January 20, 2008

toffee is the tops!

Toffee is good. You can’t deny it, so don’t even try. That being said, is there a better way to improve a regular ol' oatmeal cookie than to toss in some toffee? I submit that there is not. Let’s see, shall we?

Here are the players, most of them familiar faces by now:

Fresh out of the gate, I hit a snag. I found my mixer, but where were the beaters? I looked in all my many drawers and cabinets, pulled out boxes of stuff I didn’t think I’d ever use, looked in my Goodwill pile…nothing. No one warned me that there was a beater thief in the area.

I panicked for a moment. How was I supposed to cream the butter and sugar without beaters? I opened my cabinet doors, hoping for inspiration, and my eyes came to rest upon the answer to this dilemma--my miniature food processor. (Thanks KASS!)

Henceforth, it shall be known as Lancelot, for it was my knight in shining armor.

Onward! With Lancelot’s help, I creamed the butter, brown sugar, and vanilla:

He did an excellent job.

I added the egg…

…and blended it in.

Wet team, done.

In a separate bowl, I combined the ingredients from the dry team…

…and stirred ‘em up:

Being sure to “leave no batter behind” (which wasn’t easy with Lancelot…he wanted to hold on to some)…

…I scraped the wet team into the dry team and mixed them together forming a lovely but boring batter:

Yes, some toffee was definitely needed. I guess you could use toffee bits (as the source of this recipe did), but I opted for chopped up hunks of Heath bar. Yum-diggity.

So, I added the toffee and stirred it in:

Much better.

I plopped tablespoon-sized mounds of the dough onto my cookie sheets…

…and stuck them in my oven, preheated to 350 degrees.

[Disclaimer: Sometimes, you're forced to lick the bowl to ensure that no batter gets left behind.]

After ten minutes...

...(rotating the pan half-way through), out they came.

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.



That’s what I thought.

Eat that, beater thief!

Toffeed-Up Oatmeal Cookies
(from Coconut & Lime)

3/4 c light brown sugar
3/4 c flour
1/2 c old fashioned rolled oats
1 c toffee ingredient of choice
4 tbsp butter, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg, at room temperature

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl or teeny food processor, cream together the butter, vanilla, and brown sugar. Add the egg, beat until fluffy. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, and oatmeal. Mix until well combined. Fold in toffee. Place tablespoon-sized blobs of dough on cookie sheets and bake for 8-10 minutes or until they look "set" and the bottoms are just golden. Carefully remove to a wire rack to cool completely.
Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Interestingly, my cookies look nothing like those made by Coconut & Lime (owner of an awesome glass!):

Perhaps I overdid it with the toffee—she only used 1/3 c.



  1. These look incredible! I love your blog (I have always secretly yearned to be a Southern girl!)

  2. I have made my choice- and will be trying my hand at these tonight!

    I have tagged you here - hope you want to play!


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