May 1, 2008

simply irresistible

I had some time to kill (there's that savage expression again) this morning, so I busted out another test-for-the-wedding-reception recipe. I've made these puppies before and I know they're good, but I felt the need to tweak and (hopefully) improve them.

I know some might argue that the original Reese's Peanut Butter Cup can never be improved. Others, like myself, appreciate all the variations. Then there are some people who just have too much time on their hands.

Actually, the only thing these bars have in common with RPBCs is the fact that both contain peanut butter and chocolate. Eh, I suppose the taste is similar. I could've done this version and made them more authentic-looking, but time was not on my side. Maybe later. Maybe not. It depends on my degree of sloth-itude.

In bar form, this is an easy-peasy dessert to make. And eat. The heart shape is just an added bonus. Be forewarned: It's important to break through the chocolate layer before it completely hardens. When it reaches that point, it just breaks where it wants to break and a nice, picturesque heart is hard to come by.

We-Wish-We-Were-Reese's-Cups Bars
(from good ol' Recipezaar)
3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs (I used pulverized cinnamon animal crackers)
1 1/2 to 2 cups powdered sugar
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 (12 ounce) bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

Combine crumbs, sugar, and peanut butter and mix well. Blend in melted butter until well combined. Press mixture evenly into a 8 x 8" pan lined with wax paper. Melt chocolate chips and spread over peanut butter mixture. Chill until just set and cut into bars or delicate, attractive, and clearly-more-delicious-because-they're-shaped-like-hearts hearts.

(Side note: Sorry about my over-zealous dash usage in this post. I don't know what type of temporary can't-seem-to-write-one-sentence-without-a-dash madness has gotten into me.)

My surprising and hard-to-find personal favorite:


  1. MMMmmm I'm crazy for Reese's PB cups which are a little hard to find here in Australia. I love the idea of the Elvis Big Cup one with peanut butter banana cream!

  2. I also love RPBCs and your hearts are adorable and delicious-looking!

  3. I've never tried a Reese PB cup. But these look and sound great. The heart shapes are so cute!

  4. Growing up, RPBCs were easily my favorite candy--they could not be shared and they needed to be eaten slowly and deliberately so that every last square centimeter of it could be savored.

    Now these treats look fantastic! I think I would clear out your entire batch in one sitting, lol.

  5. Looks great and easy and that is perfect for a wedding catering gig.

    Have done a couple for main courses (remember me not baker) and the best advice I can give is simple simple simple. You may have time to individually touch each plate at home but with a hundred or so people all going at the same time just throw and go.

    However, one thing I have noticed is more people are focused on the desserts at a wedding than the main course.

  6. Yay! Those worked out perfectly!

  7. Yummm! Peanut Butter and chocolate are my favorite combination...and you're right, those guys do have too much time on thier hands.

  8. Ha! I love the name of the recipe! They look delicious those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups wannabees!

  9. Cute!

    If I weren't allergic to peanuts, I'd be all over these - they look good, and sound crazy-easy to make.

  10. I'm lucky I can even get hold of a reese's around here! and now damn it grace I'm having a serious craving for peanut butter cups- how dare you!

    your hearts are adorable- i think you need to send them to the uk to test their durability ;)

  11. Oooh, those sound so good! Reese's PB cups are the only way my husband will eat peanut butter (he insists it's not actually peanut butter...whatever, dude), so maybe I could win over his taste buds with these!

    If you're still looking for recipes, may I suggest the Tuxedo Brownie Cups on my blog? They're really fast and easy (I used to make them start to finish at Pampered Chef shows back in the day), very delicious and decadent, they're perfect finger foods, and they look so pretty on a tray.

  12. oh, I love these bars! They look great cut into shapes, which I never thought of doing.

  13. Those sound great and they are very adorable! They are begging to be made.

  14. Holy fracafini! Why can't we all live close to each other so we can pass these things around!

  15. Of my goodness! Those look so good. I love the heart shapes. My kids love reeces peanut butter cups and haven't made them a homemade version yet...they would love this one!

  16. We are all just crazy over Reeses in our house! Reeses pieces, peanut butter cups, we love them all. My mother makes a candy at Christmas that she calls "Buckeyes" that taste like a pb cup. Her version is a little more involved, rolling the mixture, chilling and dipping in chocolate. Cute, but who cares? We just inhale them anyway. I am going to make your version this year, and send her the recipe! Save her some time (to make more!) lol.

  17. These are too cute! And I have heard of the Elvis edition - but haven't seen them anywhere.

  18. Those peanut butter and chocolate treats sound so good! Nice heart shapes.

  19. I want one right now! Love the heart shape also.

  20. They're so very cute!!

    Where the heck do you find those Elvis cups? Those are too funny!

  21. Several on a plate will look pretty stunning. I'll bet the taste is pretty incredible too.

  22. Well I think they look much more rugged and inviting than RPBCs!

  23. I've never seen those peanut butter-banana Reese's before. I wanna try!

  24. Are you kidding me!?! I wish I were eating those, right now!

  25. I adore peanut butter cups!! And they're so good for you too. *cough*

    A question: do you use peanut butter that already has sugar in it, or do you use peanut butter that is just peanuts and salt?


    P.S. Peanut Butter and Banana Creme Big Cup?? Cinnamon animal crackers???

  26. Oh my gooodness. Oh my. I don't even know where to start. First of all, they make RPBC with banana?! Must go out and find some. Second,these sound wonderful - and they'd be a cute Valentines Day treat (wedding as well, good idea).

  27. The Reese's Elvis PB Cups are pretty hard to find now, mostly at the 99 Cent clearance store (and are probably quickly approaching their expiry).

    That photo is one I took of the King sized cups, which I think is the best ratio (the regular cups don't have enough of the banana creme).

  28. Oooh, could these look any better? We don't have PB Cups in Britain but I've seen them so much on American blogs that I already know I love them XD.

  29. Oh!! Those look so good! I love the heart shape.

    I haven't tried the Reese's Elvis cups, yet. I guess they're still making them?

  30. Thia sounds really good and I have some peanut butter that I need to get rid of!

  31. Looks great - I love the shape. Your point about cutting the chocolate before it cools is a great one. I learned that lesson the hard way!

  32. Wow, so much less crumbs, you were not kidding. I am copying this version into the document with the other version and will be sure to try it out. Oh, and, your hearts are ADORABLE and I agree you can never stop experimenting with different chocolate-peanut butter combos. :)


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