July 18, 2008

beat the heat

I want to host an event. I realize that there are always oodles of events going on, being hosted by blogs much more popular than mine, but I need a diversion and I hope you'll humor me.

First, the theme. The weather outside is frightful. Some of you have been enduring absolutely thermometer-popping temperatures, and it's getting pretty daggone hot around here, too. For obvious reasons, most of us are avoiding turning on our ovens and stove tops. So for my event, I want your very best dish, whether entree, side, beverage, or dessert, that requires no heat to prepare. I’ll bet many of you have already come up with ingenious ways to avoid using heat and have yielded some delicious concoctions.

Second, the rules and guidelines. There are none. This can be something about which you’ve already written or a brand new post. As I said, it can be any course. The only qualification is that you aren’t allowed to fire up any heating appliances. [Although they do emanate some heat, ice cream makers and microwaves (I suppose...just for you, Ann!) are acceptable.]

Third, the prize. Of course there’s a prize. I have to offer some sort of motivation for you folks. The creator of the winning dish (which I alone will choose based on deliciousness, relevance, perhaps some visual appeal, and any other random factor I deem important--it's all in fun, folks) will earn a brand-spanking-new book entitled New South Grilling. That’s right--the prize for a contest completely eschewing heat is a book completely focused on heat. I’m whimsical like that.

If you want to enter (please do, even if you’re in the southern hemisphere and in the middle of winter), send an email to asoutherngrace @ gmail . com using the subject "Beat the Heat" and containing the following information:

-your name
-the name and address of your blog
-the name of your dish and the link to the post about it
-a picture of your dish (optional, but recommended)

Also, please link this page in your post and feel free to display the lovely logo above. If you don't have a blog but would like to participate, just send me your recipe, your name, and a picture, if desired.

The challenge is officially open when this post goes up and will close at 12 pm EST on Friday, August 8th. A round-up will follow shortly thereafter.

Come, let us join together to stop the sweat stains!


  1. Oh, I am so entering Albany John into this one without him knowing it.

    I'll shoot you an email sometime before the 8th.

  2. Great idea! I turned on my oven last night and we paid the price when our apartment didn't cool down for a few hours.

  3. This is a great roundup idea! Although I'm from GA originally and moved to CT from FL I'll never enjoy the heat. Give me winter ANY day.

  4. Okay, but microwaves are allowed right?

  5. Anything that doesn't create any more heat would be OK by me right now! I'll definitely think of something. :)

  6. How fun are you and this is so appropriate since in Mayberry it is triple digits!!

    This will be great - I love NOT turning on my Oven or anything that generates more heat than is already there.


  7. Love your event! I just posted a great "Beat the Heat" recipe along with my response to the "Six Random...." meme. Still I'm sure I can come up with something else by August 8.
    Thanks for the cool challenge!

  8. Oh I'd love to join in! I sure hope I can whip something up in time. A great idea, Grace!

  9. I don't exactly have any heat to beat, but this isn't going to stop me... sounds great!

  10. My first thought was, "Oh, I'll make Rice Krispie treats!"


  11. Hey how fun. I will try to fit this one in becuase I hate sweat stains.

  12. Sounds good and I have something in mind :)

  13. Oooh! Good idea! I'll be thinking about this one. Just don't let me forget.

  14. What fun! I've all ready started thinking of possiblities.

  15. Thanks so much Grace, I'll be entering for sure. Thanks for opening this up to those of us outside the US too :)

  16. Yay! I'm so excited about this...because I just so happen to still be melting away here in Austin, TX (at least for 12 more days :D). This is an awesome idea...baking can be quite painful sometimes! Oh, and a cool prize too? Yes, definitely joining in, Grace! Look for my post in the coming days! (Cute badge too!)

  17. Hmm... what to make, what to make?

  18. Thanks for allowing microwaves. :-)

  19. What a great idea for an event. I'm sure we'll come up with something.

  20. Great idea! I will definitely be in.

  21. Sounds great! The only problem will be deciding which recipe to submit! :D

  22. Cool beans! Can't wait to scour my cookbooks to see what to cook, er make!

  23. What a funny picture and perfect event to highlight the heat! We'll have to come up with something!

  24. Oh Grace! This sounds like a perfect contest. I am so not about heat right now. :)

  25. great event grace!! count me in! now i just have to kick start my brain into action after laying dormant in this heat! no stove....ummmm.

  26. Hey Grace,
    Love a good motivator to get in the kitchen! Count me in. Oh, and from the looks of things on your blog, it's pretty darn popular! ;)

  27. Perfect timing for this unbearable weather! Hmm....I have to think about what to submit...

  28. Sounds like a winner, and absolutely no motivation needed even though we're not suffering in the heat -- thankfully. I sweat enough without it. Heh.

  29. Hola Grace! I'm so glad I found your blog :D... got the perfect recipe for your event ;-), no heat involved and pure freshness.

    A great idea and also will be a wonderful round-up to get fresh dishes for the rest of the summer!!!

  30. I'm going to try and do this one, it's been hot here this past week!
    (It's going to rain now I've said that, lol!)

  31. hmmmm....i never win anything, but i will have to try to come up with something (or did into my blog archives!) :)

  32. Count me in! I posted a recipe for watermelon granita/ watermelon rum colada at "The Garden Apartment" http://virginiafoodie.typepad.com. Thanks for the fun challenge.

  33. Count me in, I just posted a delicious potato and corn salad recipe for this one!

  34. Oh, this is right up my alley! I pride myself on keeping that stove off all summer. OK, there is that part about the gas grill and the easy clean up, but really, none of that is selfish. ;-)

  35. Just Beat the Heat Grace...posted a Mango-Nectarine salad...fun all the way. Thanks for hosting a no sweat event!

    Cheers Deeba


  36. Oh, I'm late! How could I miss this post?


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