Slaw. Love it.

  9. I love coleslaw any which way...but I'll bet this particular slaw would be fantastic topping a chicken least that is what I envision!!!!!!

  10. we had sloppy joes for dinner last night - should have made slaw!

  11. We like to use Alton Brown's Remoulade recipe for our coleslaw dressing. It uses creme fresh instead of mayo.

  12. Coleslaw and BBQ and/or coleslaw and fried fish ... one does not get it without the other :)

    Like the sauce!

  13. I put cole slaw on anything: hot dogs, burgers, bbq sandwiches, hummus, chili, etc...Ohhh I'm freaking starving now.
    I love your pics here woman!

  14. Love the slaw idea. What a nice addition!

  15. That chicken looks amazing! I think a vinegary slaw (no mayo) would be great here.

  16. I love cole slaw, but never on anything! This food purist has to keep her foods separated. Cafeteria style plates are so tempting, since I won't use hubby's granny's depression glass with its fabulous sections!

  17. I am very picky about my cole slaw - I've only had it a time or two where I actually liked it. But I'll take one of those sandwiches in a heart beat!

  18. Mayo free is my preference, had one years ago that was to die for & have been searching for ever since :)

  19. I have two favorite cole slaw recipes: my mom's (home style w/mayo) and one from my aunt (Asian influenced, no mayo). They are polar opposites on the flavor scale, but each wonderfully delicious!

  20. That BBQ chicken looks yummy! I put poppy seed dressing on my coleslaw one time and I thought it was really good.

  21. I got a good potato salad, but no cole slaw...that barbeque chicken looks dandy...

  22. I love coleslaw on my bbq sandwiches. The sweetness and crunch just put the sandwich over the top. My mouth waters just thinking about it.

  23. yes, coleslaw would insanely enhance your bbq chicken sandwich yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. but at least it still looks good!

  24. This bbq looks amazing. I need lunch. My favorite coleslaw would have to be (embarrassingly) KFC. I grew up on it as my mom is a KFC lover.

  25. That looks so yummy. One of my all time favorite foods with slaw is a hot dog. There is a hole in the wall burger place, not too far from me, that serves "slaw dogs". The slaw is not like any other I've tasted, but it is wonderful on their Hotdogs!!

  26. Minimal Mayo...WHAT!???? Oh lordy, I live for mayo and a super-wet slaw! But your sandwich...yum!

  27. You should see if the deli will give you the recipe! This looks absolutely comforting. I may not be able to stop once I get a bite of this.

  28. When I was pregnant with my daughter many moons ago I craved BBQ sauce, I love BBQed Chicken. At the restaurant we make our own coleslaw and it's very good, I like to put it on turkey sandwiches too!

  29. Love, love, love bbq sandwiches with cole slaw. I like all slaws, but tend to gravitate to the creamy varieties. Oh man, I'm so hungry right now and I fear that only bbq with slaw will do!

  30. I love coleslaw too but, like you, have yet to find a killer homemade slaw recipe. I hope someone shares a great recipe with you, you try it, then share it with the rest of the coleslaw-loving world. ;)

  31. I don't like the mayo taste of cole slaw either but this recipe is somehow different. Scale it back to make enough for a single portion and try for yourself.

    Killer Cole Slaw Recipe - small batch (4 sandwich-sized portions)
    1/2 cup mayo (not salad dressing)
    1 T sugar
    1 T cider vinegar
    1/2 tsp celery seeds
    1/2 (scant) tsp mustard
    Mix until sugar is melted. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto cole slaw veggies (cabbage, red cabbage, carrots, broccoli), stirring until proper consistency is met. Serve immediately - will become wet if left to sit.

  32. Oh Grace, that chicken barbeque looks superb! I actually love cole slaw and am not at all picky about it. It is really good on a bbq sandwich- this is something I never tried until I moved to Virginia. :) Maybe you should ask your hometown grocery store if they'd share the recipe with you. I bet they would.

