April 22, 2008

shape up or sheep out

I decided to make some cut-out cookies for two reasons. First and foremost, I needed to redeem myself after the somewhat disastrous lemon tartlets. Secondly, I just got my new cookie cutters in the mail and was really itching to try them out.

Serendipitously (yes, I said it)(and yes, it’s a real word), I began scanning my reader only to find that one of my new favorite blogs had just posted a recipe for shortbread cookies.

[Completely random tangent: The word “serendipity” always makes me think of the movie Serendipity, which makes me think of John Cusack. I love John Cusack. He’s so quick-witted and sarcastic and articulate and enjoyable. Okay, digression complete.]

The fabulous gal behind Heaven is Chocolate, Cheese, and Carbs is also doing the desserts for an upcoming event, so we’ve been comparing notes and tossing around ideas. Her cookies looked great and I decided to attempt them myself.

The only real change I made was to add a little cinnamon to the dough; I just couldn’t help myself. For shapes, I used cute little hearts and...

...sheep. Yes, sheep. You see, folks, the bride and groom are inherently and undeniably connected to sheep. They met at a sheep convention, he raises sheep on his farm, and the bride-to-be has been a sheep-lover her entire life. If I ever have a question about sheep, she’s my go-to woman.

For these reasons, I really, really wanted to incorporate sheep into one of the desserts that I’m making. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think cupcakes made with ground lamb sounds like a winning dessert. So, when I saw sheep-shaped cookie cutters on Amazon, I ordered them immediately.

To ice the ovine, I made a simple glaze out of milk and powdered sugar. [Funny story—I bought a bottle of white icing when I was in Kansas, but it got unceremoniously trashed when I went through security at the airport. ICING, for crying out loud. I still get riled up just thinking about it.] I used a black decorating gel for the eyes. Next time, I think I’ll glaze the entire sheep and then add the eye.

Good grief, I’m ridiculously excited about these!!


  1. Love and sheep?!

    They look scrumptious!

  2. Yay! I am so glad you tried them! They look beautiful. And I love your little sheep cookie! Baaa :)

    Cinnamon is a brilliant idea, I just might have to go there myself.

    Oh, and we also have John Cusack and Serendipity in common. Squee :)

  3. Love them! I can't do cut out cookies to save my life, but I love to see what others create.

    And I've loved John Cusack since the 80's!

  4. I haven't made iced cookies in awhile. The sheep are precious! Good call on the cinnamon.

  5. Love John Cusack in Serendipity! I could watch that movie over and over. Your cookies are very sweet. Yep, shortbread, so good.

  6. that sheep-cookie is adorable! what a great cookie-cutter shape to have.

  7. cupcakes and ground lamb? I am failing to see a problem with that combination. hehehehe

    p.s. the sheep made me die of laughter. Was not expecting to see that.

  8. Coincidentally I just made some shortbread yesterday ;) They are my all time favorite cookie. I appreciate that they are egg free, very light and delicate and not very sweet. They are a very "grace-full" cookie.

    I truly feel shortbread is ideal for a wedding. You can vary shortbread in any number of ways. For instance I make a:

    Lavender shortbread with lavender icing (great for a summer wedding)
    Lemon poppy seed
    Cherry almond
    Apple spice
    Cranberry white chocolate

    Similar are Mexican Wedding cakes/Russian tea cakes/melting moments which can also contain various flavors.

    I'll post my shortbread today or tomorrow and will make note of all my variations if you are interested.

    Now I'm off to get a cup of tea and a cookie (or two)!

  9. These look great! I also thought that the lemon tartlets looked fantastic. Pastry is difficult!!
    I agree with you about the Everyday Food Mag. I coudn't live without it!

  10. I would never think that they would sell sheep cookie cutters! Too cute!!

  11. I get so nerdily excited over cookie cutters! ^__^ That little sheep is just too cute.

  12. ...Incidentally, I didn't know there were such things as sheep conventions XD.

  13. Love the sheep shaped cookie cutters, I really do, so cute! And as an idea for finger desserts (you know, like finger foods!) you should check out Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy. She posted about mini filo cups recently and also mini yogourt cakes, both really cute. I'll try and think up some more things, I didn't see your post about the wedding before. :)

  14. Those cookies look good! The sheep even has a white coat.

  15. How cute are they, I just love cookies. Very nice!

  16. Your little sheep cookies are adorable! I'm always looking for cute cookie cutters like that. where do you find them?

    Also, as lyb mentioned, those little filo cups are the perfect one bite dessert. You can actually buy them preformed and baked and just fill them with whatever you like.

  17. John Cusack, yum. And I LOVE the sheep cookies! How cool. All the cookies look great.

  18. Baa baaa (k that's so lame pixie)

    i was stopped as well once for bringing contact solution! grrrr!!! grrr

    loving the sheep cookie baa baaa

  19. Everyone's commenting on the cookies [which are wonderful, by the way--it's almost lunch and you've turned me into a drooling mess]. I'd like to comment on the digression. John Cusack is amazing. I mean, Say Anything... High Fidelity... and possibly my favorite Cusack film, Gross Pointe Blank. Okay, now I want cookies and a movie for lunch.

  20. Whole sheep...they are the cutest things EVER...they look so fluffy and the perfect Spring treat!

  21. Heaven is Chocolate, Cheese, and Carbs always has good recipes. I'm glad someone else enjoys her too. I love the sheep cookies.

  22. So cute! I like the little sheep the best! I want cookie cutters now too!

  23. I love shortbread cookies! And your little sheep cookie is "baa-utiful"!

  24. Those cookies are so cute. They look really tasty.
    I've never seen Serendipity. Should I watch it? I like John Cuscack, too.

  25. So cute!

    Favorite John Cusack movie - Better Off Dead. Just watched it again last week.

  26. I haven't seen Serendipity yet. Love John Cusack though.

    These are the cutest cookies ever :)

  27. I love cookie cutters too can't get enough of them lol...That sheep-cookie is adorable!

  28. I hardly ever make cut-out cookies, but yours are so cute! I love the sheep!

  29. Love the sheep. Went crazy looking for a sheep cutter just like yours last year, and ended up using a flower (they were cute too-wish I could post a pic). Now I'm going to Amazon to find one for next spring.
    Oh...and John Cusack?? Grosse Pointe Blank is my fav! How nonchalant can you get?
    Two dollars!!!


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