July 25, 2008

the music meme

Friendly reminder (Emiline, this means you!): You have two more weeks to submit your entries for Beat the Heat!

Speaking of Emiline (of Sugar Plum fame), she tagged me for the music meme.

These are the instructions:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your summer (or whatever season). Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.

As you might expect given my tendency for randomness, this is a very eclectic list. Some of the songs are mainstream, some of them are pretty obscure.

1. Michael Buble, "Lost" I just love his voice--my favorite part of the entire song is when his voice deepens to what's sure to be its lowest point. Swoon central.

(Let me reiterate: SWOON.)

2. Seether, "Rise Above This" Rock on, you scary-looking men. Rock on.

I dare you not to be touched.

3. Weezer, "Pork & Beans" The title alone sold me, the video made it irresistible, and the fact of the matter is, it's a great song.

(Watch it. Feel free to laugh out loud.)

4. Sixx: A.M., "Life is Beautiful" Indeed it is.

5. Jack Johnson, "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing" He's so fun. He just makes me think of a sunny beach teeming with attractive surfers.

(Surf's up, dude. Gnarly.)

6. Plumb, "In My Arms" It makes me sway.

7. Jesse McCartney, "Leavin'" Okay, you caught me. I'm a teenybopper at heart. I can't help but bounce around a little bit whenever I hear this. Leave me alone.

(Can't you just hear the tween-aged girls screeching? I don't screech.)

There you have it. I know this meme is quickly making the rounds, so if you haven't done and would like to, please do. You have my permission.

One more thing--look at what the rain has done to one of my tomato plants:

(We're talking a broken backbone here, folks. You just don't spring back from that.)

I think it's official--I'm a horrible gardener.


  1. I had to double check the lyrics for pork and beans. And it made me love it even more.

    Bummer on the tomatoes, but mine are taking forever to grow as well - stinkin' rain!

  2. Ooooh, that's a great photo of Michael Buble....wow....

    Back to reality! Great list! And yeah, the rain's wreaking havoc with our garden too. Havoc! Freaking rain.

  3. I must be a clueless gardener, the big tomatoes actually look pretty good! The rain however well that can't be helped but they look big and shiny!

  4. I love Michael Buble too, he rocks.

    The tomatoes...so sad.

  5. Mmmmm, Jack Johnson! I wanna drizzle a little caramel on him and..well...never mind.

    Great list!!

  6. Michael Buble is now single - and I see he's at the top of the list ...hmmm..

    Poor tomato - the rain has really been insane. All I have growing is weeds.

  7. Weezer, I love them! The Sweater song is my favorite. :)

  8. michael buble has the face and voice of an angel! sigh.

  9. Okay. You've offically made me feel like an old bag! I've never heard of half of those songs (or performers)! And all my daughter's friends always tell me I'm the coolest mom! Sigh......

  10. Oh yeah, and you are not a bad gardener! You inspired me to plant my own tomatoes this year. Broken or not, yours still look better than mine!

  11. Ahh, your poor tomatoes. Blame it on the rain, not your gardening skills!

    April in Ct, hands off, he's mine! :)

  12. Beat the Heat I love this idea. I have an idea also now I just need to find ingredients.

    You are not a horrible gardener believe me I have felt about tilling the garden under this year and just giving up. If not give up then turn my swamp of a backyard into rice patty. Broken backbones happen and sometimes plants just decide they no longer want to go on living and give up for no reason. If not we live to fight another season.

  13. At least there are tomatoes on your tomato plant!

  14. Great meme! And you're not a horrible gardener.

  15. I love your song list. Good stuff! And your tomatoes, well I've seen worse. My plants are pretty enough but there are no tomatoes on them so I think you're ahead on that one.

  16. I made my entry! I made my entry! I haven't posted it yet though. It's almost too simple...I don't know. I'm still thinking.

    Thanks for completing the meme! Now I know your musical roots. I used to listen to Jack Johnson all of the time. Did you ever see the SNL skit where they made fun of him...it was like, The Mellow Show or something.

    You might like Ben Harper, if you like JJ.

  17. At least you could grow a plant. I killed a cactus. A cactus. The sturdiest plant known to man (you don't even have to water it) and I killed it.

    So you should feel better! :)

  18. weezer! i knew i liked you. my entry is almost ready having a internal debate about ice cream or paletas.

  19. Grace,,,,
    I totally have to agree with you on the whole rare meat thing! Even though I love mine rare,I try not to think about it too much because it does kinda gross me out!!LOL

  20. That Weezer video is funny! I don't get to watch much tv (or you tube) anymore so I'd never seen it before. It actually made me lol. And I never say that!

  21. Hola Grace :D.

    I love Buble's velvet voice too... and my daughter has fallen in love with Jesse Mcartney (she is 12)... so we have something in common there ;-)


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