  33. Boy, you're a tough cookie. How come you haven't asked for their recipe? Or perhaps you have?

    Unfortunately I can't help you. While I've made my own and used the store bought dressing I don't think they are up to your standards. I'm not picky about cole slaw and love them all, so long as there is NO ONION, yuck!

    Good luck on your quest and let us know when you find a WINNER.

  34. Thanks for the cole slaw name history, very interesting.

  35. Only for you very favourite slaw:
    1 head cabbage
    3 med carrots
    2 cloves garlic
    3 green onions
    1 green pepper

    1 c white vinegar
    1/2 c sugar (I use a little less)
    3/4 c canola oil
    1 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp pepper

    bring marinade to a boil - throw on veggies and mix - let sit for a while for flavours to marry - voila - lasts about a week in the fridge

  36. Thanks for that info! So funny because my nephew who was born about 2 months ago is named Cole and whenever I hear Cole slaw, I always think of him now! LOL!

  37. i thought that was pulled pork at first glance. it looks so yummy. I have a good coleslaw recipe but not on me at the moment. It has a nice tang — the dressing is made with buttermilk, apple-cider vinegar, a little Tabasco, a little Worcestershire, and a bunch of other stuff. will send it along shortly.

  38. I am not a big "cole" person..however my husband could live on it!

  39. Hey my big bro's bday was on the 29th, yesterday. Too funny. The big 50!

    I think two of the magical elements of good slaw is one to first grate the slaw on a box grater because for some reason it tastes better.

    The second thing I think (so you r slaw is not runny) is to salt the cabbage and place it in a collander for about thirty minutes. Rinse and squeeze the water out. It will still be crunchy but wont make a runny mess.

    Okay and maybe one other thing. Cabbage found in the spring is uch sweeter and more tender.

  40. i'm not so much a fan of the slaw, but i did slightly enjoy some once that was made with mustard instead of mayo. kinda tangy and nice.

  41. Grace this looks yummy as is, but yes, with some slaw, hello?
    I actually like a German inspired cole slaw with (among other things) cider vinegar and celery seed. I'll send you the recipe if you like. It too am a proponent of "less mayo - is more."

  42. Uhm I forgot all about the cole slaw and the reason is I love shredded cabbage so much on its own that I don't add any dressing to it.

  43. ...mmm coleslaw! I haven't had it years. Why? I have no idea. But thanks for reminding me that I too need to find a great coleslaw recipe. BTW that chicken sandwich look delicious.

  44. I always have coleslaw with hot-beef-on rye! Always add lots of caraway seeds and black pepper. Nothing better!! I make mine with a mix of red and green cabbage and it turns the sauce pink - just because pink is my favourite colour!

  45. I had a bad experience with cole slaw as a kid (they used to serve it in the cafeteria in school, all watery and yucky) so it's one of the few "standard" foods I don't eat (along with Spanish Rice which they also served at that school...shudder).

  46. I can't help you with the slaw recipe, I've never made any myself. I did, however, make a kind of cabbage salad with apples and curry powder. It was pretty good. If only I could remember where I put the recipe... :)

  47. This recipe is making me miss good ol' Texas bbq! Oh, btw, just passed an award along to you :).

  48. i had never heard of cole slaw on bbq until i lived in NC :) now i love it! that looks delicious; sorry you did not have any slaw to go w/it

  49. wow my first thought was kimchi on toast! I'm with you and dont like sweet creamy coleslaw... and so I usually dont order it

  50. I haven't quite reached the heights of sophistication you have, I still won't eat it. I swear it must be the last food that you won't eat as a kid that I still haven't given into and realized it IS good. I may never know...

  51. Unfortunately I did know the names of those guys, what does that say about me?

  52. My fave is broccoli slaw. I make it with dried cranberries, raisins and pistachio nuts and good old Marzetti's slaw dressing.


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