March 19, 2008

a riesen to live

It's National Chocolate Caramel Day, or as I like to call it, National Day to Celebrate the Marvelousness and Superbitude that is the Riesen Chocolate Chew.

I'm obsessed with this candy. I love it so much that I actively rebelled against my orthodontist's orders and ate it whilst I was a brace-face (ah, such a proud time in a young girl's life).

Confession: The chewy little buggers pulled the brackets off my molars more than once, but I kept eating them.

Come on, it's not like orthodontia is expensive or anything...


  1. Who cares if your braces were expensive, the chocolate caramels are worth it!

  2. I was a brace face, too. I would always eat popcorn. When they would clean or move stuff around at the orthodontist, they would find old kernals. Eww....
    Too much information.

    Uh, I probably have only eaten one of these in my whole life. I guess I've been missing out?

  3. i love riesen! they are totally underrated, i'm happy someone else appreciates them!

  4. I agree, Riesen are totally under rated! I love them!

  5. I am new to reading your blog, but when I saw this post my heart stopped. Riesen's are my favorite. I am a southern girl living in Singapore and they don't sell Riesen's here. Its a sad place to live...

    Oh' I am also obssessed with cinnamon and apples.


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