September 6, 2008

squashed squash

People must sense my need for homegrown produce because when I went back home to Virginia a couple of weeks ago, I returned with a box full of squash (and about 15 ears of corn and those stupendous Black Russians and some sensational Mammy-made dilly beans). So what did I do with my glut of summer squash?

Why, I squashed it up, of course.

Never having made squash soup before, I opted to do some preliminary research. I didn't find any recipes that tickled my fancy, so I decided to be bold and wing it. What I ended up doing resulted in a soup with magnificent texture and wonderful flavors. It was exactly what I wanted.

(eh, some greenery might've been nice, but presentation has never been my forte)

Frankly, I'm afraid to post a recipe since it was pretty much a no-measurements, add-a-little-bit-more-here-and-there type of process. I'll just describe what I did, in case you're curious:

Silky Summer Squash Soup

-I cut about four normal-sized yellow squashes and one behemoth into chunks and boiled them in some chicken broth until they got mushy.
-I seasoned them with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and rosemary.
-I broke out my immersion blender and pulverized the gloop until it was smooth but a bit of skin and seed still remained visible.
-I stirred in some milk, tasted, and reseasoned until it was perfect.

And perfect it was.

Note: Although wonderful chilled, this was particularly delicious heated and embellished with a heap of shredded pepper jack cheese. This may not suit everyone--I have a slight obsession with pepper jack.

(can you figure out what's in the reflection?
other than the camera, of course--that's too easy)

Final note: 'Twas it a good thing I liked my squashed squash because I ended up with about 12 cups of it.


  1. OMG!! that looks sooo yummy. Thanks for the inspiration! My squash plants are still producing, I'll be trying this real soon ;-)

  2. Reflection?... I can't quite make it out!

    I've done a zucchini soup, but never a summer squash soup. Looks pretty yummy.

  3. That's a great idea! I'm going to try that!

  4. We call it squishy squash~ don't ask why.
    Either way, it is my favorite. Now... about those dills??

  5. Hey there - for a very specific reason, I just passed along an award to you! You know I love your food, and squash is one of my faves. The soup sounds wonderful....

  6. Love summer squash, Grace. If you have any leftovers, summer squash fritters are so good.......

  7. I can't get enough squash-winter or summer. I'd love to give this soup a go before it's too late.

  8. squash soup is just one of the ultimate comfort foods

  9. It sounds amazing! I love squash so a soup like this is right up my alley!

  10. 12 cups? Whoa. Well, at least during the winter months you can take some out and simply reheat. Easy. I think there are croutons in the reflection? No? Or fingers. lol (and yes, I have my glasses on!)

  11.'re the second blogger in a 24 hour period who has flaunted their use of an immersion blender. What, am I the only cook who doesn't own one of these?! It's not like I can't see the need.

    That's it, where are my keys...I'm going shopping.

  12. Love squash soup! Freeze any leftovers for those cold days ahead :) Looks yummy!

    ...."What, am I the only cook who doesn't own one of these?"

    Nope ... I don't own one either :)

  13. Looks delicious! I've got some squash languishing in my fridge, just waiting for a recipe like this! Thanks!

  14. I love squash. Never jd squash soup though. Sounds delish.

  15. Is a loaf of bread in the reflection? Maybe I'm blind?? (I do need new glasses ;). Either way, it's easy to see how this can be quite'd go perfectly with Elle's blt (lol), just came over from her blog :P. You all are makin' me hungry!

  16. Soup of any kind is appropriate here in the Northeast in September. I love summer squash; this looks great! I'll bet the kids would have something to say about the color, however...

  17. Squash and pepper jack sounds wonderful to me.

    I tried but I can't tell what's in the reflection of the spoon. =(

  18. I will give this a try - we still have lots of summer squash out in the garden.

  19. We'll have to start a pepper jack support group ... LOVE the stuff. I love this recipe. It's simple, yet looks like a gourmet soup. This will be something that I along with my youngest will enjoy. Well done.

  20. Everything is better with pepper jack cheese! The soup looks good, but I want some dilly beans!

  21. Oh, freaking YUM! Squash soup is one of my favorites. Might I suggest that along with the pepper jack, you add a handful of fried bread cubes? You will thank me when you bite into them. ;) lol you have a recipe for those dill beans? Gawd, my mouth is totally watering now.

  22. Yum! I am new to liking squash but this sounds really great. Ben loves the stuff and this seems right up his alley so I might just have to... And no worries about the measurements, I don't measure anyway so this is perfect.

  23. Look absolutely yummy and tasty!!! xGloria

  24. Is it silly that I almost expected a picture of a squash that was literally squashed? And no I can't figure out what is in the reflection. Are you going to spill? ;)

  25. So delicious and simple. I have made squash soup once and it didn't turn out so well. I need to try again.

    I couldn't figure out what's in the reflection - do tell.

  26. I am so going to make this. My squash plant is giving off squash like there is no tomorrow.

  27. what a great way to use your squash! Looks fantastic!

  28. Yummy! I just "put up" a ton of squash here. I always plant too much!

  29. Sure looks like creamy heaven! I've never seasoned my squash with rosemary but you inspire me to change that ASAP :)

  30. It has been so long since I had squash soup! Looks so creamy and delicious.

  31. I am a big lover of squash. I, also, have a hard time telling people what my recipes are (sometimes there's just no need to measure, you know?). At any rate, it sounds delicious and pretty simple to make as well. And Grace, please do tell what's in the reflection! I can't make it out.

  32. Ooh... does that sound delicious! I just adore yellow summer squash!

  33. I've never had squash... anything, I live a sheltered life! This looks very good Grace!

  34. I love squash. Butternut is my fav. The soup sound very good. And think of all the vitamins.

    I guess it's you in the reflection.

  35. Mmmm, squash soup is SO good! I often make a butternut squash soup which I lightly curry - it makes for an outstanding flavour combination. Can't quite make out the reflection but at an educated guess I'd say it's the photographer?!

  36. Mmmm, squash, I love squash, squash soup, anything squash! lol! And those are your fingers, right? :)

  37. For a second I thought you brought home the liquid black russians, which are also quite tasty.

  38. Drooll...squash. I just picked up some butternut squashes last weekend and have been debating their fate.

    Plus how can you go wrong with an immersion blender?

    I love the pepperjack idea!

  39. Awwww, mammy made dilly beans sounds so intriguing... this is my kind of recipe I love the short and to the point directions! I don't think I've had squash and rosemary, sounds like an excellent combination.

  40. In the spoon... you crouched down to counter level trying to take the picture you want to take. I see your face (kind of squished) and your hands. Not too clear.

    I am clear on the soup- YUM. I love squash. I really never get enough. I know people get sick of it but there is like ten thousand things to do with squash!

  41. I have a squash sitting on the kitchen counter and I think I just decided what to do with it :-) THANKS I'm so glad I found your blog, the foods sound yummy and your photography is delish!

    Greetings from Slovenia

  42. Looks so good. I love squash soup. Yours looks so inviting.

  43. Everything is better with pepper jack! Even already perfect squash soup!

  44. Ha. That recipe is exactly the way I often cook at home. Have you managed to eat your way through the 12 cups yet?


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