February 16, 2008

two firsts (and coconut rotis)

This post marks both my first contribution to a little gathering of food-bloggers called Taste & Create and my first foray into Sri Lankan cooking.

For the unaware, Taste & Create works like this: Participants get paired up with another blogger and must peruse her (or his) blog and pick out a recipe to attempt. I signed up last month and got matched up with Kittens in the Kitchen, a gal from the UK. Although there are oodles of interesting recipes to be found in her blog, the very first recipe that I saw was the obvious winner--coconut rotis (or flatbread).

The ingredient list is short and sweet (well, not literally)--all-purpose flour, desiccated coconut (unsweetened), salt...

...and some butter for the pan. Optional additions include green chiles and onions. I had some green chiles in my cabinet, but I chose to leave them out this time. The next batch I make (and there will definitely be another batch), I'll give 'em a try. Raw onions are not a friend of mine, so if I ever decide to include them, they will be sauteed within an inch of their lives.

The method is surprisingly simple, especially after my lengthy battles with sourdough. I won't copy the recipe (you can and should see it here), but I will say that the dough was soft and very easy to work with. Pliable, if you will. It stretched right out into little disks, didn't really stick to my counter at all, and fried up beautifully. I was even able to execute a mid-air flip, which excited me to no end. In fact, I'm still giddy about it.

I know what you're thinking--"I'm glad, Southern Person, that they were sooo easy for you to make. But you're forgetting the obvious and most important question (perhaps the frigid climate has finally gotten to you...)--how did they taste?"

Folks, I'm here to tell you that I was very pleasantly surprised. I really shouldn't have doubted, since I love coconut and all breads that are flat. Coconut rotis are delicious, even by themselves, especially fresh from the pan. I suggest that you cook some up immediately!

Thanks, Kitten--I can't wait to try your other recipes, specifically those that go with delightful coconut rotis!


  1. Mmm those look perfect and sound delicious! I love coconut so I'm going to have to try these.

  2. Thank you for your comments - and I'm so glad you liked the rotis!
    My email for T&C got caught by my spam filter - thank goodness you commented on mine, or I'd have missed it completely!!
    From what I've seen, your blog looks great, I'm going to have a proper browse at lunchtime and pick my recipe :)


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